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PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:10 pm 
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Shy to sing in front of a Live Audience?

Was recently reading one of the topics in this forum...."Were You Impressed"....by (ok what Now) Billy.  From the comments, I was really floored to read that there were quite a few people who admitted to being shy when singing in front of a live audience.  Have to admit, it really surprised me.  .When I listen to you guys singing on line and I read the posts you make on the songs and in the forums (most of you sound so at ease and confident).... in my mind, I imagine you all up on a stage belting them out  :)  ...... Billy, you have such a confidence in your terrific voice when you sing and what with the conversations we've had in the past...I would never have guessed you a shy person. ???     Same thing with the others who commented.  ....Recently,  I  have also spoken with other individuals who also have this same audience shyness..      

I guess I was fortunate that I was raised in a musical family, where singing in front of a bunch of people was a natural thing to do.   I think the fact that I learned to sing with real instruments as a background also helped.  We didn't have rolling lyrics on a tv screen to go by, we just learnt the song by heart.   Heck, there is nothing I like more than to perform in front of a crowd now.  I have my Dad to thank for that :)

I find it a shame that there are so many talented singers on SS that fit in this "shy" category.  WHAT CAN BE DONE TO REMEDY THIS?    

Personally, I say...Get out from behind your computers and actually sing for the people once in awhile, share your talent!!!  It's a GREAT feeling!  Start with a small audience first, maybe hold your own karaoke get together with a few friends in your home.   Sure, you get a bit nervous just before you get up to sing..that part is only natural...even famous artists feel that way.....but concentrate on the song...and the music and not who's there watching you.  Each time you go up, you will feel more at ease.  If you are a true singer who sings from the heart, you know deep down, *you really want to perform in front of an audience*.  It's the ultimate kick!  

Anyone else got any opinions regarding how to overcome this??

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:22 pm 
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Very good post!  I wish I had some good advice to give for people who are shy too.  I've played bass in bands and sang harmony vocals for a long, long time -- huge crowds at  time.  But I still don't think I could get up in front of an audience, alone, and sing a karaoke song.  To me that is a totally different deal; I'm not sure why though.  I see people do it all the time seemingly fearless, but I still don't think I could do it.  So, yeah I'd appreciate some advice too!  LOL

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:36 pm 
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Hi Odie, nice to meet you. :)  Very interesting to read you comment.  As long as you are not center stage, you don't seem to mind performing.  Have you ever tried just singing for a few people, maybe in your own home?

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 8:06 pm 
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One of my first public perfoemances was while stationed on the 6th fleet flagship med. We were having a formal party for the prime minister of Greece and other important dignitariues Now bear in mind this is totally sober...I sang dayo and turned on an entire nation. After that the butterflies grew less and less. When karaoke started I could go into a new bar and with experience totally turn on the crowd which some KJ's resented.

For a challenge I have sang songs all night that I never heard before. When I sing whether the audience claps or not when the crowd noise and people talking is at a high level I know I gave them energy. It is a feeling that is highly addictive. And when the audience gives back the same amount of energy it is a magic that does not compare to the highest of highs..

As far as shyness relax breathe and sing from the bottom of the lungs Then learn how to hit high notes bt concentrating on the top of your head The next step is in between the two and although I can do it at times I cant tell you how.... Conway Twiitty songs are good practise..

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 8:48 pm 
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for me, I'm not nervous about people HEARING me sing, I'm shy about people SEEING me sing! LOL!

At the karaoke bar I go to, there's this old fashioned phone booth at the back of the bar.... I go stand behind it when I sing (thank god for cordless mics)

another bar I went to had a stage with a CORDED mic and a freakin' spotlight! I took the mic off the stand and stood BESIDE the stage behind the monitor..... then I tripped over the fricken thing...... way to draw MORE attention to myself :roll:

I dunno why I'm like that...... I gotta get over it....

as for singin' in front of my friends at home? FORGET IT!! That's too intimate! I'd rather they be at a bar with lots of distractions and lots of booze!


