timberlea @ Thu Apr 13, 2006 4:09 pm wrote:
That's what I've been wondering as well. The computer is more expensive than a player. You still have to buy the music. Plus how much of your time is spent ripping the CD's to the computer (if you're charging say $50/hr for a show then you have to factor $50/hr for the ripping, afterall time is money). If your hard drive crashes then you're screwed afterall you can only make one copy, ie the 1:1 ratio (or do you keep several hard drives around), not to mention any other glitches.
The reason I do it...
Don't have to lug around CDs (karaoke and DJ) or woory about space to store them.
Don't have to worry about skipping discs (I play at place we some really bouncy floors).
I can run adds/custom backgrounds on the TV screens.
If the persons writes down the wrong song, I can switch it in about 5 seconds.
Takes me about 5 minutes to rip a disc to my system.
When I was running discs, I had a lot more problems than running a PC.
I can easily switch/manulipate my rotation.
PRICE is not a concern. At the time I switched to a laptop I didn't know then what I know now. You can easily setup a PC based system for $200 or less.
How much is a good CDG player theses days?