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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 6:53 am 
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Just scared the xit out've me.  I always forget about this annual routine, and as these lower flying jet's break the sound barrier, it sounds like a bomb is falling.. Maybe it's a Bradley airport Memorial day routine or something... I forgot how loud that can get when you have several planes overhead breaking the sound barrier.

OK,  back to sleep.  (typing this from under the bed)

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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 7:43 am 
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Will sing or fish for food!!I'm not quite right!!

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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 8:33 am 
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Where I live is near NAS Fort Worth (my last duty station before I left the Navy).   We hear planes all the time.

But, a couple weeks ago was the annual Air Show.  I was out mowing the lawn and got buzzed by the Blue Angels.  THAT startled the HAIL out of me!

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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 9:33 am 
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Just the usual Black Hawks circling Canby.  I shall continue my resistance movement as long as I can.  They'll never take me alive!  LOL

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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 9:34 am 
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Oh yeah! I live near the Oregon Air National Guard Base and the F14's and F16's
really make a racket. They are pretty loud when they are coming at you but when they pass by holy sh*t they are almost deafening.

Thank goodness it's not a constant thing. But it sure is an awesome sight having those babies fly above you at low levels!

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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 1:16 pm 
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There is a huge squadron of biter-bombers that meet me outside the door almost year round.....Pesky skeeters! LMAO

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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 1:33 pm 
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We have probs with mosquito's up here too.  Lot's of water. Not sure what's going on with that Equine virus this year.  Did they ever get that under control, or is it progressively becoming more of a problem each year ?

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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 2:51 pm 
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Actually several people were disturbed (caught by surprise) in this complex.  Turned out four config's (I think of three fighters each according to someone who was outside and saw the passing jets) were flying a pattern around 10:30. Quite low.. You get that Doppler effect that sounds like a fighter is dropping a bomb, than the explosion of exceding mach 1...  I thought I was going to see craters around here someplace. To be honest,  I was looking forward to it !   Just the incentive I need to move.

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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 4:15 pm 
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It's Fleet week in NY steve...they need somewhere to turn em around :) why not over CT

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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 5:10 pm 
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Because CT will tax the hell out've their sorry tails, wings, engines, aelerons, fuselage, for being in it's territory.  Now I understand why they were traveling so fast... They wanted to get the $(%$ out've this state too.  Probably made an accidental turn too early, with the intent of turning over the mass pike.  Must've been traumatic for them !

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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 6:34 am 
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I remember after 9/11 we had some military planes go by that broke
the sound barrier. It scared a lot of people in the suburbs, including me.
It isn't something we were used to hearing. So many people called the police
it made the Chicago news. They had to report it on the news to let people know what it was and not to be alarmed.

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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 11:35 pm 
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hehe,  It wasn't uncommon that a jet broke the sound barrier in the 1960's. It didn't seem to be as strictly regulated in those days over residential areas. I got used to hearing the sonic boom...  Yet in the past 35+ years,  I forgot about it.. It's not common any longer.  I wonder if folks living by cape canaveral hear rockets breaking mach 1, or if it's not noticeable because of the direction away they are traveling, and the distances they achieve away from land... Maybe the doppler effect wouldn't be noticeable on land.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 12:37 pm 
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there's a group of pilots around here that have vintage airdcraft and go to a ton of show.  they usually fly out of georgetown, but i didn't see them this year.  they include a p-51 (my personal favorite), a corsair, a b-17, a p-38 and i think they have a couple of transpot planes as well.  it's a blast looking at all those old planes that made it through the war!

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 1:02 am 
A few years ago some guys worked the holiday.    There was a parade in town, so they went up on the roof to watch.    Totally illegal, they would have been fired for sure.    They were up on the monitor.    Tip top of the roof.    A fighter jet  display flew right over them, took them by surprise.     One guy looked over his head and fell right onto the roof below them, about 5-10 feet.   He landed on his back and didn't get hurt, but he sure could have.

I worked a 4th one year.    I wanted to watch the fireworks, so I started up an abandoned outside stair case.   It was used up to about 70 feet to get on top of a coke silo.   It used to go the whole way to the roof, but now it ended in space at about 90 feet.    It was dark and nobody knew I went up there.    I walked to the 70 foot mark without holding the handrail.   I rounded the landing and said to myself, I better hold on from here up.   I put 3/4 of my weight on the very next step and it gave way.   The two bolts on one end snapped.    The step was dangling by one side.   Luckily I was holding on.    After my prayer session, I gingerly walked back down the steps.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 1:10 am 
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speaking of fireworks.  Is it just me that has a tough time being near them  (and I stood if front of twin SVT cabs, and Marshall stacks for years) but there's something about fireworks that kicks me hard in the chest.. Seems dangerously loud and at a pretty nasty frequency too.... I think those are a much higher DB, than what we are told they are... A plane breaking mach 1 depending on it's shape and size easily hit's 200 DB.  That's LOUD...  Fireworks seem alot louder than 120-130 DB...  They must be

OK,  I just googled !    This makes sense !

"The other injury people don't always think about is hearing problems because of the loud noise. Fireworks can be as loud as 190 decibels, so you can have some hearing loss because of the noise."

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 1:18 am 
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Loudest noise I ever heard emptied my bladder,  The Damn New Brunswick Ferry diesel horn blasting for people to board heading to PE Island... I never heard anything so friggin loud in my life,  it knocked me off've me feet.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 1:46 pm 
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I am a big fan of old vintage WWII fighter planes. I used to go to air shows just to see them. I usually go to ones around here but my friend, who is retired, has been going to Oshkosh for the largest airshow in the US. He's going this year and I am so jealous because I want to go.

Some of the planes I get excited about include: Spitfires, P-51s, Me-109s, older Yaks, Lightning and some Corsairs (remember Bah, bah Blacksheep?, used to watch just see those planes). I have not seen some of the Japanese fighters/bombers, Zekes, Betties, etcl. I would love to see them, specially the earlier ones.

Here is a good picture of a nicely restored P-51 Mustang at one of the shows I attended:


Last time I was at an airshow, I had a chance to fly in one of the old bombers, B24s. It cost like $500 for a flight. I almost did it but didn't. Next time I will definitely do it. I consider it once in a life time. I would love to fly in one of those P51 trainers in the backseat.

My little cousin (I mean little, 5' 2", 100lbs soaking wet) is going to Naval Academy, in her third year. She wants to be a fighter pilot after graduating. I have the first dibs on her first solo flight with a trainer. I would just love flying in one of them doing mach 2. Ultimate fantasy may come true, although it may be a few years.[/code]


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