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 Post subject: Wheres the beef?
PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 7:22 pm 
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One spring after wintering thru 2 Wyoming antelopes and one colorado deer my wife started cooking some store bought ground beef.. What is that god awful smell?

Is there anybody on this forum besides me that knows how to butcher any animal and put it in the freezer? This includes wild game and domestic What is the percentage of of people that know how to live with the people that want to tell verybody else how to live. Is there anybody here that knows how to butcher a hog or beef and due to their super sensitive nature tell us we cant live a normal life. Are there any body else here with rural background here that knows what life is ab0ut?


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 Post subject: Re: Wheres the beef?
PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 7:27 pm 
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Not sure.   Did I ever mention I have a mouse ?

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 Post subject: Re: Wheres the beef?
PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 7:29 pm 
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That's an interesting question...I can't do the animal thing..I sure will eat it though...However what I do do is grow veggies and do good old fashioned canning.  Jams, jelies, pickles, stewed tomatoes..you name it I have probably put it in a jar...Nothing is better than hearing that ping so that you know it was sealed properly!!!! Lots of stuff every year...This too is a dying art that most of my friends think I am crazy for doing...But I love it, it relaxes me...Been doing it since I was a little girl...Sitting around with my grandma shellin' peas and getting the jars ready for her....

Yeah, I think that if a lot of people had to grow or hunt for their food they would probably just die...Most these days really don't have a clue....

Added:  As far as the recipes.. I do have a cookbook that is very old.  When I looked up how to prepare chicken it tells you to go out and catch a chicken as the first step..Then for the second step it tells you to ring it's neck...It goes on from there....LOL..That's my favorite part of the book....  It also has rcipes that people do not make anymore...such as Oregano Jelly!!!

Will sing or fish for food!!I'm not quite right!!

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 Post subject: Re: Wheres the beef?
PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 7:33 pm 
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Sure do, though as much as I like animals, it's always been tough. My dad always butchered our own cows, hogs, chickens, rabbits, lots of squirrels we'd catch, and pheasants. (Mmmm...... I LOVE fried pheasant, if it's spiced up right) He always made us watch, and often help. (I think..... he didn't want us girls to keep trying to "make pets" out of our animals, cause they were for food, so teaching us was a good idea I guess) And I was practically raised on venison. My dad is from the south, and tends to make everything a bit too spicey (which is how I like it too).... and he makes THE best Venison chili you've ever tasted. Seems we always had some kind of deer hanging in a tree in the backyard, lol.  We had a freezer rental at the local store in the little town I grew up in, and it was always chock full of meat dad butchered at our home.

I have not helped skin anything in years though...... besides, haha, cleaning my own fish when I catch them.

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 Post subject: Re: Wheres the beef?
PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 7:36 pm 
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Man oh man, wish I could help you out. I love wild game and bird. And I agree about the store bought ground beef, to me it actually has an offensive smell to it. All of it smells rotted to me.
If no one can help you here, I guess the internet is the best place to look.
Hell I even found some recipes for Long Pig. If you live in a mountainous region, you may want to check them out. I mean the Donner party knew how to throwdown when the winters got tough. Survival of the fittest. (and yes it's just a joke)


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 Post subject: Re: Wheres the beef?
PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 7:36 pm 
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Only thing I recall about old fashioned Can's is how to replace the flapper tank ball.

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 Post subject: Re: Wheres the beef?
PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 7:41 pm 
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If you have a specific old recipe in mind I wouln't mind looking in my really old cook book to see what I can find for you.  I could always scan and e-mail to you.

Will sing or fish for food!!I'm not quite right!!

