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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 6:39 am 
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lbister @ Fri Jun 30, 2006 6:16 am wrote:
I think what we have here is the makings of an all-star girl mud-wrestling tournament!  What a concept and I can't think of a better line-up of wrestlers.

I would be happy to volunteer to be in charge of washing and drying  the costumes.  Oh, wait a minute . . . according to Gilly the mud is the costume.  Oh well, too late now, I've already volunteered and I can't in all good conscience back out now.  I'll do my very best to make sure that everything is squeaky clean and nothing gets wrinkled—not that we would have to worry about wrinkles with this group.

Just let me know where and when.  I'll be there with a pail of water, a clean washcloth and a pure heart (all right, would you settle for 2 of the 3 . . . you pick).

Why is it that when you ladies get going I eventually need to have someone turn the hose on me?


That's good of you Larry to volunteer out of the kindness in your heart, your time and services for such a nobile cause. After all,  the earnings are going to charity.Most people these days would expect to be paid, but not Larry!  He just gives and gives and expects nothing in return.  What a guy!   LOL

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 6:40 am 
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Sheree @ Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:05 pm wrote:
Thank you Gilly...   :hug:  you know you are a hottest babe! I am old and luke warm!  LOL  It's not as short as your avatar... more like sky's pic...

<<--here we go.. new avatar..  :wave:

oh my god...heart be still ! rrrrrrruhhhhhhhhh !! :hug:

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 6:44 am 
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Ditto! Cute as a bug's ear. Actually even cuter than most bug's ears.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 7:08 am 
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MIKEY!!!!  :hug: G'mornin!  :D  :wave:

Thank you guys!  :D  It is quite a big deal for me after having long hair for quite a long time! Now it's the morning after and I'm like ... what the heck did I do?  :shock: Haha... but I'm glad I did it.  :yes: It was time for a change.. and that's the quickest and least expensive change to make.

Well I guess I won't have to worry about all that mud in my hair!  LOL  :dancin:

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 7:30 am 
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Sheree @ Fri Jun 30, 2006 9:08 am wrote:
MIKEY!!!!  :hug: G'mornin!  :D  :wave:

Well I guess I won't have to worry about all that mud in my hair!  LOL  :dancin:

Not as long as I'm around you won't.  

Your Phaithful Philanthropist  (here's a challenge, try to say that out loud without having to towel yourself off)

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 8:31 am 
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Wow, now this thread took a turn for the better.

*off to study the twists & turns of mud wrestling, so I can come out on top*



♥ Laugh your heart out, dance in the rain. Cherish the memories, ignore the pain. Love and learn, forget and forgive. Because you only have one life to live. ♥

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 11:59 am 
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Mud in yer hair.. well, as the neighborhood hair dresser, I will happily shampoo it out for ya sheree:)

And, i hear ya... I cut my hair off to get Justy's attention. (I did it with sky's crayola kids scissors, too:)... then, I went to bed, and woke up.. saw myself int he mirror.. and FREAKED.

Justy was highly unimpressed too.

I used to have long THICK CURLY (super curly) hair.... now.. well, it is a lot shorter than it is in that pic of me there.. I keep planning to grow it back, but the growing out stage starts to look bad, so I cut it again:)

Charmin... if ya want to ... "come" out on "'Top", that is always cool with me:)

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:51 pm 
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Gilly @ Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:31 pm wrote:
I have AIM.

Well, ichat, but SAME thing:)

Woohoo, another Mac person. Which Mac do you have?


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 1:08 pm 
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I have an old imac (the original)

- an emac

- an ibook

-a brand new imac (the one RIGHT before they switched to intel, with the isight and remote control, etc (btw, i LOVE having  a remote for my imac, i have a cord that hooks it to the tv, and i watch movies on it, (the tv) useing the imac as a dvd player .. blah blah blah, etc)

and a couple older laptops, and, when i say old.. i mean OLD:)

And a couple ipods:) if they count? I use one for music, and the other as a portable harddrive.

I switched to macs when I was 17, (my now hubby ONLY ever used them, with a father who is a graphic designer), mind you, as a music and art student, that section of school ONLY had macs, so it was an easy switch.