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 9:13 pm 
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Crystal....I can just imagine you hiding behind that phone booth...cute...though not really a laughing matter.  You have great vocals and it's a shame you are shy to let people see you sing.   ....I would suggest that once you are on stage and the song starts, pick a object in the back center of the room to look at it when you are not looking at the monitor.  Don't look at the audience.  Let yourself get into the song, close your eyes now and then, if you want (a lot of singers do that).  Once you have accomplished singing in front of a audience without feeling too uptight, it will feel real GOOD....  Try to go up quite a few times in the same evening.   Each time you go up, the shyness will lessen, I guarantee it.   Heck...imagine the crowd naked if you have too! Depending on the crowd, that could be very amusing.  A couple of drinks don't hurt either.  :)

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:16 am 
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Crystal @ Tue Jun 06, 2006 8:48 pm wrote:
At the karaoke bar I go to, there's this old fashioned phone booth at the back of the bar.... I go stand behind it when I sing (thank god for cordless mics)

Nah, she's not shy, she's a Superwoman in real life and she needs to be near a phone booth just incase she has to change her costume. :)

Sorry about your team losing the first game and losing your starting goalie. I know he got you to finals but such a bad luck on the injury. I hope they do ok with a backup goalie.


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:27 am 
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I think the more you do something the more comfortable you get with it.
Through the years I have noticed that with a lot of people. When they
first start singing karaoke they are timid, but after doing it a lot more they come out of their shell.

When I first sang in front of people I used to shake so bad I couldn't pick up a cup of coffee after I got done. I enjoyed the adrenalin rush though. I kind of miss the days
when I would get that high from singing. Not that I don't enjoy it.

I think it helps to look at nervousness as a good thing. A high you get from singing not a scared moment. People who say they are addicted to karaoke understand this feeling and want to come back for more.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:13 am 
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I can relate to being shy when I first started karaoke.....I had to have massive amounts of booze and I would not sing from a standing position. The KJ would bring me a wireless and I would sing from my table. It took me like 3 months to get to the stage but I finally did it.

What is strange is that I had no problem getting up in front of 600 people at a business convention and giving a speach, but put me up in front of 50-100 people in a bar and make me sing.....OMG LMAO I would be shaking like a leaf. For a long time I would come back to my table and ask...how did I do? I was way to nervous to even have any inkling of how the song sounded.

Now performing for 200-400 people is no problem.  :wave:

Karaoke is amazing for building self confidence!  I've seen some of the most shy and reserved people come out of their shell and become extremely confident and very entertaining people.  :hi5:

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:34 am 
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I imagine I am probably one of THE shyest people...... when it comes to singing in front of new people for the first time.  It doesn't take me too long to loosen up however. I think, for the most part, it's just.... not having enough confidence. It always runs through my head what people (who haven't heard me before) are gonna think of my voice, and what if I mess up and they think I'm a dork... stuff like that. And like Crystal, I don't like to be looked at when I sing. I much prefer a dark setting, with a dance floor, where I'm not the only thing people have to focus on.

I too grew up in a musical family, we have always sat around playing music and singing, and sometimes for audiences. But, karaoke is different..... I don't have my dad up there, and my brothers & sisters..... it's just me..... all alone. And I'm a big ol' chicken.  I'm much more at ease I think playing live music, cause I'm not up there by myself. When I first met a member from here- SwingcatKurt- just cause I knew him from here, but have never sang live with him.... I was petrified when I first got up there. Scared to death I'd go off key, or my voice would break... or something. I know it will be the same when I meet more people from here. (August...hopefully)

But, all in all, I've gotten MUCH better about it...... karaoke has helped me overcome some of this too. I agree, the more you do it, the easier it gets.  :wave:

