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 Post subject: Re: Request lists
PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 12:36 pm 
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At your shows does anyone out there provide either a section in the main songbooks or a separate songbook that is a listing of all the DJ/Dance/Background music songs you have on hand so that people can look thorugh it and then request favorite background songs they may like to just listen to or dance to. I started typing up just this kind of thing and will insert it in a new chapter in my song books:

"Do you wanna dance? Dont feel like singing? Then request the DJ to play your favorite song just to listen to!" WE TAKE REQUESTS!!"

Im always getting asked can you play this or than. So now I can say just look it up and give me a request slip. They can do it right at their tables or at my DJ stand. No more hunting around.

I look at it as a "Value Added" service for my custies(not JUST the singers) and an added selling point to the owners--providing something to choose from for EVERYONE in the room--non-singers included. Ive only come across one DJ/KJ that has done this. But his custies WERE USING THE REQUEST book and putting up dance requst slips. But Im going to do so for now on and in fact am typing songs in right now on EXCELL.


I think from a marketing stand point its a great idea, but what I think is being missed here is that you might be trying to please everyone with a timetable that will never allow it. How many times have you heard "i put a slip in and he/she never got to it" in most cases it was because you ran out of time. Now your opening up yourself to more people getting upset because you didnt get to their request. Also, what determines which one comes first Karaoke or Dj music? It could work if rules are put in place before implementing. Example: We are more than happy taking request for dance music if time allows we will play it.

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 Post subject: Re: Request lists
PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 4:44 pm 
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In actual practice I only get one or maybe two dance song requests ove the course of the evening. So it really adds up to no big deal.  Just a small something extra and what it does for me is that I have a well organized dance music list in my book I can refer to instead of hunting around on discs for a particular fill or dance song. And those taht ask do you have this or that--then there's a ready made list for them to look at. More of an organizational convience thing than an actual generator of song requests. Plus its a useful sales tool to show the owner that here's what I have for dance stuff. They can thumb thorugh it for themselves.

"You know that I sing the Blues and I do not suffer fools. When I'm on that silver mic, it's gonna cut ya, just like a knife"-The SWINGCAT

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 Post subject: Re: Request lists
PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 6:00 pm 
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[quote]In actual practice I only get one or maybe two dance song requests ove the course of the evening. So it really adds up to no big deal.  Just a small something extra and what it does for me is that I have a well organized dance music list in my book I can refer to instead of hunting around on discs for a particular fill or dance song. And those taht ask do you have this or that--then there's a ready made list for them to look at. More of an organizational convience thing than an actual generator of song requests. Plus its a useful sales tool to show the owner that here's what I have for dance stuff. They can thumb thorugh it for themselves.[/quote

 Samo here when you are doing a karaoke bar and running a hefty rotation. However here are some things we do then.  If its a country bar the filler playlist is country to start with.. It is sprinked with new top of the charts stuff and  old stuff  mixed in The few seconds that it plays it showcases your library.  The second rotation or if things are dull we might shift to 50's rock for awhile. Invaribly there is an old couple sitting there and I might put on some big band stuff.  Even if there is a big rotation and the energy is dead Ill put on some hot reggae and let it run for a minute or two.  

When we were converting over to cd jukeboxes they had the capabilities to program certain songs ate a certain time.  So lets say a country bar would progam in a few soul songs 15 minutes into happy hour. All of a sudden there were half  dozen people putting dollars in the jukebox.... Get the idea?
So after awhile everybody realizes what your capabilities are and starts asking prices for private parties.  This time of year I dont have regular bar gigs but I have outside gigs that might run from 3 in the afternoon until 3 in the morning Thats when all the rules are thrown out There are many people at the computer including kids running the show and having a ball. If you are close to northern colorado the first of July let me know that is the night of our all night farm party. Once in awhile I might have to go over and readjust the sound..I guess this might be why we have started doing karaoke around here different even in the bars. We just go with the flow and if the suns comin up somebody make some coffee and see if we got any eggs...

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 Post subject: Re: Request lists
PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 12:03 am 
For a strictly bar gig, that advertises karaoke, that's usually what it means.   However, if you are using the KJ/DJ request book for private parties, I say that is a very good idea.   That is the only place I use both formats.   I wouldn't even want to try using both, at a regularly advertised karaoke night.    I would be afraid of it turning it to a mostly DJ gig.    I hate to DJ by itself.

 Post subject: Re: Request lists
PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 2:21 am 
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Like I said before: on a typical night I might actually get 1-2 dance song "Requests" . Like tonight was the first tiem I tried it and a girl requested a Santana song Sambo Pati and then Micheal Jackson Bad.

So when a bunch of dancers start happening(usually a grip of drunk cuties) Ill play the one the got up to and try to do 2 more with the second one a fade out with bringing up the next singer. So it works out to be about 2 and 1/2 dance songs total--so evryone goes back to their seat nice and sweaty and hot and ready to buy the next round of drinks. This scenario might happen at most twice a night. So it really doenst turn into a "DJ" night. Ive only actually had that happen once---and it was Salsa dancers. Ive never seen so many. I actually was having to send karaoke people donw the street to the next place as it was so PACKED with salsa dancers. They started showing up at 10 and didnt stop dancing until 2am---straight thru no breaks. Bar did 4500 that night.