Now, using a pc is almost painful... although pc people LOVE to bash macs... mind you, THEY are the ones switching to macs, and NOT the other way around.. they can lick me:) I am not your typical computer user. As a geek... I actually know how to make my computer work for ME, and not the other way around. hehe. (ok, to be honest, i use it to watch pron, but oh well)

Nice ta meet ya.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 1:25 pm 
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Gilly @ Fri Jun 30, 2006 1:08 pm wrote:

I have an old imac (the original)

- an emac

- an ibook

-a brand new imac (the one RIGHT before they switched to intel, with the isight and remote control, etc (btw, i LOVE having  a remote for my imac, i have a cord that hooks it to the tv, and i watch movies on it, (the tv) useing the imac as a dvd player .. blah blah blah, etc)

and a couple older laptops, and, when i say old.. i mean OLD:)

And a couple ipods:) if they count? I use one for music, and the other as a portable harddrive.

I switched to macs when I was 17, (my now hubby ONLY ever used them, with a father who is a graphic designer), mind you, as a music and art student, that section of school ONLY had macs, so it was an easy switch.

Now, using a pc is almost painful... although pc people LOVE to bash macs... mind you, THEY are the ones switching to macs, and NOT the other way around.. they can lick me:) I am not your typical computer user. As a geek... I actually know how to make my computer work for ME, and not the other way around. hehe. (ok, to be honest, i use it to watch pron, but oh well)

Nice ta meet ya.

Nice to meet you too. I am a hybrid, use both Windows and Mac but a true Macfan at heart. I started with Mac 128k when it came out. I thought it was the coolest thing around. I used Apple II before that. I upgraded to 512k then to plus. After that was Mac Quadra 900. From there to G3 tower then to G4 tower. I went to the 15" iMac with swivel screen. I thought that was cool. Now I have G5 20" iMac. I wish I waited a couple of month and gotten Intel iMac but so far I am happy with it. I still have my G4 tower, passed the 15" iMac to my sister.

I still have way too many computers. I have 3 Wintel laptops, including one from work and one for my DJ/KJ use. I have my G4 tower, 20" iMac. Two Wintel machines and building a 3U rackmount PC for my DJ/KJ main computer.

I build my own PCs and add stuff to my Macs. My iMac has an 7 port USB hub and I have it filled with printers, iPod, etc. I need another hub. I also have 30GB 3G iPod and 4G IPod Nano. Yes, I am a geek. But it's not hard to be a geek in Silicon Valley.


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 1:28 pm 
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All I can say is send pictures. Lot of pictures......


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 3:10 pm 
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Lol, Actually, my husband has a couple "macintosh" 128's,   Around.... still working:)  And a couple mac pluses. And old luggable, that my daughter finds amusing.  A few mac II's, and the ole powerbook, 100's.  My daughter likes em for playing pong, and parachute:) Lol, and that little game with the guy falling in the haystack.... Anyways, it is what she learned to type on. BUuuuttt with teh all-in- ones, I always planned to do something... odd with them:) You know.. like, stick a tiny tv inside, and just keep the box for decoration,  or have ya seen people make them into fish tanks? Lol, anyways, I can't get rid of them:)

Basically I have about 10-15 older macs kicking around back home that aren't good for much, except memories:) plus, they cost SOooo much back in their day, it is painful to get rid of them. I have a pic kicking around, of my parents backroom, where we threw everything when we moved from NS... basically it is a huge PILE of electronics and computers.  (My husband is an avionics engineer... and has this... obsession with .. "stuff".... for example... he is currently playing with a freaking air speed indicator, and trying to convince me that it would be great on my echo. No. I don't think so).

My daughter DOES use the old bondi blue imac daily, to play little preschool games.

Anyways, i am babbling.

We considered the whole intel thing, but we decided to wait, and stick with the regular imac for our newest computer (my ibook is pretty new... right before the macbook came out), but, we need a newer laptop anyways, and we figured that could be our introduction to the intel based line:)

Ok, i am done babbling.

My husband is the computer geek... well, he USED to be... he can't find his way around os x to save his life:) Give him classic, and he is fine:)  

See ya:)

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