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PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 10:16 am 
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Ok, here is my deal.  I am having a hard time with people jumping up and inviting themselves to sing with the singer.   Or gangs of people getting up and singing with the singer.  Sometimes the singer is cool with it, and many times they are not.  Many times they will not say anything about the uninvited guest until after the song is over.  Other times when we try to regulate, the singer on the slip will tell us it is ok...whether it is to avoid confrontation or maybe they know the person...

I have tried to enforce that only singers on the slip can sing.   I have also tried to regulate the number of singers involved in a song... Tried to limit to two singers, but people have been REALLY PISSY about that.  Everybody knows that unless they are a trained quartet, any more than two singers at once, especially a bunch of drunk idiots trying to sing over each other is nothing nice to listen to or deal with for the equipment.

How do you KJs handle these things?


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 10:59 am 
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Directly from my song book, and I have splash screens I put on the tv too. I'll SHUT DOWN the show if folks don't obey my rules. You only have to do that once to get their attention.

Karaoke Rules and Etiquette:

1.) Duets are a turn for BOTH singers (you’ll only get up the ONE time that rotation)… any questions on this, ask the Karaoke Host

2.) No Heckling of the Singers is acceptable!! It takes a LOT of courage (some of it Liquid!!) to grab a mic and sing over a pair of speakers. PLEASE be courteous!

3.) Please don’t thump on the microphones, nor blow on the head. If you have a wired mic, please don’t spin it by the wire. Please don’t toss them in the air… they’re very expensive!

4.) Try to not stand in front of the Television… that’s where the karaoke graphics are displayed!

5.) Basically, if you break it, you’re paying for it!

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 11:01 am 
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I would simply tell them.......... loud & clear........ post a sign if you have to:

That ONLY if the singer puts you on the request slip are they allowed to come up and sing along. Don't bend the rule..... and tell them if they can't follow that....... then they are removed from singing for the night.

I've seen alot of singers get embarassed, especially if they are having a rough time on a song, when someone else comes up and decides to grab the mic and "help them out".  If I were a KJ, I would SO not allow that kind of thing. And I'd be quite biotchy about it to make it clear.

My  :2cents:

♥ Laugh your heart out, dance in the rain. Cherish the memories, ignore the pain. Love and learn, forget and forgive. Because you only have one life to live. ♥

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 11:03 am 
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now, while I don't directly address the "jumpers", I DO address respect for the singers.

I won't hand out another mic unless the singer says it's kewl. That's usually with a nod.

For those that think this is a "Mob fest", I'll go to them and FORCEFULLY move them out of the way, inserting myself between the singer and them.

Make an annoucement at the beginning of the show, and anytime you sense folks are getting rowdy. Something along the lines of "one singer per mic, if you want to do a duet, sign up for it. NOBODY else sings with the singer unless they tell me ahead of time!"...

I did have to get dirty ONE time... and it was a bunch of folks that weren't regulars. They kept telling me to chill, to relax. I told them that I appreciated their energy, but we ran a strict rotation. They thought I was being a killjoy, and left. Haven't seen them since, nor do I miss them.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 4:54 pm 
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This type of thing used to plague me also. I found that if I enforce the rules
people eventual get used to them. Don't let the crappy people get to you. If you enforce the rules enough they learn that their b!tching doesn't do them any good.
Ignore it. I have never had someone not return to my show because I enforced the rules they don't like. Your equipment and peace of mind are more important.

Your best tool is the microphone. If you need them to get off the stage. Tell them over the mic. I usually will try to keep it light. Like saying, hey guys this isn't a frat party, you can't sing unless your on the slip. If they still won't get off the stage I'd reach to take the mic away and say the rules apply to everyone - even you Elvis. If you do it over the mic it carries more weight. Now everyone knows the person wants special attention. A little embarrassment goes a long way.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 10:26 am 
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in the front of my song book (before the song requests even) i have THE RULES.

