Aww, Chuck, that would be cool if you could make it.
I was
trying to twist Keith's arm into coming. But he had to go have a man fit and take off, so I seriously doubt it. Truth is (shhhh..... don't tell him I said this, cause he'll think I'm weak & girlie).... but, if he were to show up
now..... I think I'd have reason to be skeered. LOL
No, no, no Don....... Don't include Charmin. I told ya,
luck will be all that will bring me there- even to Denny's. I already explained all that, don't you remember?
Not that I'm not planning on it... I just.... dunno how things will be at that given moment. Heck, I might have to scratch Canby and make the one in Portland, and maybe even see Sharon in Tacoma at Lonman's show. We'll see when the time gets closer.