BlueStainedShoes @ Thu Feb 23, 2006 3:19 pm wrote:
Oh, for cryin' out loud, I give UP Keith.......
You like 'em hard, you like 'em soft, you like 'em loud, you like 'em quiet.......
I think:
You like 'em with two legs and a couple, uh, "other things"....... and you don't care WHAT goes on in their head at all. That's what I think.
I have a feeling you best stick with Isis, cause if you ever showed up at MY door? I think I'd say to heck with the splitting maul, and go straight for the chainsaw. (and yes....... I can operate one of those as well!!) LOL
And you SO do NOT "have my number"......!!!
This is my drunken post so hate me tommorow if you don't like it...
I think Keith (and Dave too) JUST LIKE EM IF THEY ARE BREATHING AND i THINK THE BREATHING PART MAY BE QUESTIONABLE AT TIMES.....I really think they just Love the ladies, no matter what....