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PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 8:39 am 
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Years ago I won a cell phone (1st prize). I was all excited until I realized
it wouldn't work unless I paid for their service.  LMAO

What kind of prize is that?

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 8:42 am 
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I too RUN when I hear of contests.  I've been KJing at the same place now going on 5 years.  3 nights a week.  Many other places in town hold contests.  We don't.  I told the owner when I came there not to EVER ask me to particpate.  He asked why and I explained for many of the reasons that have already been posted.  Take a look at "American Idol" and tell me that true talent always wins out.  Don't think so.

Also the town where I work is over 60,000 population and there are about 20 different karaoke venues.  The KJ at the other places come and go.  AND, they all run contests.  We have the longest running act in town and I truly believe that not having contests have helped.


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 10:52 am 
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i was just going to add a thread on this very topic!  i guess great minds think alike.

my opinion on contests is that it punishes the regular singers and brings out the "ringers".  if word gets out that a contest is being held, especially if cash is involved, i've noticed that you'll get alot of new business......for that night only.  the "new singers" who show up will be wherever the contest is next week and not at your show.  double that problem with the fact that your regular singers will start to drop off because, since there is a contest going on, they don't get to sing as often.  i DO support the occasional contest for regular patrons and whatever new folks happen to be in that night, but i like to add a second or third element to the contest such as best costume to go along with the song, or most outrageous, over-the-top antics (ala Jagger or Ozzy) during the song.  
hopefully i didn't duplicate anyone's response since i didn't read through the responses before i posted.

I've heard some people (even KJ's) say they are too "political", and that it's mostly about who you know, not what you know.   They say that if it's measured by audience applause, people often bring in their own "cheering section" (so if you don't know anyone there, you're screwed).  The one and only time I was part of the audience for such a contest, I voted for some guy I'd never seen before who sang some song that I'd never heard before--but I liked it, and I thought he did a great job.  He didn't win--oh well...
that's another reason i detest contests!

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 10:54 am 
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I'm assuming you question is do we like them as participants?  Not hosts?

As a participant before I became a KJ  I entered my share of contests and found most to be unfair and biased towards the REGULARS.  And why not ..they are the ones there every week.  So I won't enter any of them anymore.

As a KJ I hosted one contest that was a disaster and therefore wouldn't want to be involved in another one.

I would host a contest in a venue that doesn't have a weekly show
I think MONTHLY contests might be a great selling tool for places that don't want a weekly show.   just and IDEA

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 10:59 am 
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I'm assuming you question is do we like them as participants?  Not hosts?

As a participant before I became a KJ  I entered my share of contests and found most to be unfair and biased towards the REGULARS.  And why not ..they are the ones there every week.  So I won't enter any of them anymore.

As a KJ I hosted one contest that was a disaster and therefore wouldn't want to be involved in another one.

I would host a contest in a venue that doesn't have a weekly show
I think MONTHLY contests might be a great selling tool for places that don't want a weekly show.   just and IDEA

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 1:38 pm 
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I'm assuming you question is do we like them as participants?  Not hosts?

Either one.  As I said before, I haven't participated in them (and it's not likely that I ever will) and I'm not a KJ--I'm just someone who likes to go out and sing.   :worship:

I love being a mom!

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 6:19 pm 
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not sure what to say here, i sang in a group for 15 yrs, then i got out of it, best move i ever made, IMO....maybe i have been under a rock but up untill say 2 yrs ago i had never really heard of  karaoke, altho i never went out either,  but me and a friend of mine went out 1 night and he wanted to go to a karaoke club, i said great, he was a hmmmm kinda of a guy that always wanted to sing but never had the guts to get up and do it, for good reasons to...lol....well we got there and were listening, the guy singing was great i thought it was the jukebox for a sec. i didn't know what a kj was, but he was it....anywho, i got up and sang, and i hadn't sang in like 4 r 5 yrs, and all the feelings came back, i didn't realize just how much i missed singing, i didn't know it but it was a contest first place 1000 dollars, the kj said i was for sure in the contest altho i never entered, but being out of state and it being like a 4 wk contest i payed it no mind, but it was a blasttttt....much different then with a band but yet fun...sense then i have entered maybe 3 contest, 1 i came in second thinking ok i got a lock on this, the singers weren't very good, then some girl that waited till the last min. got up and blowed me away...lol...i came in second, truth is had i won, i would have givin her the first place money she deserved it, the out come was very fair....in another, a casino was giving, i never even placed, but altho i didn't agree with the out come i can see how she could have won, again fair...
on another it was like a gong show kinda thing, i was competeing with someone acting like he was a piece of frying bacon...lolllllll.....yes i won that  ty god...had i not i think i would have hung up my lips for good....

so from what i have seen most contest seems to be pretty fair....altho i did see 1 i didn't enter it, where 1 guy was singing against another guy, to anyone it was plain as day that guy # 1 was wayyyyyy better and they wound up tieing for first then the really good guy lost to the no talent bum...oops, i mean to the second guy...lol...

when i first started singing karaoke i was thinking, oh yeaaaa wheres the contest, but sense then i have seen that there really not very fair, but if 1 comes by i will enter it.....

oh yea, whatever Kappy says? just egnore it, hes really strange...lol....