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 Post subject: Re: Wheres the beef?
PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 7:50 pm 
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Isis @ Wed Jun 21, 2006 9:41 pm wrote:
If you have a specific old recipe in mind I wouln't mind looking in my really old cook book to see what I can find for you.  I could always scan and e-mail to you.
My aunt anitta had it down. She would have us boys catch the chicken, then she would jam it head down in a big funnel she had nailed to a fence post...As soon as the chicken poked it's head out of the end of the funnel she would chop it off then hold the chicken in the funnel till it bled out....The dogs sure liked the action. They would wait till the chick was beheaded and then lick up the blood.

I always thought it was more fun to see the chick flopping around after you wrung it's neck, but she claimed it got too dirty that way.

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 Post subject: Re: Wheres the beef?
PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 7:55 pm 
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Keith02 @ Wed Jun 21, 2006 7:50 pm wrote:
Isis @ Wed Jun 21, 2006 9:41 pm wrote:
If you have a specific old recipe in mind I wouln't mind looking in my really old cook book to see what I can find for you.  I could always scan and e-mail to you.
My aunt anitta had it down. She would have us boys catch the chicken, then she would jam it head down in a big funnel she had nailed to a fence post...As soon as the chicken poked it's head out of the end of the funnel she would chop it off then hold the chicken in the funnel till it bled out....The dogs sure liked the action. They would wait till the chick was beheaded and then lick up the blood.

I always thought it was more fun to see the chick flopping around after you wrung it's neck, but she claimed it got too dirty that way.

The first time I saw dad butcher a hog...... I cried. (shutyap, I was very little then, and not quite so toughened up yet, haha) But, he called them up to the slop trench to feed them, and simply hit the one in the head *kawack* with the flat side of the splitting maul. ( :shock: ...???) I had nightmares for a while, and felt guilty for just watching it and not warning the hog. (haha, like I could have anyhow)

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 Post subject: Re: Wheres the beef?
PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 11:01 pm 
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I have eaten or at least try eating a hell lot of wild animal. Among them, OrangUtan, gibbon, a few sps of leaf monkey the macaques,  2 sps of porcupine, 5 sps of deer, wild pig, squirrels, bats, snakes, at least 10 sps of birds, including hornbills, pheasants,  ants, hoppers, bugs, sago worm and a many more. This was in the just part of my job. I do not kill animal esp wild animal for food or games. Those that I tried was either offered to me by the local people, normaly already cooked.
the worst experience was having to eat rotten meat and fish, Man that was bad.

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 Post subject: Re: Wheres the beef?
PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 6:40 am 
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As an old farm boy I'm somewhat embarrassed that I can no longer fend for myself.  We always took the cattle and hogs to town to have them butchered but game we dressed and cleaned ourselves.  It's been so long I woudn't know when to start or what to do once I got started.

I guess Hank Williams Jr.'s song "Country Folks Will Survive" doesn't apply to me.  I do have several friends who not only can do those things but do it regularly.  

If the ground beef doesn't smell right to you it's probably not as fresh as it should be.  While it may have been ground fresh the meat it was ground from could have been old.  The other issue could be the content of the ground beef.  That's a product that is made up of a lot of things—trim from creating other cuts of meat.  If the butcher is cutting a substandard grade of beef, the hamburger is going to be substandard too.

One of the facts of life about living in town is that these days all of the best meat goes to restaurants.  They are less price senstitive than the average housewife.  That's why it's not uncommon for super markets to sell dairy cow meat labeled "beef".  It's true, it is beef. But preferred beef comes from animals that were raised for that purpose and who were feed diets consistent with producing a good product.  Dairy animals get a different diet; one that is designed to facilitate the production of milk.

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 Post subject: Re: Wheres the beef?
PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:28 am 
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If something were to happen today forcing me to live in the wild, I would be a very hungry man for a while. If I could find some wild game I would have to use traps to catch them. Once they've been caught, if they've been caught, then I could do some really good stuff with the meat.

The hardest part would be learning to live without karaoke. When my ancestors came to Texas they plaid whatever instruments they could get cheap but they did have the benefit of eating well. General Santa Anna (AKA General Santana) Gave them a fair amount of land to farm and raise livestock.

