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PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 2:08 pm 
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Lil Mizz Attitude @ Fri Mar 24, 2006 4:01 pm wrote:
SingingSquid @ Fri Mar 24, 2006 1:58 pm wrote:
I'm claiming green...

Well, get your hand off my arse, or you're getting switched to RED!!  LOL

Well, heck...you have YOUR HAND on Sharon's heinie...!!!!! LMAO

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 2:21 pm 
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You're reminding me of that awful camp Mohawk I went to,  have you ever heard Alan Shermans "My son the folksinger" album ? The song "Hello mother, Hello father, here I am at, camp Granada"?  Well this camp was worse..We'd be swimming with all sorts of snakes (sorry Milo, I didn't like it either, you know  how I feel about snakes..blech).... Kumbuya was sung nightly...

What as this other OLD spiritual they also sung nightly

You take a stick of bamba
you take a stick of bamba
you take a stick of bamba
you throw it in the water
oh oh oh oh Bamba...

River, she come down
River, she come down

My homes across the river
My homes across the river
My homes across the river
My homes across the water..


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PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 2:24 pm 
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Yes Billy, we're having our Graham crackers and milk and we're about to take our naps.  Done fightin' for today.   :)

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 2:25 pm 
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I remember camp Granada...LOL...Mine was actually a girl scout camp...wew what a traumatic experience...But then they say you haven't lived until your training bra is hung from the trees next to the litrine...... :bawling:

Will sing or fish for food!!I'm not quite right!!

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 2:30 pm 
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Cub Scout Day Camp...1981...

We were supposed to meet at a church to hop the bus to ride to the camp at 7...I slept in until 7:15...

As my stepdad was driving me to the camp, we passed a bus that looked suspiciously familiar, broken down on the side of the road...leaning...it had lost a wheel!!!   :shock:

For the first three hours, I was the only one from my pack there  LMAO

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 2:31 pm 
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I remember camp Granada......Mine was actually a girl scout camp...wew what a traumatic experience...But then they say you haven't lived until your training bra is hung from the trees next to the litrine......

or you are hoisted up the flagpole by your underpants dangling around swimming thru air,  when the older kids decide to give you a wedgie   LOL

You know one of my favorite movies ?  I need to buy this... There are two comedies I really love..

King Ralph with J Goodman, Peter O'toul & John Hurt
Sixteen Candles- I forgot the cast, yet this movie had me rolling on the floor !

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 2:33 pm 
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Steven Kaplan @ Fri Mar 24, 2006 4:31 pm wrote:
I remember camp Granada......Mine was actually a girl scout camp...wew what a traumatic experience...But then they say you haven't lived until your training bra is hung from the trees next to the litrine......

or you are hoisted up the flagpole by your underpants dangling around swimming thru air,  when the older kids decide to give you a wedgie   LOL

You know one of my favorite movies ?  I need to buy this... There are two comedies I really love..

King Ralph with J Goodman, Peter O'toul & John Hurt
Sixteen Candles- I forgot the cast, yet this movie had me rolling on the floor !

Molly Ringwald and Anthony Michael Hall, among others

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 2:36 pm 
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Isis @ Fri Mar 24, 2006 2:25 pm wrote:
I remember camp Granada...LOL...Mine was actually a girl scout camp...wew what a traumatic experience...But then they say you haven't lived until your training bra is hung from the trees next to the litrine...... :bawling:

Oh gosh, I will NEVER forget camp when I was 13. I fell in puppy love with a camp counselor there. Then I got caught in a rain storm with my camp buddy, while walking back from the edge of the beach...... and we met up with him. Since the guys' lodge was closer, he had us go there to get by the fire....... and he helped dry my hair with a towel. Talk about a love struck little 13 year old girl. He was a senior in high school.  And I was SO in love that spring.  :doctor:

♥ Laugh your heart out, dance in the rain. Cherish the memories, ignore the pain. Love and learn, forget and forgive. Because you only have one life to live. ♥

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 2:39 pm 
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awe...that is so cute..I think we need a summer camp thread...who's creating???

Will sing or fish for food!!I'm not quite right!!

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 2:40 pm 
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Isis @ Fri Mar 24, 2006 4:39 pm wrote:
awe...that is so cute..I think we need a summer camp thread...who's creating???

Done deal...it's up!

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 6:30 pm 
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Maybe I am over paranoid...But i am not going out to a bar anytime soon anywhere in Texas...Can't afford for this BS to possibly affect me....So here I sit on A sat night at home alone...Heck even Dave and Rich went out...well not out...Poker night with the guys...Texas Hold 'em (hey, we are in Texas)...