> If the singer hasn't invited you one stage with them, DON'T GO UP THERE!
> Turn in your next song when it's your turn to sing
> NEVER laugh, point or otherwise make fun of another singer.  If you were so great, you'd have a record deal!
> New singers will be slipped into the rotation periodically.  Just because you followed what's-his-name last time, doesn't mean you will always follow him
> Don't scream into the microphone
> Don't use profanity, unless it's in the song and then use your judgement, please!
> Don't pester the Karaoke DJ to move you ahead in the rotation because "your friend has to leave in 5 minutes", because "you're really good and EVERYONE wants to hear you sing Friends in Low Places", because......
> Unless you wrote it, you do not own it. Please do not be upset if another person sings a song you usually sing. After all there are so many to choose from within our songbook. When choosing your song, please keep in mind the songs that have already been sung.
> Always applaud when a singer approaches and exits the stage. This is especially important if this is the singer's first time singing karaoke in public. Audience support helps us all.
> Please be careful with the equipment.  It is not only expensive, but sometimes difficult to replace.
> Remember to tip your Bartender and KDJ if you like the service and your KDJ is doing a good job. It's a tangible way to let them know you appreciate their good service. Tipping the KDJ WILL NOT get you moved up in the rotation any sooner.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 2:08 pm 
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It is nice to have rules in the books or posted. But I have unfortunately found most of the worst offenders don't read them. So I use them more as back up. I posted only the rules I stick to like glue because if I vary from them on a slow night people will call me on it. The regulars take their karaoke very seriously.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 3:22 pm 
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Spreading the karaoke gospel

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 3:27 pm 
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Big Mike- looking at your avatar I bet no one argues with you. LMAO

All you'd have to do is growl at them and they would wimper a way.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 7:30 am 
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babs, i run a smaller show in a neighborhood bar so usually no one steps out of line.  the rules posted in the book are sort of like our commandments.  no one breaks them (well, very rarely anyway).  we get new folks in everyweek who stop in just to see what it's about and such but they pretty much follow everyone else's lead.  i actually have it pretty easy because all the regulars know how to act.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 3:32 pm 
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Well, part of my problem is that we are a KARAOKE BAR.  Meaning at all hours that the bar is open, we are doing karaoke.  (Generally 7pm-5am) We don't really start unless we have at least two or three singers ready to go, and my fiance always starts the rotation (she is my co-host) and I finish it, unless too many singers are waiting to sing.  So realistically, I run a show from about 8:00 or 8:30 pm until about 4am.  I get paid hourly and it sucks, but I am new to KJing, and this gave me an opportunity to get a lot of experience before I go out on my own.  (SOON) Which as most of you may know, I have purchased ALL of my own professional gear now with a lot of help and guidance from y'all.   :handshake:   :D    As you can imagine, some of these people last the duration drinking.  Whether they are singing or just drinking.  Things tend to get out of hand.  I normally get as many as 30-40 singers in a rotation on a friday or saturday night, and about 10-15 on a week night.  Normally the bar crowd gets to about 125 to 150 or more people on a good night.  We are open 6 nights a week and I work 4 outta the 6.

Another problem is that the singers do not have a stage or a separate area to perform.  It is on the dance floor.   We are trying to change that right now.  
You would be suprised at how absolutely mannerless some of these people are.  Last night for example... This guy playing pool was pissed off because somebody walked off with his pitcher of beer while his back was turned.   SO this azzclown rushes to the stage and pulls the mic towards his mouth while somebody was completely in the middle of singing a song (not even during an instrumental break) and starts yelling about the @$#@#$@ who stole his beer.  So I quickly yell at him to get off the stage...then I proceeded to give props to the singer who got thru the song "even with distraction from dildo boy".  Then I went over to the guy and offered severe bodily harm on him if he ever disrespects me and my singers again.  

....These are the types of inbred mouth breathers I have to deal with.  

I have been doing this since November at this bar... so I am thinking it is about time to go... Aside from the money...it is way too many hours in the same bar, with the same idiots.  How can ya NOT get burned out at this pace?  

Oh yeah, and a huge part of the problem is that the bouncers we have are more like door men and beer runners...I started out there as a bouncer (just for a couple of nights before they made me the KJ) and I am STILL considered the REAL bouncer by patrons and the manager.  (kinda tiring all this baby sitting I have to do)  :drunk:

Thanks for all the advice.  Ya'll gave me some good ideas and reassured me on a lot of levels that I am doing the right things.


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 6:35 pm 
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dj, the biggest advice I can give you is control.

Have your unusued mics turned off at the mixer. Try having a single monitor that's by the KJ area. that way you're not having to run around to chase stuff...

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 7:33 am 
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Knightshow is right - Control and sticking to your guns. You can't worry about making
everyone happy and keep your sanity too.

I didn't even have a bouncer the 1st 2 years and when I finally got one like you I got a lame one.

I would talk to the owner or manager and tell them you need a bouncer by the singing area most of the time. It sounds like you have more than one bouncer. Tell him when you run the show it is to many people to keep track of on your own. Explain to him how hard it is to keep all the idiots in line and try to keep care of your equipment at the same time. Then  tell the bouncer what you want from him. I told my bouncer keep people away from the singer. If someone comes up and grabs a mic that hasn't been called up to sing get them off the stage. Make it clear this is not your job that you are running the equipment. Make it his job not yours. If there is a problem call him over - don't do it yourself. Make sure the bouncer knows what you need him to do!