I could only hope that phatrat and isis were with us because isis can catch fish faster than she can bait the hook.

I haven't had venison in years and never had the chance to have venison chili.

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 Post subject: Re: Wheres the beef?
PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 9:34 am 
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I know how to drive to McDonalds. Does that count??

Why do we need to know how to properly butcher animals again?? I'm not planning to move to northern Canada anytime soon...

I live at the beach and know how to clean fish, so assuming there is a nuclear holocost and only the KS forum peeps make it out alive (along with all animals), I think I could survive on Gulf Grouper....a

I also think that although there may be a proper way to butcher a cow, in the event that some dolt (like me) was exploring the post-apocolyptic plains of Florida and hadn't eaten in a few days and came across a cow, I'm pretty sure I could wack it over the head with a rock, carve out some of the red meat, and grill it up rotisserie style over an open flame just like the ancient Burger Kings used to do it.

C Mc

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 Post subject: Re: Wheres the beef?
PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 9:41 am 
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Ocean fish aren't all that safe anymore. If they were I could survive on them for quite some time in a bad situation such as anything but a Holocaust.

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 Post subject: Re: Wheres the beef?
PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 2:27 pm 
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I learned survival skills form my 2nd and 3rd/present wife.....My first wife was an excellent cook, but these two refuse to try....I've heard that my first wife now 'refuses' to cook for a 'man'....That's too bad, cause that's all she was good for. LMAO

...anyway, if ever the world comes to and end, I'll be able to get by ok....and that's when i plan to get even with a few of the women in my life....I'll kick back and suck juicy flame cooked meat off a bone and tell them how good they look now that they are on a starvation diet LMAO

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 Post subject: Re: Wheres the beef?
PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 2:48 pm 
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Aspires to Mediocrity @ Thu Jun 22, 2006 9:28 am wrote:

I could only hope that phatrat and isis were with us because isis can catch fish faster than she can bait the hook.

I haven't had venison in years and never had the chance to have venison chili.

Yes, that is why my Indian name is Two Poles!!!!  And phatrat is my assistant, he baits em while I am takin off the hook and throwing back in the water.  Don't get me wrong, I am not afraid to bait my own hooks, I just catch more that way...

Will sing or fish for food!!I'm not quite right!!

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 Post subject: Re: Wheres the beef?
PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 2:55 pm 
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Isis @ Thu Jun 22, 2006 4:48 pm wrote:
Aspires to Mediocrity @ Thu Jun 22, 2006 9:28 am wrote:

I could only hope that phatrat and isis were with us because isis can catch fish faster than she can bait the hook.

I haven't had venison in years and never had the chance to have venison chili.

Yes, that is why my Indian name is Two Poles!!!!  And phatrat is my assistant, he baits em while I am takin off the hook and throwing back in the water.  Don't get me wrong, I am not afraid to bait my own hooks, I just catch more that way...
Yah you do. That is a great system too, all of us fishin', once we start getting bites, you reel 'em in. Rich baits the hook, I drink my beer. All is well.

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 Post subject: Re: Wheres the beef?
PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 8:22 pm 
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my grandfather's mother taught me to crack a chicken's neck with your hand, snappin' right the **** off! The poor sucker runs around for a few seconds before it figures out it's dead!

I didn't eat Chicken that night! UGH!

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 Post subject: Re: Wheres the beef?
PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 8:34 pm 
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so shoot me. i am a city girl. or actually a product of the suburbs. i have never experienced the whole huntin-fishin-shootin' thing...well i learned how to fish and how to cast as a kid and it is not a talent that has gotten me very far in my chosen life.

i can foods, too, but nowhere NEAR as much as sharon. (odd that we have that in common--we both did it long before we met.) i can crochet, and knit (in a pinch) and sew (if i have to).

could i do it? if i had to, of course. for pleasure, no, it isn't my thing. is this a problem? not for me.

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