Rich and I went out last night to Bennegin's for dinner...I didn't even have a glass of wine with dinner, I had water ( I don't drink anything carbonated)and he had coffee....You know sometimes it's just nice to have a glass of wine with dinner.

So this is what I did today............

I found out the the person that runs the TABC (which is who is doing all this) is appointed by the Govenor....So I wrote the govenor a letter...Since this is an election year I also e-mailed everyone that is running for Govenor....Then I decided to start an e-mail campaign,,,I e-mailed the following to everyone I know....

Hopefully people will get out and vote or write some letters on their own.

Here it is:  Let me know what you think....

In light of the controversial arrests that are happening in establishments that serve alcoholic beverages in the state of Texas.  I felt compelled to convey the below information to my friends and family.  Please forward to everyone you know and help bring some awareness to this issue.  If you have not heard of this you can get more information at www.nbc5i.com .

For the last 20+ years we have been told that we need to drink responsibly. If you are going to drink have a designated driver, if you drink too much call a cab to take you home. Even on New Years Eve there is a program with the towing companies to give you and your car a free ride home...

So what gives? Why have the rules to the game changed in the middle of the game??

I give you some suggestions for alternative ways to enforce no drinking and driving:

1. No bars should have parking lots - if you can't drive there then you can’t drive away drunk.  Outlaw parking lots. Not even the cars of the employees, they get drunk too and drive.

2. The bartenders need to be held responsible. They see what they are serving you and many of them are writing it down as you order and can see what you are drinking or they are putting it in a computer, still they can see the amount a person has consumed.  They have the responsibility to stop serving an intoxicated person.

3. A guy walks into a bar. When he orders his first drink he gives the bartender his driver’s license and his car keys. When you get ready to leave you take a breathalyzer. If you are below the legal limit you pay your bill and drive yourself home...If you are not below the legal limit then a cab is called for you and the cab driver keeps your keys until you arrive home. At that point you get your keys back...

4.  If you have a designated driver – you have a designated driver.  The DD is responsible for you and if they are a good friend/family member they shouldn’t let the person they are driving for get so intoxicated they are sick and doing things to harm themselves or others in a public place.  The DD should register with the establishment when they enter.

5. Sit outside the establishment and wait for people to walk out the door. Those that do not have a DD, administer a breathalyzer test, over the limit go to jail for Public Intoxication – lives saved.

6. Make a presence inside the establishment without arresting people, let people see that the law is near them and most people won't drink as much or attempt to push the limit and get behind a wheel of a car.
It is so easy to say that we do not agree with what the TABC and Texas law enforcement is doing. The harder thing is to come up with a solution to solve the problem that is workable for most people.

Want to do something about it??  Call your local police chief, contact the TABC or better yet Gov. Rick Perry, I believe Rick Perry is the one who appoints the people who run the TABC. Give them suggestions on what can be done to curb the issues they are trying to correct.   Let them know that if things don’t change your vote will.  If you are not in Texas let them know if things don’t change you will not be bringing your conventions and vacations to Texas.  This will be a big loss of revenue for the state.

Remember our government is "for the people, by the people".  We must all get out and vote.  This an election year and we CAN make a difference.

We can change this. If we just sit and complain without doing (voting) anything then you don’t really have a right to complain.  
Please believe me when I tell you that I believe that people should not drink and drive, it does kill people, innocent people.  However, I do believe there is a better way to enforce this.

Also note that I have not been able to find any information or definition of what public intoxication is. It all seems to be subjective.   What is the legal limit for walking around consuming alcoholic beverages?  For driving we know what the limit is.

Forward this to everyone you know.  Let’s raise some awareness of this issue.

To contact Gov. Rick Perry use this link:  http://www.governor.state.tx.us/contact


Will sing or fish for food!!I'm not quite right!!

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 7:15 pm 
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    My hopes are that either an atty for a person who was mistreated by this rediculous law, or someone in Texas Legislature brings this to the Supreme Ct. It needs to be taken outside of state legislature by someone in your state.  I wonder if someone in your state will bring this to the Supreme Court

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 11:52 am 
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This is the latest on the controversy her ein Texas.  Looks like we screamed loud enough that they noticed:

AUSTIN -- Lawmakers plan to review a state drinking crackdown that uses undercover agents to arrest drunk people in bars.

The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission program, designed to stem public intoxication and drunken driving, has resulted in more than 2,200 arrests or citations since it began in August.

But the program has been criticized after news reports following the most recent busts, at 30 Dallas-area bars this month.

