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PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 10:56 pm 
I got a call to do a party at, I'm going to call it a convent, but it could have been something else.  A four hour gig.

I got set up and ready to start.     The room was 60x100 at least.   Me and a room full of 80-100 Nuns and about 3-4 priests, guys anyway.   It's the only time I never sang a song at any place I ever played.    The one in charge said are you ready, I said yes she said let's go.      Had a bunch of song slips.    They had some award or recognition announcements.    

About 45 min - 1 hour into the party, the leader has me announce that the barrel blew.    That's right, the beer barrel.   :shock:    I almost pooped my pants, laughing to myself.    LMAO   They were hitting the wine too.   I thought the whole thing was pretty amusing.    They all had a really good time.    They loved it and were really into the karaoke and clapping for each other.    Must have been that sisterly love thang.   ;-)    I know I'm going to H**l.     :whistle:

PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 2:21 am 
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you contributed to their sins!!! OMG!!

Funniest? Done a couple kid shows, and they're always precious. Did an unusual gig where the opening of an "Orange Julius", was supposed to be a great day, ended up raining, so I've got my speakers outside , mostly under the covering... had some plastic hanging trying to prevent moisture. Was fun, but scary. I finally told the owner I HAD to shut it down as I didn't want a safety issue going on, nor would they want my bill if something fried!

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 3:06 am 
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I did a swingers Party :) ....Boy ...what Some women would do to be up next to sing :)
            That was the only time the rotation was Totaly unpredictable...ya never knew who was gonna be up next...lol

P.S.   Guys had to wait their turn....(had to clear that up before Kappy read this)

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 5:19 am 
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I guess this was one of the funniest instances...Trey Teague, who went to TN and now plays center for the Buffalo Bills is a home town boy of the sports bar I KJ at.  A few years ago, he and Pat Hape who stills plays for Denver Broncs. (back up tight end I believe; they both were with Denver then)  Any hoo, they and their wifes came in one night, it was off season and Pat came to visit Trey to do some turkey hunting.  They came in and Pat had a very good country voice.  His wife did also.  

Through out the night a "friendly drunk" in the back of the room kept coming up and trying to sing with anyone and I would politely twirl him around and head him back in the other direction.  At that time I hadn't upgraded to wirless mics.  I had a mic stand which held two wired mics and then of course I had mine that I kept.

Towards the end of the night I got up to sing and as I started the "friendly drunk" came running up to grab the two mics.  I quickly grabbed them. So here I am trying to sing with three mics in my right hand that I am almost holding up by my ear and using my other hand to fend the fiend off.  Everyone is dying laughing.  So in the middle of battle I now realize I am in the familiar position of a quarterback holding the football near his ear and trying to use the other hand to either point or fend off an attacker.  I look to my left and I have 2 huge proffessional lineman and their wifes almost falling on the floor laughing.

Then I said into the mic, "Go ahead and laugh you two.  No wonder Elway retired!  You two don't block worth a $&1#.  Hape! Teague!  Next time he busts through I want to see his @$$ on the ground!  Do you understand me?  If you two can't handle that I'll find someone who will!"

Both of them (very red faced) jumped up laughing, "Yes sir coach!  We won't let it happen again!"

I guess it was one of those things where you had to be there.


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 9:25 am 
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The only really out of the ordinary funny night I had was when there was
a storm warning with tornados touching down every where. It was a Wed.
night and it kept people from coming out to the bars. In fact we lost power for a while. Any way, There was a birthday party the night before and the helium balloons were left behind. I only had a hand full of singers. We started inhaling helium and singing. We laughed so hard it became the norm for the rest of the night. We sang on helium for hours. Have you ever heard Bad to the Bone on helium? That was 2 years ago and we still laugh about it.

[shadow=pink][glow=deepskyblue]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[updown]~*~ MONKEY BUSINESS KARAOKE~*~ [/shadow][/updown][/glow]

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