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PostPosted: Sun May 07, 2006 7:26 pm 
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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 3:51 am 
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I guess I knew nothing of Eastwood's personal life either.  I wonder if Jim Carrey is a decent person in real, or sarcastic as all heck, possibly even sarcastically bitter.  Dunno, just curious.  I think he's amazingly talented, yet I also wonder how much of his sarcasm has become his actual nature, or is his actual nature. I like Dana Carvey too.

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 7:37 am 
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Steven Kaplan @ Mon May 08, 2006 3:51 am wrote:
I guess I knew nothing of Eastwood's personal life either.  I wonder if Jim Carrey is a decent person in real, or sarcastic as all heck, possibly even sarcastically bitter.  Dunno, just curious.  I think he's amazingly talented, yet I also wonder how much of his sarcasm has become his actual nature, or is his actual nature. I like Dana Carvey too.

I've seen him on lots of talk shows, he seems like he's the type of guy who puts on the humor act wherever he is. But he seems like he'd be a neat person too. He's battled alot of panic/anxiety issues.... so maybe I feel a bit of a kinship with him. I just love his movies,  he's always been my favorite actor. (along with Chris Farley and John Candy) Dana Carvey is a hoot as well. That's my favorite kind of movie to watch, comedy.


Gosh, I thought it would take more than that to shush you up... but all it took was telling you I don't like Eastwood movies? (filing that tidbit away for future blackmail purposes).... LOL

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 7:51 am 
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I'm thinking Charmin ain't thinkin right now....she's feelin, not thinkin.

Clint is a pretty decent feller....He's a man's man, but I don't think he abuses women....Now a days, when a man tells a woman "NO" and stands up for himself, he's an abuser.....But he is also very attractive to women at the same time(go figure THAT out!).

All I know is whenever John Wayne or Clint Eastwood or Clark Gable stood up to their women, all the women in the audience swooned!.....Those guys done the yank n spank and their women melted in their arms.

I'll stick with what works for me.....I don't take no stuff off no woman...I show them my back when they get in my face....I walk away and find something new and go on with my getting ahead in my business....I don't get confused and go in circles whenever a woman decides she needs drama.....

Whenever a man gets confused and starts chasing his tail over a woman, he ends up with his head up his butt....been there, done that, got the t-shirt to prove it....ain't going back there.

I'm back with Ginger for now....she got left behind, looked around herself and decided I was headed in the right direction afterall....So she dropped everything and ran to catch up with me.....I ain't slowed for her or changed my direction because of her.....She's walking beside me right now and clinging to me....

That's fine with me....it could have been her's or another face next to me and I would be happy....I'm happy whenever I got a woman that trusts me to lead her thru life.....and I'm happy if I don't.

A man must lead a woman thru life...he needs long range vision and a distant goal for them...she needs short range vision to see the obstacles at their feet, and he needs to listen to her when she points out those things too difficult for her...he needs to be considerate and not take the rocky path-cause she is afterall just a woman....Then together, he must pick his way thru and around the obstacles while keeping sight of his long range goal....Yeah, he needs to be considerate of her, but not waver from his goals....In that way they wil both get thru life.

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 8:08 am 
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Keith02 @ Mon May 08, 2006 7:51 am wrote:
I'm thinking Charmin ain't thinkin right now....she's feelin, not thinkin.

You don't know nothin' Keith. Charmin has her head on straight, you just can't see that cause..... you're life is all topsy turvy right now.

All I know is whenever John Wayne or Clint Eastwood or Clark Gable stood up to their women, all the women in the audience swooned!.....Those guys done the yank n spank and their women melted in their arms.

Dunno much about John Wayne and Clark Gable in real life, but I do like to watch John Wayne classics. It's not really just what he (Clint) portrays on tv, I'll just.... explain to you in a PM. It's stuff I don't care to type in a thread.

I'll stick with what works for me.....I don't take no stuff off no woman...I show them my back when they get in my face....I walk away and find something new and go on with my getting ahead in my business....I don't get confused and go in circles whenever a woman decides she needs drama.....

