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Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 10:59 pm |
Joined: Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:43 pm Posts: 6784 Location: Fort Collins Colorado USA Been Liked: 5 times
Now that they have saved evrybody from seconand hand smoke in the bars and everywhere the AMA wants to put a penney tax on the sugar soft dinks to to establish an ad campagn to harrass all the fat people. I can see the next step if you do not meet wight requirements you are not allowed in Buger King.
And you all wonder why I come unglued when you want to bow down to the corrupt corps and spout ,legal requirements , ..
The social engineers have all but closed the small bars It is obviuos they have sold out to big money interests The anti smoking exemps the casinos in co I never going thought id see the day that colorodo would be as corupt as new jersey but it is here now.
When are you to stand up and say enough is enough
My grandfather and his fathers before him give me a foundation They established my mores and the laws of our Gods I do not need your intrerpetation or the governments idea how i should live or how I should think It goes against the very grain of what this country was founded upon.
I took an oath in 1960 to defend the constitution of this country . It is hard to honor when the citezens dont have enough balls to stand up for what they believe in and the (@$%&#!) political bullshit which is going on right now is a total disgrace to this country.
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 11:11 pm |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
I don't understand why smaller business smokers haven't gotten something together in hopes of repealing the Indoor clean-air act.. If it was the NRA that someone was trying to lean into, they'd be fighting quite hard... One would think that there are enough smokers that'd want to ban together and tell the gov't, "you love to tax these things, you encourage the sales of them, and now you are telling me people can't smoke in my small bar all 6 regulars that meet there love to smoke in ? I just don't understand why smokers and small businessmen alike, aren't fighting this..
I don't drink or smoke, don't do much. Take away my soda, and sugar, and I won't have to worry about danger's of Obesity killing me, I'll die of boredom instead.
_________________ Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".
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Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 8:04 am |
Joined: Sat Jun 03, 2006 7:35 am Posts: 4179 Location: Grand Prairie, TX Been Liked: 3 times
It will take lobbying to change this. Smokers have been backed into a corner and many of us have been convinced that we are second class citizens just because we smoke.
Many times these are passed without going before us for a vote. This sucks.
All the to do that the public is raising about obesity is all wrong. There has been a study done recently (I will try to find it if I can), that shows lab rats becoming obese on what the government recomends for a balanced diet. I actually have an opinion that the food we eat is not safe at all. Soft drinks are the worst right now with 3 sources of MSG. Yes I said MSG is in our soft drinks 3 different ways. I can explain at another time. Our own government is making us fat IMHO.
There are a lot of chronic diseases these days that I believe didn't even exist or not near the levels that they exist today, previous to 1945. In '45 our government discovered the way to make food taste better from the Japanese food rations. They noticed that the RATs served to the Japanese military tasted much better than the food served to our service men.
My oath to the government ended when they gave me the DD-214 that said my RE code was 1. Meaning I could have re-enlisted had I been so inclined. The only thing I still have to do because of ny oath is not sue the government for anything that happened to me during active duty. Unfortunately much of it did happen on active duty, but whatcha' gonna' do. There's nothing I can do.
Much of the public is not affected in a noticeable way by the ingredients added to sub-quality food to make it taste palletable. That part of the public is a big pain in the (@$%&#!) to the rest of us.
China and Japan are quickly decreasing the amount of the food additive "flavor enhancer" because of the noticeable and sharp incline of certain diseases that happened after the introduction of said flavor enhancers.
They "think" that it doesn't cross the bllod-brain barrier. I don't agree. It will cross through the hypothalamus ehich controls a lot of the voluntary and involuntary actions the body makes. It also controls mood by adjusting the levels of neurotransmitters. This might help explain the need for the drugs these days to help the body control these neurotransmitters which it was able to do quite well enough for most of us prior to 1945.
If the human race as a whole, in the past, suffered the anxiety and deprssion that we do today, I believe that we would have gone extinct or never even have existed.
I will look to see the supporting documentation for these arguements. I will honor requests for particulars.
