knightshow @ Fri Jan 06, 2006 5:47 pm wrote:
I am one of the hosts that DO have a problem with hearing the same song twice in one night.
This reminds me of when I was in 4th grade and our class used to memorize poems and recite them. A lot of kids would say the same poems others had already done, and many of them probably didn't memorize them from the book, but from hearing other kids say them! You could see the teacher's look of dismay and hear her groan when the 10th person in a week got up to recite "Not Scared" or "This Is My Rock"! After a while, she declared a ban on both of those, simply because almost EVERYBODY was reciting them. I never did those, though--I picked different ones.
When humor is introduced, fine, it's all for a joke, and we can take it... had a regular (dude) sing "Honey I'm Home" and it sounded hysterical... truely sexist, and all done in fun humor. Then a gal got up to sing it later so that folks could hear how it's "meant" to be sang. But EVEN then, you could see it pushin' at the tolerance of the other listeners!
! I thought about singing "Honey I'm Home" one night (and I may do it yet--it's a fun song), but decided on another Shania Twain song, "Come On Over", instead. It worked out well, because someone else did "Honey I'm Home" later on!