Which is why, until you learn that no woman is perfect, and YOU are gonna have to learn a little give-and-take too, you're gonna continue your "on again off again" romances.  You need to learn to work issues out & sometimes compromise a bit, maybe you should start trying this with Ginger, maybe it will last this time. Don't be so quick to throw in the towel and "show them your back and walk away" first time she does something you don't like. (just being honest here & giving my opinion, so don't go getting your hackles up and start acting like a dayum bantam rooster)  :D

Whenever a man gets confused and starts chasing his tail over a woman, he ends up with his head up his butt....been there, done that, got the t-shirt to prove it....ain't going back there.

Yeah, I've got a few of those t-shirts too. Nobody should be the underdog in a relationship..... but you gotta learn to bend too. From all I've ever read from you, you sit and watch your women..... just waiting for them to make a mistake. You're about as afraid of commitment as a man ever gets.  Every relationship you've mentioned..... you list her flaws that made you split up.  You wont LET Mrs. Right come along, you find reasons to make her Mrs. Wrong too quick.

I'm back with Ginger for now....she got left behind, looked around herself and decided I was headed in the right direction afterall....So she dropped everything and ran to catch up with me.....I ain't slowed for her or changed my direction because of her.....She's walking beside me right now and clinging to me....

Well, here's a thought...... So she's running to catch up, why don't you try slowing down a bit to match her pace? Maybe meeting her halfway might make a difference.

That's fine with me....it could have been her's or another face next to me and I would be happy....I'm happy whenever I got a woman that trusts me to lead her thru life.....and I'm happy if I don't.

You're a liar. You want a good woman in your life, you just don't want to admit that you need one.  :yes:

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 8:15 am 
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It's the Human Race babe,......and it is a race....There is a finish line, and there is a prize.

Yeah, I watch all running it.....and I do pick my partners...Cause whenever we decide to partner up it becomes a three legged race....And then we are only as fast as our partner.

You too should learn to watch the runners in the race.....Pick you one that is headed in the direction you want to go and watch his stride...Find one going where you want to go and who runs at your pace.

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 8:19 am 
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You are one hell of a woman Charmin.

You can make most any runner stop and circle you......you did me.

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 8:23 am 
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Nope, not this gal. I've tried "the race"..... and have NO interest in ever doing it again.  :no:  I don't need anything but me. There's not a man alive who would be willing to "keep pace with me" as you call it. I've tried it once, it failed, and I have no desire to be a fool again- ever. It's no fun to be an unwilling partner, and be drug along in that race you want to quit. I'll just sit on the sidelines, thank ya very much.

Don't get me going on the "men are pigs" thing again this morning..... I would be much too opinionated today.  :wave:  I gotta go find some happier things to talk about Keith, or my biotch is gonna come out ten fold. (really... and then I'll not be any fun at all)  LOL

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 8:27 am 
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Everytime we clash I want you more.

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 8:28 am 
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Keith02 @ Mon May 08, 2006 8:19 am wrote:
You are one hell of a woman Charmin.

You can make most any runner stop and circle you......you did me.

Okay, we posted at the same time, I didn't see this.

You're full of malarky..... I'm just a fun online person. And a fun little distraction for you on boring days that we're both online.

"make any runner stop and circle me??"..... maybe for a short time, then he'd take off runnin' like hail. Tried that too, and it backfired on me also.

Really, you wouldn't like the "real me". So just lemme be my little fun, smart aleck self, haha....... and you can play along.

This is getting to be too serious-sounding of a discussion, say something funny now Keith.... people are gonna get the total wrong impression of me.

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 8:29 am 
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Keith02 @ Mon May 08, 2006 8:27 am wrote:
Everytime we clash I want you more.

Okay, now that's more like it, haha.

Now I'm trying to find online links to show you proof of what I wanted to tell ya..... otherwise, you'll think it's "all drama". So I'll be back.  :wave:

♥ Laugh your heart out, dance in the rain. Cherish the memories, ignore the pain. Love and learn, forget and forgive. Because you only have one life to live. ♥

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 8:29 am 
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Lil Mizz Attitude @ Mon May 08, 2006 10:28 am wrote:
Keith02 @ Mon May 08, 2006 8:19 am wrote:
You are one hell of a woman Charmin.