My life is much better now. I can actually enjoy working once in a while. I still deal with drunk idiots, but I know I have back up if I need it.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:12 am 
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As a fire chief I understand the need for written rules.  BUT, we call them "Standard Operating Guidelines."  NOT procedures.  The real world doesn't always allow you to go to "Step B" right after Step A.. My firefighters have to have the flexability to adapt and use different tactics when the written ones just don't seem to fit the situation.

I have found being a part time KJ the same.  The more you committ in writing the more your feet will be held to the fire.  The most important thing is to lead by example; be fair and be consistant. Be ruthless in reprimanding if need be. It's hard to argue with the person who controls the mic.  I will admit, having support from the owner and bartenders is most helpful.  At the club I work 3 nights a week I am allowed to call the shots.  Not management.  If I see someone out of line to the point where they need to leave, I give the word and management escorts them out.  They learn real quick, "Don't piss off the karaoke guy."  Good luck.

Kelly :)

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:39 am 
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I have a sign that states a few simple rules. 1-No Drinks allowed on stage, 2-Do NOT join in on stage unless invited, 3-Respect the equipment, 4-Applaude for everyone and 5-Have Fun! If someone comes up to join the singer, I will only give them a microphone if the singers motions me to do so. If they stand by the singer and try to sing along, I motion them to leave the stage. If they don't pay attention to me, I will walk around and in a polite manner, tell them to leave the stage. After the song is over, I will make an announcement, "No One Should Join The Singer On Stage Unless They Are Listed On The Request Slip." I have 2 cordless microphones that I generally use but I also have 2 corded microphones that I also pass out when we have a group sing. I won't limit my singers to 2 at a time as long as they list on the slip that a group will be coming up to sing. Group songs can be a lot of fun and I find that most of the time, it will also get everybody in the place involved. Catch the "Spirit" :dancin:

Live Fast, Run Hard and Enjoy Life, you're only here for a short time. Respect you're neighbor and Hope they respect you, if they don't, they're not worth your time. Keep a song in your heart and a smile on your face. Peace and Love to you all! :dancin:

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 12:42 am 
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Thanks for all your responses.  I had a meeting tonight with the owner of the bar and management.  We are revamping a lot of things on my request.  We used to have the KJ booth on a stage made of drum risers and had the singers right in front of us.  We have moved the KJ booth off the "stage" to the side and made a sorta cubbie type booth and will soon have the singers utilizing the stage which we are going to install some type of barrier (a railing or theatre type of roping off thingy) with a small entrance to the stage.  I think this will help A LOT.  I also will most likely KEEP the extra microphones to myself until I have ligitimate multiple singers to use them.  I am also going to post the rules up on a big sign near the stage.  I am also going to be more ruthless about deflecting fools from the stage, etc.   Wish I could just use a stun gun.  :dancin:

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 6:24 am 
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LMAO Excellent idea - stun gun

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:14 am 
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Yeah, I won't turn the mic on for the other singer, and I will ask them to wait their turn.  Fortunately, that doesn't happen often in the bar I do it in.  The one sticking point I have is in duets.  My current rule is you can bring up anyone on your turn, provided you do at least half of the singing.  Some people manage to get themselves into a lot of duets.  I am debating whether I should just make a duet count against both people's turn, no matter what.  In other words, if you even get up and sing any part of a song, that's your turn.  I might put it to a vote.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:53 am 
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twient @ Tue Feb 28, 2006 11:14 am wrote:
Yeah, I won't turn the mic on for the other singer, and I will ask them to wait their turn.  Fortunately, that doesn't happen often in the bar I do it in.  The one sticking point I have is in duets.  My current rule is you can bring up anyone on your turn, provided you do at least half of the singing.  Some people manage to get themselves into a lot of duets.  I am debating whether I should just make a duet count against both people's turn, no matter what.  In other words, if you even get up and sing any part of a song, that's your turn.  I might put it to a vote.

Yeah, I have already started that rule.  The only time I will bend on that one is if the bar is DEAD and we need ANY singers that we can get to justify keeping the bar open. (like when their are only 5-10 total people in the bar.)  I used to have a lot of problems with people using aliases to get more chances to sing in the rotation...or people who were not on a slip, but are part of one big group...They would put one or two of their people on each slip, but ALL come up to sing.  So they would be singing at least 3 times in a rotation.  Freaking regulars too.  Karaoke is like crack to some people... Seriously.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 4:30 pm 
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Usually my rule is if you sing a duet at least one person loses their turn in rotation, but if it's super busy both do.

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