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PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 5:07 pm 
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I know a couple of cheapskate singers who wouldn't go because of that, but the bar's not losing much because they weren't spending any money to begin with. What little they do lose would probably be made up by people who would've spend $2-$4 and are now spending $5.

The more I think about it, the more I like the idea!

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 11:46 pm 
It amazes me how many people still want to go to crappy karaoke when they have the option to go to a good one nearby.    Some of my semi regulars come in and tell me over and  over about the crappy places they continue to support.     The money question.   I have been telling my bar owners that as funny as it sounds and as hard as it is to get use to, they need to have a minimum fee for drinks.    With the lower drunk driving law.   A draft beer, fountain pop and bottle of water need to be the same price.   Some have said they feel funny charging the same for pop and beer.   They are losing money.   One price drinks and it doesn't matter what they drink.   It's about paying for the FREE entertainment.   A few years ago the bar I played in tried country line dance lessons.   Pay a teacher and a DJ.   The manager watched the people sneak in bottled water and when it was empty they went out to the water fountain to refill it.    Spent no money and danced all night, the cheap bastards.    Didn't last too long.   You need to pay for entertainment where ever you go.  25 cent increase on entertainment night is nothing.   Ask your owner what they pay for liability insurance.    My guys are paying at least $6,000 a year.   That alone is $500 a month.   This is all the more reason that they should want to pay for quality entertainment.    It draws more people.    Karaoke people use to come early and stay late.   Now everyone just comes late.   They are thinking about going out and I'm thinking about going to bed.    All of my jobs now have later start times than they did 13 years ago.     I started tonight at 9:30.  The bar maid was panicked about the lack of a crowd.   I told her I don't panic anymore until 10:30-11 o'clock.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 1:11 am 
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I don't get the starting late crowd - at least on the weekends, I got there tonight & 15 singers within 10 minutes of starting at 9 - with 6 slips already on the table before I got there.  By 11 I had nearly 39 singers.  During the week I get a later crowd - 10-11 before I have a decent rotation some nights.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 2:36 am 
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Crappy sound, boy, I have been there. I could still hear my singing when I walk out the door. That was how 'strong' the echo was.

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 4:00 pm 
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I still vote with my wallet.. Bad show, I walk..

And yes, a good show will attract so many singers, it's difficult to get a few songs in..

I feel your pain...  :hug:

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 6:10 pm 
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Most show's at bars nowa-days I've attempted to go to (prime-nights) are really bad. The singing crowd is early early 20's friday and saturday nights for the most part around here, which means for the most part their choice if music is closer to "urban sounds", and what they now consider "rock"... Older clubs that have entertainment (that are in a safe area) are out've a reasonable travel radius given current economy, and DUI laws.. most are at least a 45 minute drive each way, and few care to bother...The real men our age don't bother with bars, they flip thru the yellow pages and call "Hertz-rent-a-ho".  Some don't of course, you know, "different strokes" I suppose.

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 7:09 pm 
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No, Steven, real men have  a neighbor lady near by..  LMAO

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 8:44 pm 
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How about after she get's blinds for her windows tho ?  Then who do they see ?

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 8:50 pm 
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Jerry what are the planes I saw flying around today that looked like a letter T with a V type tail. Strange looking. This was a strange plane...Like a flying letter Y with a really small wing on the stem of the Y..

Cozy aircraft ?

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 5:24 am 
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Maybe Aliens..

Aero Mexico...  LMAO

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 8:21 am 
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Jerry, I thought you were a pilot ?   I want to find out what that Odd Flying Y is.... It's bizarre looking...

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 4:41 am 
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How large was it? There are several types with a "T" tail..  :dancin:

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 7:03 pm 
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Well, how large was it?  LMAO

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 11:06 pm 
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Sorry Jerry, Didn't see your responses. It appeared larger than a 2 or 4 even 6 seater prop plane. It also appeared to be traveling more rapidly and at a higher altitude than a standard private plane yet it wasn't in my field of vision very long. All I recall is that the plane was white,  and looked very similar to this shape, yet I believe there might've been two flying in formation.  Which made me wonder if this was a military plane possibly... Yet the closest I can find to the exact appearance of this was the cozy plane... Yet the one I saw appeared larger, yet I haven't a clue..


Are there currently jet's that have this same design ?  relatively quiet and capable of fast maneuvers ?


Jerry, I did a little research, the closest airport I live near is Robertson in Plainville CT.  Just out've curiosity, I did a websearch  "Robertson Airport Cozy" and surprisingly this came up.  What's curious about it is this is likely a yearly trip these folks make,  It was the 15th of this month I saw the plane, (perhaps the 14th), yet this is what I found (read the last paragraph), where they were around Robertson airport the 15th of April 2004 (which WOULD in fact put them directly overhead)


2004 - Sun and Fun Trip
Date: April 15, 2004
Day One of my trip to Sun and Fun in Lakeland, Florida was supposed to start on Wednesday, April 14th, but the weather was terrible up in the northeast, with 400 ft. ceilings and rain.  On the morning of the 15th (Thursday), ceilings were reported at 1500 ft. at my home airport of Fitchburg, MA (FIT), with ceilings rising to 4500 ft. 30 miles to the west, and then breaking out to clear at the edge of the front.  There was light rain reported as well.

I headed out to the airport with all my stuff, figuring that I'd stay low for 10 minutes, get past the edge of the front, and then climb up higher.  After loading up the plane with all my camping gear, computer, flight bag, etc., the ceilings were down to 1200 ft. in light rain, but 30 miles west was still reporting 4500 ft., so I decided to poke my head up and take a look around - if I couldn't see any distance when I got up to 700 ft., I'd land and wait a while.  In fact, visibility was very good, for the most part, and I headed west at about 700 ft. AGL, hunting for the edge of the front.  I planned to hop from airport to airport, and my first waypoint was Gardner, MA (GDM). Just past Gardner, the rain became VERY heavy and I couldn't see west more than about 4 miles, so I turned around, planning to land at Gardner and wait.  As I turned south onto downwind, I noticed that the visibility to the southwest (which was my actual route of flight) was pretty good - 10 to 15 miles at least.  I decided to head off in this direction toward Tanner-Hiller (8B5) This was most probably a mistake, as it took me parallel to the front line, rather than through it.

Anyway, I hopped from Tanner-Hiller to Metropolitan (PMX) and down toward Bradley's (BDL) Class C airspace (I suppose, in retrospect, that you could call this whole section of my flight "scud-running", although I wasn't thinking that at the time - I was always completely legal, if without a lot of margin for error).  Bradley was very nice, always asking if I could take a vector rather than just giving me one, and even warning me about some towers on a ridge (which I had in sight, but it was nice of them to do so).  As I passed Hartford, CT and Robertson airport (4B8) in Bristol, CT, I tuned in to the Waterbury (OXC) ASOS, which was reporting heavy rain and "significant weather" (which they did not define).  The visibility was definitely worse, and in just about every direction, so I turned back and landed at Robertson

They were headed due south, and like en-route back to Florida from Mass again for the easter weekend ! Probably a yearly event !

Now does the Cozy classify as an Ultralight Kit ? Assuming this to be the case, I wasn't aware they were allowed clearance at actual airports..

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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