You can make most any runner stop and circle you......you did me.

Okay, we posted at the same time, I didn't see this.

You're full of malarky..... I'm just a fun online person. And a fun little distraction for you on boring days that we're both online.

"make any runner stop and circle me??"..... maybe for a short time, then he'd take off runnin' like hail. Tried that too, and it backfired on me also.

Really, you wouldn't like the "real me". So just lemme be my little fun, smart aleck self, haha....... and you can play along.

This is getting to be too serious-sounding of a discussion, say something funny now Keith.... people are gonna get the total wrong impression of me.
...Ok, I'll be serious...

Every time we clash, I want you more.

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 8:31 am 
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Every time......

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 8:32 am 
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Keith02 @ Mon May 08, 2006 8:31 am wrote:
Every time......

Keith, c'mere so I can use my splitting maul on you.  :reddevil:  You'll walk away with a whole new definition on "women".... hahaha

♥ Laugh your heart out, dance in the rain. Cherish the memories, ignore the pain. Love and learn, forget and forgive. Because you only have one life to live. ♥

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 8:33 am 
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I bet you kiss good.............Oh yeah, no doubt about it.

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 8:42 am 
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Yep,.....you play the fiddle, the guitar and you sing like a dream.....You got them graceful little hands and beautiful eyes....Yeah, there ain't no doubt about it-you kiss real good....I bet you also look good in jeans and your hair gets all curly when wet.....I bet you got freckles and little feet.

I hope you got freckles.

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 8:53 am 
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Keith02 @ Mon May 08, 2006 8:42 am wrote:
and your hair gets all curly when wet.....I bet you got freckles and little feet.

I hope you got freckles.

Not gonna comment on the "hair getting curly when wet"..... cause that seems like a *hidden* comment. hahaha..... Not touching that one at all.

Yes, I have small feet. That's a given..... I'm only 5'1"...... my feet are of course small. Size 5 matter of fact. But they get me where I'm going.  :D

Ummm...... freckles...... yeah, a few. Used to have 'em more pronounced when I was young, but they've faded a bit. Part of my Irish ancestry I imagine.

And darn right I'm a good kisser.  :whistle:

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 9:04 am 
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Lil Mizz Attitude @ Tue May 02, 2006 5:07 pm wrote:
Keith02 @ Tue May 02, 2006 12:27 pm wrote:
In other words, flirt with me, then go flirt with Babs, then Amanda, heck you've hit Foxy & Milo & Sharon too, and some others I'm missing.

<perk> heard my name lol.. Heyaaaaaaaaa woman.. and umm my name in a thread about taking tops off lmao imagine that!  :worship:  LOL

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 9:13 am 
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FoxeRoxy @ Mon May 08, 2006 11:04 am wrote:
Lil Mizz Attitude @ Tue May 02, 2006 5:07 pm wrote:
Keith02 @ Tue May 02, 2006 12:27 pm wrote:
In other words, flirt with me, then go flirt with Babs, then Amanda, heck you've hit Foxy & Milo & Sharon too, and some others I'm missing.

<perk> heard my name lol.. Heyaaaaaaaaa woman.. and umm my name in a thread about taking tops off lmao imagine that!  :worship:  LOL
I can't believe you left out Breez.....!

I got Breeze's yearbook pic on my music computer as the wallpaper.....That gal makes me melt whenever I look at her....she is TOO beautiful....she is so very attractive that I ain't attracted to her, but I like to look at her.....Can you understand that?....I hope you do, cause it's true and it's honest and it's innocent....

Roxy, I flirted with you, you just don't remember it!

don't tell anyone, but I am only serious about charmin.

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 9:14 am 
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Hey Cindy!!  :dancin:

Now I'm gonna go browse some forums, so you can take over entertaining that fickle Keith for a little while.  LOL

(you look like ya got freckles.....)

Haven't seen you lately, hiya g/f!  :wave:

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