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 7:16 pm 
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<------Hmmmm kinda guy

OK what now.... If you get a chance (speaking of contests) I found this particular rendition of the old Paul Svoka song absolutely gorgeous (I mean that in a straight way)... This to me is a 10.... I'd love to accompany this type of vocalist on piano...
http://www.ksolo.com/actions/showSongPr ... &uid=29091
Listen to his vocal timbre on "Goodnight My Love".

Billy & Jeanne,  I'm curious as to what you think of Jay's rendition of "You make me feel Brand New" also... Drop me an Email regarding what you think.. I want to compare thought's on something.. This guy is amazing tho IMHO... Considering that forum is on the spot takes,  not hours and hours worth of recording and editing material..

The link takes you directly to the wedding song,  I've been crying copious tears of sensitivity ever since I heard this rendition,  I can't stop crying  (it's been a week straight now).. I mean that in a straight way...btw.

If I submit this into Singer's Showcase,  and tell people it's me doing this... Do you think anyone would know I'm lying ?

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 8:03 pm 
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We just had our yearly Elvis' birthday karaoke contest this past Sunday evening. Huge crowd, good radio advertising, and some really nice costumed performers. The weird part is, for JUDGES we had one of our previous winners, and get this, TWO bank tellers from the bank we do business with! They are nice ladies and I know them personally, but why would we put all this together and not get people with more of a karaoke/ musical background?

Like many of you, contests drive me crazy and I could easily live without them, but at least get experienced people who know how to judge vocal ability and stage presence if you ARE going to have one. Seen way too may contests where a physically appealing person or the one who brings a big "clappy" group with them wins. Blah!

It was kind of funny that a guy who wore normal clothes, not a costume, won the event and got his performance on the radio the next day. Never seen so many disappointed people in polyester before  :( .

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 8:08 pm 
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Never seen so many disappointed people in polyester before  

LMAO   Now there's a phrase you don't hear everyday anymore !

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 8:54 pm 
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Kappy i for 1 feel its ok to cry, even for a straight guy, but a week? hmmmmmm...thats a tad long don't ya think? i mean for a straight guy....

and yes sub it, i'm sure there will be some who won't believe it but even if 1 does u have ur own makings of a fan club.....A WHOLEEEEE WEEK?   signed....ok WHAT NEXT.... LMAO

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 8:59 pm 
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Thanks   :oh yeah:

Wait til the girls over in Singer's Showcase hear this....  :doctor:  :bouncer:  

(Promise you won't tell anyone, OK ?)

(Just to be Xtra cautious,  I'm going to raise the pitch 5 tones)

Heck,  Kappy,  you're gonna get lucky tonight you dog you !!!!!! :hug:

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 9:04 pm 
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u crackme up...in a straight way of course

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 9:07 pm 
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Platonic of course,  just like when guy's spoon after a football game !

but a week? hmmmmmm...thats a tad long don't ya think? i mean for a straight guy....

No ?

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 9:10 pm 
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hon i think if you heard him sing, you'd be cryin' for a week....or quite possibly more....yes, i'm quite sure more LMAO (once again kappy i luv ya!)

seriously, ....billy needs to play you this song this guy sent to his brother to audition for his group....he's got to be the worst i've ever heard...i still think he was trying to pull their leg.....i'm thinkin' no one can be thattttt bad....

i'm thinkin' of entering a weekly karaoke contest they have around here...just for the experience and fun of it.....

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 9:14 pm 
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I was in a contest the very first time I did karaoke in front of strangers, but it was at a private party hosted by my wife's orthodontist.  His patients and their families were the guests.  It didn't feel like a contest, and wasn't meant to.  My wife and I won (winner detemined completely subjectively by the orthodontist), but since almost all the other singers were teenagers being silly in groups, it didn't mean much.  We declined the prize; I don't even remember what it was, and it wasn't anything valuable.

At a bar, I don't think I'd be too excited about a contest.  One of the reasons I like karaoke is because I don't have to worry if I get up there and suck.  If it was a contest my performance would start to become more important than I want it to be.  And I think people do get irritated when they feel like an undeserving person won and a deserving person got shafted.  And no matter who wins, some of the patrons will feel that way.  I know it bothers me a little bit when I see mediocre singers get big rounds of applause and somebody really good gets a less enthusiastic reaction.  It would be a lot worse with a contest.

Reward: nine yen in drawer.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 9:16 pm 
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Jeanne,  that'd be fantastic for you.  To be around other vocalist's in real...I always choked during competitions... (come to think of it, this can be an asset during the big competition for Bad Singer's title :thinkin: )

Ever hear someone who's so bad, they either are extremely gifted and like PDQ Bach clever, OR really stupid, and making a total jackass out've themselves ?   Thing is,  you never really can tell which LMAO

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 9:22 pm 
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NOT going to enter the same contest milo does, i would lose for sure, her great looks and pretty voice, who would stand a chance?

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 9:22 pm 
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but it was at a private party hosted by my wife's orthodontist.  His patients and their families were the guests.

I was waiting for the part where you were going to say.... "and than this little pudgy kid stepped up to the microphone to sing a showtune, his braces touched the microphone, and he got a 220V jolt, and walked off the stage looking like Spanky meet's Jimmy Hendrix"

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 9:26 pm 
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You both are amazingly talented Billy.  Have I mentioned that within the past month yet ?  Ooops,  Long over due  :biggrinthumb:

Seriously,  If you did "The Letter",  and she did the "candle light" rendition of Heaven.... I think you'd both win...

I'm working on a "straight" rendition of the Mary Poppin's song "Feed the Birds"

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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