But the dance sets are secondary--and its more like a thing of the people getting restless and just need an excuse to move around for a few mins and then they settle back in for the rest of the night.

"You know that I sing the Blues and I do not suffer fools. When I'm on that silver mic, it's gonna cut ya, just like a knife"-The SWINGCAT

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 Post subject: Re: Request lists
PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 3:46 am 
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I would try putting dance music in a group of it's own or on a seperate request book and when someone picks one out  I'd either sing it or get one of my singers to sing it this way everyones happy..

Just a thought..

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 Post subject: Re: Request lists
PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 4:00 pm 
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that happens too---put on a dance/fill song and some comes up and starts singing it---but it only lasts until the next person gets up and the song gets turned off for the next singer

"You know that I sing the Blues and I do not suffer fools. When I'm on that silver mic, it's gonna cut ya, just like a knife"-The SWINGCAT

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 Post subject: Re: Request lists
PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 5:26 pm 
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Strictly DJing would get very boring after about an hour!  I only ever threw DJ music in if it were a private party, or graduation etc.  I enjoy watching, listening to the crowd when it is only Karaoke.  If it were only DJ music, what would you do with yourself?  Everyone would be listening, at least the ones requesting the tune, and everyone else would be kabitzing and not paying attention to anyone else.  I think strictly DJing would only benefit the ones that were selecting the songs you played.  Unless they were there to dance.  Karaoke entertains more people, and keeps the moral up in the bar.  And you have much more control over the attitudes and the moods that can arise by the end of the night.

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 Post subject: Re: Request lists
PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 11:15 pm 
Karoke only benefits the one singing that song.    I always say the singers are keeping themselves entertained, you need to keep the non singers in the bar.    But I do it with karaoke songs that if I have to, will sing to liven things up.

I had a few guys that worked for me and they use to play dance music while they tore down.    But I think they put it on auto pilot.... while they were ...a.....entertaining....;-)   in the van.   :whistle:    Gig ended at 1-1:30, never bring the van back until 3:30-4 AM.   I would be home at 2:30-3 AM.   I must have been doing something wrong.      I probably could have learned something from them.    LMAO

 Post subject: Re: Request lists
PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 6:27 pm 
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DIsagree somewhat!  There ae a lot of people out that don"t sing.  They enjoy hearing a good singer.  Yes, the singer may be entertaining themselves and their friends, but there sure are a lot of people that don't sing, that come back to hear the regulars sing.  If I were strictly DJ'ing, I might not see any of those people again.  DJing draws a completely different crowd for completely different reasons.
Older people, especially from my own experience think Karaoke is the next best thing since sliced bread.  They continually comment on how great it is to be able to watch and hear good singers.  They tell me they come back for that reason.  They know what the singers sing from week after week.  Oldies, country, soft rock etc.  Sure they aren't into head banging, but will accept what comes because they want to hear a specific person 1. 2. 3 times a night.  Usually 4 -5 people they see that are regular.  They don't spend a lot on alcohol, but they eat, and drink.  They are consistent.  If we Dj'd, we wouldn't see them at all.  If we advertise Kraoke then it should 90-99% be KARAOKE!

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 Post subject: Re: Request lists
PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 6:47 pm 
If you have 100 people in the bar and 20 singers.    They may have 30 friends or listeners.     That leaves 50 people that don't sing and maybe don't care.   You have to worry about keeping the 50 don't cares.   They are spending as much as the singers.     Those are the ones I sing to.    Usually upbeat rock songs.     Nobody came to the bar to fall asleep.    At least 25 of the 50 don't like country music.    The 25 that do, get enough country from the singers.   That's the way it is around here.     I sing for the rockers.   Also I sing rock to let everyone else know, that it's not just a country night.    Had people come up and ask if they were only aloud to sing country music.    You have two goals each night.   1.  Keep the singers happy.   2.   Keep the nonsingers happy.    You can do it without dance music.   I do it 5 nights a week, for 14 years, almost in August.

 Post subject: Re: Request lists
PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 3:09 pm 
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So much variety now a days.  At least all the country songs now are a little more up beat.  You can almost stand to listento it.  But I never would do back to back to back country.  Sometimes this is the place I will throw in a new singer.  To help break up some of the monotany.  The old country was downright sleep music.  But you couldn't not let singers sing it.  With so many younger country artists, the music has a little rock to it.  And I see more and more people dancing to it now.  They have put a nice little kick to it.
Give a customer a hot bar, no air, no service and then throw in all old slow country night, IT'S A GIVEN,  the night went out the window, along with a great crowd.

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 Post subject: Re: Request lists
PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 5:47 pm 
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I live in PDX and I've heard about this karaoke/stripper joint.  I read other people's misgivings about naked women swinging around while you sing.  I personally have no misgivings about naked women swinging around while I sing, so I'd like to check this place out.  Does anyone have the name of this undoubtedly classy joint?

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