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Texas Gigi
Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 8:15 am |
Joined: Sun Jun 04, 2006 5:45 am Posts: 544 Location: Dallas/Fort Worth Been Liked: 0 time
two points to make, unrelated to each other but both related to the topic.
1. my supervisor and one of the senior techs are both smokers. (well, ok i am too, now, but...) they frequently take smoke breaks together. consequently, the senior tech has the unidivided attention of the supervisor. a lot of decisions are made for the whole group that way. it is interesting point that if smoking were allowed in the office perhaps my supervisor would get more and better input from his entire group.
2. there is already a prejudice against obesity in the workplace. studies (which i am not even gonna try to find...boring!) have shown that more attractive people are the most likey to get promoted. i'm screwed, a fat middle-aged chick ain't going nowhere in my company.
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 8:28 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
Quote: 2. there is already a prejudice against obesity in the workplace. studies (which i am not even gonna try to find...boring!) have shown that more attractive people are the most likey to get promoted. i'm screwed, a fat middle-aged chick ain't going nowhere in my company.
OF course, look at our media, look at hollywood, look at soap opera's, advertising etc.. Strong, attractive, young, wealthy, are what people are conditioned to be attracted to... This is how we grew up, How many obese supermodel's are there ? The book cover DOES sell in the United States... Despite what people pay lip-service to, we ARE a superficial culture... People BUY the display !
LIfe is for the young, and strong..... Old, obese, frail, and conventionally unattractive in the Unites States translates to less love, and desireability for MANY.
Why would the news show violence, tragedy, and general hell here on earth if people didn't like watching blood, gore, others getting hurt, unfortuneate events that happen to people and things.... have a general awed fascination (rubber necking type behaviour)...get into other's drama...etc.. I HATE that stuff, and refuse to turn it on, or support it... While most watch the new's, and show's such as ER, and other stupid programs... I'm online... I won't watch TV.... Except for AI recently, the set NEVER goes on...
This is why..I don't want to absorb the worlds problems... Is it any wonder why many in our nation are depressed ? Watch TV on any major network for 1/2 day. Why aren't people watching the nicer cable channels instead ? Why do they support crap programming ?
_________________ Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".
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Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 8:30 am |
Joined: Sat Jun 03, 2006 7:35 am Posts: 4179 Location: Grand Prairie, TX Been Liked: 3 times
Steven Kaplan @ Sat Jun 24, 2006 10:28 am wrote: Quote: 2. there is already a prejudice against obesity in the workplace. studies (which i am not even gonna try to find...boring!) have shown that more attractive people are the most likey to get promoted. i'm screwed, a fat middle-aged chick ain't going nowhere in my company. OF course, look at our media, look at hollywood, look at soap opera's, advertising etc.. Strong, attractive, young, wealthy, are what people are conditioned to be attracted to... This is how we grew up, How many obese supermodel's are there ? The book cover DOES sell in the United States... Despite what people pay lip-service to, we ARE a superficial culture... People BUY the display ! In MY OPINION... LIfe is for the young, and strong..... Old, obese, frail, and conventionally unattractive in the Unites States translates to less love, and desireability for MANY ...and rather than allowing them to find their worth also ignoring the wisdom of age, it was decided to lock them up.
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 8:37 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
lock them up, throw them away, yep.... If it's inconvenient, and not pretty... throw it away !
That's the lack of values MANY have.. Don't give it or donate the item, throw the 32 inch perfect color TV out.... throw out the nice shirt you only wore once (designer)...throw it out if you haven't used it in three years, chances are you won't miss it.... We grew up in a throw away society, and we don't know when to stop... Throw out the parents that are old and infirm... they are nipples on society, HORRIBLE..
and in the process of throwing out value systems, and family.... We throw out our head..... make stupid assumptions... and forget that even a country that was a superpower is vulnerable if it's people live with their heads up their @#(es
_________________ Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 8:39 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
You wouldn't believe what I've found in dumpster's up here...you really wouldn't.. I shouldn't complain, rather than buy a DVD player and DVD's, all I need too do is walk by a brick enclosure outside, and look in a number of boxes when someone is moving, or just broke up with someone... or got in a fight with a relative.... Perfect working turntables, VCR's, Televisions, JBL speakers NO rips or crossover probs... Bozak speakers, Oil paintings with very nice wooden frames. Ralph Lauren shirts, Hilfiger sweaters,,, Some look as though they were never worn, glass coffee tables in pristine shape, solid mahogany bookshelves without a nick.... Stereo cabs solid wood perfect condition... Tube audio equipment... the list goes on and on.... I'm looking for an RSQ three tray Karaoke player these days....
