JosieNutter @ Sun Jun 18, 2006 4:38 pm wrote:
Sorry if this has already been answered, but I'm making backups of my karaoke discs and out of all of them, my drive would not recognize two sets-- the Supercore 2005 and 2006 collections. ~30 discs... ouch!
I'm using an NEC 6500a with the latest drivers and even installed ASPI today in an attempt to solve the problem. No go. Do I need a different drive (or hopefully, just drivers/firmware)?
Here's my Nero Info: ... foTool.txtI'm hoping to be able to start running karaoke from my laptop so I can keep my discs in good condition. I've already had to replace a few.
goto and download KjripNzip which is a free program. I know it works with nec drives. CDrwin will also give you their aspi drivers if you want to use them.
you can also try and get cdrwin as they list your drive as compatable. after that you need cdgautoname to name the files then you need MP3+GToolZ to convert it to mp3+G.