"I'm getting all those same e-mails, the Nazi, Taliban, Gestapo e-mails," said commission spokeswoman Carolyn Beck. "I don't really understand the hateful outrage. I don't understand, 'Die in a fire.' "

Legislators who oversee the commission said they agree with the emphasis on public safety, but the program should be reviewed to check for abuses and to measure its effectiveness.

"Somebody hanging around the hotel, a little stumbling on the way to their room? I don't think that was what we were focusing on," said Rep. Peggy Hamric, R-Houston, who authored a proposed rewrite of the statute authorizing the agency.

Rep. Kino Flores, chairman of the House Licensing and Administrative Procedures, said he plans to call a meeting next month to examine the commission's work.

"We're looking at it and we're going to be looking at it: Are we going too far, or do we need to go further?" the Mission Democrat said.

Sen. John Whitmire, a Houston Democrat and member of both the powerful Senate Finance Committee and the Criminal Justice Committee that oversees the commission, defended the principle of in-bar citations.

"Even though a public drunk is not planning on driving, that could change in an instant," he said. "There is certainly potential danger."

According to the Mothers Against Drunk Driving Web site, Texas had 1,264 alcohol-related traffic fatalities in 2004, the most in the nation.

The commission also points out that being drunk in public, even in a place licensed to sell alcohol, is against the law.

"We can't ignore somebody who's obviously breaking the law," Beck said.

In Texas, the blood alcohol limit for drunken driving is .08. But the law defines public intoxication as "not having the normal use of mental or physical faculties." Public intoxication is a Class C misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $500. An offender can be cited or arrested.

Under the state program, bar patrons may be approached if an officer spots them behaving erratically. The officer will perform a field sobriety test similar to one for drunken drivers. A suspect may also be asked to take a breath test, although it is not required, Beck said.

While Whitmore supports the safety aspect of the program, he also said lawmakers should examine whether the agency, which is funded by fees it collects, is motivated to stricter enforcement by fiscal concerns.

Sen. Chris Harris, a Republican whose district includes Irving, called the recent arrests in his area "very questionable."

"At first, I was generally totally in agreement with them," he said. "But there are too many stories that demonstrate an abuse of power."

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:47 pm 
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"At first, I was generally totally in agreement with them," he said. "But there are too many stories that demonstrate an abuse of power."

I think the Senator has a clue!  It's nice to see that you can get people to listen sometimes!!

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 9:26 am 
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Sharon, have you heard back from the Governor's Office, or any of the Gubernatorial candidates?

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 9:56 am 
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"Even though a public drunk is not planning on driving, that could change in an instant," he said. "There is certainly potential danger."

Right Right,  which is why "private" parties with drunks are SO much safer.  They ALWAYS have designated drivers :no:

Problem with people waking up in the morning, is that they might commit a crime while awake that very same day ! Best solution is to arrest a person the moment they step foot out've their bedroom.. Time bombs waiting to happen. you never  know !! It's ALWAYS best to prosecute because of the "what if" scenerio. Doesn't matter if they have a car in the parking lot or not..  What if they get into someone elses car that has the key in the ignition accidently, and start driving down the wrong side of the road looking for a high-rise building with a balcony by a swimming pool.  They can still jump off've the balcony and miss the pool...  People are foolish, they just don't think things thru  :shock:   It's all fun and games until someone misses the pool !!!!

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 12:21 pm 
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I have not heard back from any of them yet.  I sent almost every rep in the state of Texas an e-mail as well as the Gov.  and the TABC folks....I've been pretty busy.  i did start with the ones in my disrtict and then I went by alpha down the list.

I suppose it will take a few days before I hear anything from anyone..I am hoping they have been flooded with letters...

Will sing or fish for food!!I'm not quite right!!

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 9:44 pm 
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It's great you are doing something about this Sharon,  that's admirable !  I inquired as to whether or not there was anything I might be able to do, but it appears that this pretty much needs to be brought out've Texas by someone involved in Texas otherwise Texan people are pretty much on their own with this nightmare, it's a state issue.  Unless brought out of the state by someone in legislature....(I believe, not sure about this stuff)

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:06 am 
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Thanks Steven.  If I can write a few letters and help a change happen then I figure I should do it.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 7:46 am 
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It's now safe to get drunk in Texas once again (inside a bar at least).  This crap has ended !!!  It was nationally made public today that Texas put an end to it, yet the reason sucked..... They didn't end it for aspects of "human rights" violation.  They ended it because it was affecting tourism.

Also the radio station mentioned two people that were involved named Isis and Squid... I found that sort've funny, because I thought I was the only person that used my real name in here !

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