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:41 am 
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I hate getting up on stage ALONE.  By nature, or conditioning I'm not a "front man".  I still have dreams of suddenly being in a crowd and realizing my pants aren't on, or I'm totally exposed and sitting on a toilet.  I think alot of this stems from "feeling exposed" in front of people,  (but not JUST because I am a pervert of course,  that's something entirely different.), I've ALWAYS felt that when I stand on stage ALONE, I am bearing ALL to the audience,  I feel some can see thru me. I feel naked even clothed, vulnerable... Yet hiding behind one or more front people I do VERY well, I need to be able to hide a bit... It's VERY scary to perform solo especially in a formal setting, when we sing, perform, we ARE letting a part of our insides out... we do expose a part of ourselves... I've often thought some of these dancers (not erotic or exotic dancers per-se) but even modern, or jazz dancers are somewhat exhibitionistic. They are exposing their bodies.... Sure, they call it art or dance... but being a somewhat healthy male (perv), when I watch tight leotards doing certain configs, it aint just the "art" I'm watching.... either that or I have a special definition of "art" <shrug> sue me.

There is an element of exposing oneself when on-stage,,,  whether clothed or not,,, You might not expose your bareness, but you bare a part of yourself others can't normally see...You ARE exposing yourself.

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:45 am 
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Try this....forget singing, start talking first.

Whenever you talk to other people animate stuff a little like you were on stage....Modulate your voice and be mindful of how you sound all the time....Do it constantly and you will feel very confident on stage.

Learn first to feel confident when talking in all situations and then the singing will come so natural.

I promise.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:48 am 
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I am not that shy on stage but I had to over come that. I was forced to give presentations in front of 30-40 people, including some senior managers and I learned quickly to be confident in front of people and carry myself well. Also, I feel confident that I can relax and engage the crowd with some jokes or remarks so that works in my favorite. I have had people come up to me say how confident singer I was, not necessarily a good singer.  LOL

I always tell people that Karaoke is 25% talent and 75% attitute. Even if you are not a good singer, like myself, you can alway entertain the crowd with your attitute.

Some people are natural at it, some have to learn. Even professionals have stage fright. Look at Jim Morrison, Barbra Streisand, etc. Some never over come their fear but it can be done. The old addage of picturing crowd in front naked does not work, specially when a stunning blond is sitting there. I tend to forget lyrics and forget to look at the screen.  LMAO


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:53 am 
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Try this....forget singing, start talking first.

Public speaking or lecturing in front of crowds isn't easier IMO.  I took Inderal, and ativan prior to public speaking. I had this horrible fear of starting to stutter, making inaudible farmlike sounds, or giggling like a hyena, or sounding like soupy sales and going into involuntary spasms... I also always wore two pairs of underpants !  LOL

(I need a guitar to hide me)

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:01 am 
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Keith02 @ Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:45 am wrote:
Try this....forget singing, start talking first.

Whenever you talk to other people animate stuff a little like you were on stage....Modulate your voice and be mindful of how you sound all the time....Do it constantly and you will feel very confident on stage.

Learn first to feel confident when talking in all situations and then the singing will come so natural.

I promise.

Keith, you really think if I start talking on stage people are gonna appreciate that?  :no:  Nah, I'm better off to just shut up and sing, too many smart aleck things fly out of my mouth uncontrollably.


I don't think..... really...... that my nervousness shows to the crowd. I really don't think they have a clue what's going on inside me. I may be terrified inside and have my doubts, but I do also know that I've got that one shot to make it the best I can, so it makes me give it my best. To where ...... if I was confident...... I wouldn't feel the pressure to try so hard.

Heck, me and Odie have covered this issue many times. It is a confusing issue for me, why I still get the heebie jeebies on stage. And..... I hate it.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:46 am 
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hi cinder  truth is i'm not shy at all in front of people, lord knows i use to be early on, but a few drinks cured that....u said get up in front of a few people at first....to me if i were to get scared that would be the time....i had rather sing in front of thousands then just 4 r 5....with just 4 r 5 all eyes r on you, there listening to everything and every move u make...that use to kill me...give me 500 r a thousand people i'm happy....i went from clubs to singing gospel for a few yrs....talk about a different....most i thinkkkkk were sober and all eyes were on me....i was use to singing to drunks, The more YOU drink the better I sound kinda thing...

my very first time to get up in front of a crowd was tuff, but i had a few drinks, and i knew i could sing, so i took the what the heill i can do this....then after that i was fine, thats one reason i got out of music, no spark left, no excitement.