_________________ Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".
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Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 8:41 am |
Joined: Sat Jun 03, 2006 7:35 am Posts: 4179 Location: Grand Prairie, TX Been Liked: 3 times
When I cut MSG out of my diet, my blood pressure dropped in a matter of days. I went off of the statins that were being used to control my cholesterol level as well.
I even lost 35 pounds of weight that my body didn't like to support. This took about 3 to 4 weeks. I was not trying to lose weight. I was just trying to avoid another trip to the ER. I still smoke and all of the things that were attributed to smoking are even worse because of processed foods. Not the fact that they are processed but what is added in the process.
You folks would be surprised (excluding Kappy) if you only knew what I know. There is a lot of research being done on this in other countries.
This country loves to point fingers and assign blame. It is done with so much haste that the finger is often 180 degrees out of phase. I mean that the people pointing the collective finger are often the people who are to blame themselves. Our government.
Let us be educated about what is currently being allowed to pass as laws, let us vote on them.
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 8:51 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
Chuck, I am VERY guilty of eating lousy food loaded with preservatives, drinking diet soda with phenolalanines... processed foods, I won't lie... I'm no saint when it comes to liking certain crap.... since I can't drink, and don't smoke, I binge too... My diet is likely killing me, thing is, as a kid I had a stomach and body of iron and never really understood how food affects the body.. NOw that I'm getting older, and falling apart... my mindset is the last to catch on... granted, I type this showing some awareness, but like others in MANY ways, I live in denial too, meaning, if it's legal...we (even I) fall for "It's OK".... such as #1 Alcohol... personally if alcohol is so available, if the FDA allows crap to be put in foods, if Dr's are allowed to prescribe meds for psychological (NOT PSYCHIATRIC), but passing disorders, and prescribe fad meds to fad "conditions: meds such as anticonvulscant drugs that are abused as psychotropics so often these days, give kids amphets rather than look into their home conditions that are causing distractions they hastily label "Physically hyperactive" etc... If the gov't supports alot of what's killing us... What big business wrecklessly does....IF they love taxes on ciggy sales What right do they have to mandate a small rural businessman surving alcohol, junk food, exposing people to germs, can't allow several adults to smoke at 3 AM in his bar assuming all want to, and the staff smokes too ? What right do they have to play both sides of the coin ?
How much do they really care ? How many are getting sent to Iraq that are no longer fit... That never were fit... What are the odd's the people will die in a country MANY don't believe we even belong in ? Just like Vietnam... What makes the gov't ALWAYS correct in what they do ? What gives them a right to do some of what they do ? Why shouldn't people have more of a decision, and vote against certain laws assuming adults over 18 use their heads, and say... Stay out;ve MY home and bedroom Uncle Sam, If I can fight for my country in a war that's the presidents personal vendetta, lose my life in a country that doesn't want us, {but is an easier target for us than say SYria, or CHina...(which also kills it's people)}.... Don;t tell me Marijuana can't be used for the side affects of chemo-therapy if I'm terminally ill... Don;t tell me what I can or can't do in my bedroom, don't tell me I can't watch pornography, don''t tell me that ciggies you love tax-money on, are so unhealthy for me... I'm not allowed to smoke them, while encouraging the sales of the substances in other backhanded ways... We as adults won't tolerate those mandating our behaviour to show such hypocritical behaviour of their own... etc
and not last or least,.. HOW in hell's name, for even a short time, did area's of AUstin Texas get away with bar-raids, locking up people for what subjectively appears to be possible drunken behaviour.. People in private institutions that aren't even driving.. while rationalizing it with "Alcohol makes people do things such as dive off've building balconies and miss the swimming pool" :shock: This is the stupid government we entrust with legislating our laws without rebuttal ?
