KARAOKE SCENE MAGAZINE ONLINE! - mav2100 performs Anticipation on Karaoke Showcase - While listening to JohnBaum's excellent rendition of Sunshine on my Shoulder from 1971 I thought of this song as the one that played after his subbed song every thirty minutes on my cool avacado green transistor radio with the bent antenna. I also saw a T-shirt today that said "These Are The Good Old Days"! Remember that. Things can always get worse so, live today like it's the BEST DAY of your Life! I did this one a while back and thought it would be in good company. Thanks for the nudge John!! Thank you for listening . Love yas!! Mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Pam
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.: Anticipation :.

profile of mav2100
Date Submitted:  2023-07-09 [Archive Date: 2023-10-07]
Genre:  POPular
Original Artist:  Carly Simon
Additional Info:  Disc Mfg:    Disc #:  
Description:  While listening to JohnBaum's excellent rendition of Sunshine on my Shoulder from 1971 I thought of this song as the one that played after his subbed song every thirty minutes on my cool avacado green transistor radio with the bent antenna. I also saw a T-shirt today that said "These Are The Good Old Days"! Remember that. Things can always get worse so, live today like it's the BEST DAY of your Life! I did this one a while back and thought it would be in good company. Thanks for the nudge John!! Thank you for listening . Love yas!! Mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Pam
Overall Rank:  Rank Unavailable
Total Comments:  0
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mav2100 performs Anticipation on Karaoke Showcase of Karaoke Scene Magazine Online: mav2100 performs Anticipation on Karaoke Showcase - While listening to JohnBaum's excellent rendition of Sunshine on my Shoulder from 1971 I thought of this song as the one that played after his subbed song every thirty minutes on my cool avacado green transistor radio with the bent antenna. I also saw a T-shirt today that said "These Are The Good Old Days"! Remember that. Things can always get worse so, live today like it's the BEST DAY of your Life! I did this one a while back and thought it would be in good company. Thanks for the nudge John!! Thank you for listening . Love yas!! Mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Pam
Anticipation, mav2100, Singer, singers, Karaoke Showcase, Karaoke Showcase, karaoke, Karaoke Scene, singing, songs, submissions, member, members, song, title

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