now if kappy/steven ever comes to listen i'll be scared.... i think hes got the hots for me...plus i'm sure he would ask me to sing a song just to him....lollll....and i would.....East Bound And Down....loll....be outta there....great thread....billy

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 12:33 pm 
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Hi Cindy!  :wave:  Great topic! Having met me I'm sure you know I'm a shy person...  :swg:

I've always been shy... whether on stage or meeting new people. It's something I've had to deal with all my life. I don't know what it is. Sometimes I think it's somewhat genetic. Although.. as a small child I had no problem singing in front of anybody who would listen. I was absolutely petrified the first time I submitted a song online! That eventually faded into a comfortable buzz. I have been trying to get out and sing live more and more... it is getting somewhat easier. Like Crystal said.. I don't like everyone looking at me as I expose all my inner feelings. AND... I don't feel like I'm really much of a performer... I tend to close my eyes a lot and move my head (ala Stevie Wonder). My (ex)singing teacher tried to break me of that habit..   :roll:  

I recently sang with a live band and I think that is much more comfortable. You have a group camaraderie up on stage. With karaoke you are just left to stare either at the monitor or out at the audience. I tend to stare at the monitor. At one performance I tried to MAKE myself look into the audience.. I was singing a song I know VERY well... and I forgot the lyrics! :shock: I think I was just trying TOO hard and psyched myself out. :O

Heck.. most of the time I'm shy about coming into this (or any) forum and perhaps sticking my foot in my mouth! Maybe I'm overly cautious..

I am working on this though... I do want to conquer it! My goal is to be fearless like Billy! :worship:

*trips and falls leaving the forum*  :drunk:  :wave:

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 12:37 pm 
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now if kappy/steven ever comes to listen i'll be scared.... i think hes got the hots for me...plus i'm sure he would ask me to sing a song just to him..

You would, wouldn't you Billy ??  For me ?

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:19 pm 
I seem to be a pathological ham myself.  In fact, I am most uncomfortable at any gathering, such as at parties, unless I am somehow in control of the group in some way, such as entertaining, whether it is singing, playing piano or being the comic.   If I'm unable to do so I really just have to sit in a corner somewhere smoking and staring.  I find it easier to stand in front of a crowd than to have an individual discussion with someone for a good part.  Let it be known I was, alas, the "class clown" during my school years!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 5:24 pm 
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I seem to be a pathological ham myself.  In fact, I am most uncomfortable at any gathering, such as at parties, unless I am somehow in control of the group in some way, such as entertaining, whether it is singing, playing piano or being the comic.   If I'm unable to do so I really just have to sit in a corner somewhere smoking and staring.  I find it easier to stand in front of a crowd than to have an individual discussion with someone for a good part.  Let it be known I was, alas, the "class clown" during my school years!

I'm somewhat similar,  I don't like being one of a table of ten...  I don't like standing in crowded places in a small circle of three either... In crowded situations, I usually gravitate towards a corner (like a ferret that's about to take a dump) and park my butt on a stool in an area where I have ample personal space, and procede to people watch... and daydream...

As long as I'm on stage WITH one or more performers I'm at home.. I prefer being the entertainment, I have no "Frontman" experience... Just as a guitarist, but I prefer backing a front person, preferably a decent vocalist...or better musician who's a guitarist...horn player, etc.... I hate sitting in audiences, even when at home watching one of my "human relations" films I prefer to be alone !   Problem I had during the class clown days was getting in trouble.  I had an uncontrollable laughter problem,  I'd crack up, and not be able to stop, and get sent to my special area resuming count of the tiles on the hallway ceiling. Oftentimes the real class clowns would take advantage of my out've control limbic system.... Do something goofy, and frame me for it..

I was explaining to Don a few months back, that comedy is so difficult it's scary.  It's easy for me to act like a "ham" in these rooms on my schedule.  If I had to make a stage appearance at a given time,  I'd likely bomb.  Stand-up is VERY difficult. It'd be very hard for me to keep a straight face, and do things right on a set schedule.

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