_________________ Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".
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Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 8:59 am |
Joined: Sat Jun 03, 2006 7:35 am Posts: 4179 Location: Grand Prairie, TX Been Liked: 3 times
Steven Kaplan @ Sat Jun 24, 2006 10:51 am wrote: Chuck, I am VERY guilty of eating lousy food loaded with preservatives, drinking diet soda with phenolalanines... processed foods, I won't lie... I'm no saint when it comes to liking certain crap.... since I can't drink, and don't smoke, I binge too... My diet is likely killing me, thing is, as a kid I had a stomach and body of iron and never really understood how food affects the body.. NOw that I'm getting older, and falling apart... my mindset is the last to catch on... granted, I type this showing some awareness, but like others in MANY ways, I live in denial too, meaning, if it's legal...we (even I) fall for "It's OK".... such as #1 Alcohol... personally if alcohol is so available, if the FDA allows crap to be put in foods, if Dr's are allowed to prescribe meds for psychological (NOT PSYCHIATRIC), but passing disorders, and prescribe fad meds to fad "conditions: meds such as anticonvulscant drugs that are abused as psychotropics so often these days, give kids amphets rather than look into their home conditions that are causing distractions they hastily label "Physically hyperactive" etc... If the gov't supports alot of what's killing us... What big business wrecklessly does....IF they love taxes on ciggy sales What right do they have to mandate a small rural businessman surving alcohol, junk food, exposing people to germs, can't allow several adults to smoke at 3 AM in his bar assuming all want to, and the staff smokes too ? What right do they have to play both sides of the coin ? How much do they really care ? How many are getting sent to Iraq that are no longer fit... That never were fit... What are the odd's the people will die in a country MANY don't believe we even belong in ? Just like Vietnam... What makes the gov't ALWAYS correct in what they do ? What gives them a right to do some of what they do ? Why shouldn't people have more of a decision, and vote against certain laws assuming adults over 18 use their heads, and say... Stay out;ve MY home and bedroom Uncle Sam, If I can fight for my country in a war that's the presidents personal vendetta, lose my life in a country that doesn't want us, {but is an easier target for us than say SYria, or CHina...(which also kills it's people)}.... Don;t tell me Marijuana can't be used for the side affects of chemo-therapy if I'm terminally ill... Don;t tell me what I can or can't do in my bedroom, don't tell me I can't watch pornography, don''t tell me that ciggies you love tax-money on, are so unhealthy for me... I'm not allowed to smoke them, while encouraging the sales of the substances in other backhanded ways... We as adults won't tolerate those mandating our behaviour to show such hypocritical behaviour of their own... etc None
EDIT: SOrry OP for the way I went on a rant and off topic. I will remove my above posts if it is requested.
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 9:04 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
Oh yeah.. I guess that goes for me too LMAO
and I'm not even hungover, this is just a typical start to me day
<must be my lousy diet>
_________________ Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".
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Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 9:12 am |
Joined: Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:13 pm Posts: 627 Location: TN Been Liked: 1 time
I'm going to sorta be a "devils advocate " on this one. Also want to lump several issues together. I too do not like big government taking over, however:
Seatbelts, Motor Cycle helmets, and Cigs. My insurance rates that I pay get effected by these very items. I personally believe that insurance companies should have the the right to NOT pay off for those who do not wear seatbelts, helmets, or smoke cigs.
Not saying that you shouldn't have the right to do these things,; I'm just saying that I shouldn't have to pay extra to allow you to do things that are not percentage wise safe for you to do just because you want to do it.
Wanna ride without a helment, fine just sign a release that let's the govt AND the tax payers not have to absorb your "freedom." I want my "freedom." But I don't think MY freedom should burden someone else because I do something that not wise.
With obesity, that's a touchy issue. Yes, some of it can be prevented; some of it is medically indured; and yes the govt has allowed to much in food that is probably not good for us.
