SingingSquid @ Tue Apr 25, 2006 12:43 pm wrote:
Since I KNOW you don't fly, there BETTER be a stop in DFW on your itinerary!! :oh yeah:
Yeah, I bought the ticket yesterday, and I have a 4 hour layover in Dallas, so...... make some plans. Gotta use that 4 hours wisely. :brows:
better to have two lips on your organ than a rose on your piano

....... Or an organ on your two lips?........ :shock: It's all good. :shock:
You got'em good Charmin'
You guys crack me up!
I'm glad to hear it, I'm here for entertainment purposes only. :D
Marie Laveaux?
Hey, I love that song. Never tried to
sing it of course, but I could always try. I'll try anything once you know.
How bout put up another AVATAR with you dressed up in your CUTE LITTLE POCAHANTAS OUTFIT!!!
Cuz people might think I'm a little nutso if I had an avatar dressed like an Indian, hahaha. Of course, lemme weigh the odds, hmmmmmm..... Tiny Tim or Pocahontas...... Pocahontas or Tiny Tim. Tough decision.
You get um Charm! Woo Hoo
You could have sang Dancing with the Devil or your a Devil in Deguise.
I don't know..... either one of those songs. Maybe keep them in mind, and you can sing them when Keith starts picking on YOU again..... cause you know he will. He may not compare you to some hawk nosed queerdo like he did to me, but he'll pick on you again. That's a given. It's how he flirts. :rotflmao:
......I wuz gonna sing her "Come A Little Closer"
But she missed her chance.
Ah, c'mon..... I love that song. Sing it for me, please? I'll behave. (I'll try to anyhow) I missed my chance? Ah, gimme a little credit....... I could stalk you if I wanted to. I'm pretty good at stalking, and pretty soon you'd sing it just to get me to go away. Guys always end up wanting me to go away, haven't found one yet that can handle me for very long. I wear 'em down too quickly. :D
Okay, guys..... have fun today. I can't be around much, got a couple appointments I gotta get to. Places to go, people to see, men to stalk...... yanno how it is. Actually, my son takes his driving test today, so I gotta let him drive over to the big town. Pray I make it through this without fainting. (NOT that I do girly things like fainting.... but there could always be a first time)