I got a call to do a party at, I'm going to call it a convent, but it could have been something else. A four hour gig.
I got set up and ready to start. The room was 60x100 at least. Me and a room full of 80-100 Nuns and about 3-4 priests, guys anyway. It's the only time I never sang a song at any place I ever played. The one in charge said are you ready, I said yes she said let's go. Had a bunch of song slips. They had some award or recognition announcements.
About 45 min - 1 hour into the party, the leader has me announce that the barrel blew. That's right, the beer barrel.

I almost pooped my pants, laughing to myself. LMAO They were hitting the wine too. I thought the whole thing was pretty amusing. They all had a really good time. They loved it and were really into the karaoke and clapping for each other. Must have been that sisterly love thang.

I know I'm going to H**l.