The helmet thing I guess really got my mind in this issue. I knew a gentleman once who felt it was his right to ride without a helmet. Well sure enough, he had a wreck; had no insurance; became a vegtable; and the state and federal government paid to keep him alive for 15 more years. And that was at yours and my expense.
Just my 2 cents.
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 9:20 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
I'm not disagreeing with you at all actually. If second-hand smoke is known to be a danger, I fully concur that places allowing it should post "Smoking allowed here", or "We don't allow smoking in our establishment", let people individually decide for themselves, SIMILARLY be held entirely responsible AS ADULTS in a free nation, for their behaviour, and ramifications thereof. Certainly people must have a right to not accept such behaviour as well, however let the adults decide for themselves if the consequences are worth it for them... Really that's all I'm trying to say. Give people the knowledge to decide for themselves as responsible adults, educate, don't mandate...
Now in cases such as DUI, granted, that's different. I've always been one to feel alcohol is a VERY dangerous hypnotic/depressant. Yet I'm not saying it should be made illegal, I concur that drinking and driving is VERY dangerous ! Yet also feel drinking and carrying a handgun is also very dangerous..
_________________ Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 9:28 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
 I type emphatically, but I don't get emotional about this type thing anymore..
Anyone is free to disagree me, or tell me where to go, how dangerous nicotiene is, etc... I don't take this personally, or to heart anymore, just a discussion for me..
I just don't like excessive gov't control
I guess what I've always felt is that between black and white, there's reality, or grey.. Compromise...
_________________ Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 9:43 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
Kelly, Last I recall a driver's license, (which includes motorcycle license) is a priviledge, not a "right"... If a person agree's and signs to wear a helmet when riding a bike (and I don't know how this is phrased in law, or DMV speak), if there's a medically sound reason for it, (otherwise the act is obviously dangerous, and putting ones life at unneccesary risk), if not wearing a helmet when having to ride DEFENSIVELY as most bikers must these days, causes unnecessary risk and problems for others because of what's shown to be reckless behaviour when factually the head is as fragile as an eggshell, and even when riding a bicycle can crack open... I think certain behaviour can be exempted from allowable, yet of course this get's "iffy"... and I don't have knowledge about motorcycle laws, or people feeling that when traveling at a certain speed air pulls and lifts, and resistence as well as factual visibility aspects regarding helmets... I have no knowledge of this... Yet when you're in an airplane you must fasten your seatbelt when taking off and landing (at least last I recall), so if on public roads it's an obvious safety issue, perhaps optional isn't the way to go... Thing is, EVERYONE MUST share the highways, and main roads, NOT everyone must go to bars and restaurants... Some motorcyclists, and drivers alike DO create what's comparable to a nuisance situation by not adhering to certain rules, and road etiquette tacit rules... We know that there are times for the safety of others... Some things are blatantly wrong.... If a person carries a gun, and each time he reaches for his wallet a hairpin trigger goes off and shoots a hole someplace, naturally the person's "right to carry" should be reconsidered... I never really looked into helmet laws, whether they should or shouldn't be compulsory, because I know for me, having the facts, and knowing that just taking a mountain bike, or road bicycle on a main road get's scary given the "bernouli affect", and how the head can crack just falling over on blacktop...It's stupid and wrong to not wear a helmet when just on a bicycle...
Additionally, there is a helmet law for kids in my area.. on bicycles...I sold bikes so I have a knowledge of what happens, I've heard EMT calls, so like you, I know the dangers....
_________________ Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".
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Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 9:54 am |
Joined: Sat Jun 03, 2006 7:35 am Posts: 4179 Location: Grand Prairie, TX Been Liked: 3 times
I agree with all that has been said.
I am emotional atill about some of the issues here but it's only one sided for me. I'm emotional enough to have a stance, or maybe a little extra. I am not opposed to any disagreement though. This is something that many of us still believe in, the right to disagree.
If anyone disagrees with me, tell me. I want to hear how and why. I will always consider what is being said to me, whether I like it or not.
We are all responsible for ourselves and should be aloud to take responsibility.
Let us be educated on issues and put them before us. Let us vote on how we should be able to live our own lives. Let us discuss and discover together. Many disagreements can be settled when we are aloud to work them out on our own.
If we are given the benefit of finding our own way through life we will. If we are forced to take responsibility for our own poor judgement, then, poor judgement will be reduced. IMO.
Thanks for putting this thread up karyoker. I feel the need to discuss this. I will try to stick to the topic much more than I normally do.
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 9:59 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
I agree wholeheartedly with disagreement. What I don't like is any aspect of ad hominem attack. Addressing the issue, not denigrating the person. Respectfully disagreeing realizing there're about 10 sides to every argument (discussion).. Naturally some topics just are too volatile to even discuss in internet areas... I stay away from those
_________________ Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".
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Texas Gigi
Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 10:16 am |
Joined: Sun Jun 04, 2006 5:45 am Posts: 544 Location: Dallas/Fort Worth Been Liked: 0 time
oh one hand, this is the kind of conversation i hate bacause i worry so much about people being offended. on the other hand, that is my problem, not everyone else's, and i am really enjoying the food for thought.
i find it fascinating that, as a society, we do not hold ourselves individually repsonsible for our actions, but we have the right to impose our belief system on others. people nowadays seem to look for reasons to be offended.
i remember a number of years ago they edited the bejeezus out of bugs bunny cartoons to eliminate the violence. it was bad for the children. i watched the unedited versions when i was a kid. guess what? i knew it was a cartoon...a fantasy. if parents haven't taught their kids that, then it should not be the place of the government to step in and regulate what the kids watch. didn't they used to call it slapstick, and wasn't that when real people did mean thing to each other (btw i am not a fan of the three stooges for that very reason)?
i take responsibility for my obesity problem. i know it has a detrimental effect on my life. but if mcdonald's wants to use beef lard in their fries, go for it! it is not an additive like so many foods that chuck has real problems with. don't use canola oil with some unpronounceable name for msg (or other substance) to make it taste like beef lard. okay, i am trying to make two pointsin one paragraph. what i am saying is i need to avoid mcdonald's fries. i do not need someone stepping in and altering the food so the fat lady can have her french fries and poison her system in the process.
okay i feel better. i too will delete this if you would like. boy, are we an opinionated group, or what? i love it!
are the same kids that watched these homogenized cartoons the ones that spend all day and all night playing soldier of fortune and stuff?
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Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 10:22 am |
Joined: Sat Jun 03, 2006 7:35 am Posts: 4179 Location: Grand Prairie, TX Been Liked: 3 times
Texas Gigi @ Sat Jun 24, 2006 12:16 pm wrote: oh one hand, this is the kind of conversation i hate bacause i worry so much about people being offended. on the other hand, that is my problem, not everyone else's, and i am really enjoying the food for thought.
i find it fascinating that, as a society, we do not hold ourselves individually repsonsible for our actions, but we have the right to impose our belief system on others. people nowadays seem to look for reasons to be offended.
i remember a number of years ago they edited the bejeezus out of bugs bunny cartoons to eliminate the violence. it was bad for the children. i watched the unedited versions when i was a kid. guess what? i knew it was a cartoon...a fantasy. if parents haven't taught their kids that, then it should not be the place of the government to step in and regulate what the kids watch. didn't they used to call it slapstick, and wasn't that when real people did mean thing to each other (btw i am not a fan of the three stooges for that very reason)?
i take responsibility for my obesity problem. i know it has a detrimental effect on my life. but if mcdonald's wants to use beef lard in their fries, go for it! it is not an additive like so many foods that chuck has real problems with. don't use canola oil with some unpronounceable name for msg (or other substance) to make it taste like beef lard. okay, i am trying to make two pointsin one paragraph. what i am saying is i need to avoid mcdonald's fries. i do not need someone stepping in and altering the food so the fat lady can have her french fries and poison her system in the process.
okay i feel better. i too will delete this if you would like. boy, are we an opinionated group, or what? i love it!
are the same kids that watched these homogenized cartoons the ones that spend all day and all night playing soldier of fortune and stuff? This one of the reasons I fell in love with her. She uses her head and takes responsibility.
She is awesome.
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