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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 7:13 pm 
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the latest kj pro updates has over 275,000 songs

I just done the latest dec and didnt really look but I know ita a bunch LMAO

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 7:22 pm 
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And I dont use the kjpro books The main reason I pay for the updates is to see if a certain song is availible for my own use and at shows If I dont have a new song it is impressive to call up kjpro and tell my customers if it is out yet and which brand..... It is the difference between being a fly by or a professional....And they say this old man knows his stufff.... :)

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 7:25 pm 
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Tigrr27 @ Wed Dec 14, 2005 10:50 am wrote:
the foreign language market dwarfs the english speaking market... - tig

Thinks, Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Indonesian/malay, Tagalog, Korean,

In the East; English  songs probable amount to 10- 25 % of the total. This does not mean that english songs are sung only that % of time or only that % of people sing english songs. In fact in the place that I go to the early parts of the nite people sing mostly english and slowly turn local as the nite gets older.

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:28 pm 
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RoxBox you can run multirig on one registration that includes the pacemaker registration. It also gets you away from Yannick's MP3+G plugin of which he asks for donation. So I gues the graphics screen is also covered. One night could pay for outfitting most or all your systems. ANd you get free upgrades.
As to playing outside discs I still keep a cdg player in my system (originally for backup and have yet to need it as such)  for just that kind of occasion (again rare as I mostly am up to date with my stuff). I run the video and audio into my VocoProda-1000 mixer that allows mixing video and audio.  Considering adding a second cd player and patching it into my third Mike input to make actual live mixing between the two cd's should I run into a bar owner that refuses to pay what I feel my system is worth.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 9:11 pm 
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Can I get some opinions on some of these karaoke disk makers? Maybe a 1-10 scale rating, 10 being the best...

- Sound Choice
- Monster Hits
- Karaoke Hits
- Top Hits Monthly
- DkKaraoke
- Sweet Georgia Brown
- Chart Busters
- Legends
- Northstar
- NuTech
- Stardisk
- Superstar
- Music Maestro
- Backstage
- Sunfly
- Pocket Songs

Any other ones you can recommend?

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 6:12 am 
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djfrank @ Wed Dec 14, 2005 1:11 pm wrote:
Can I get some opinions on some of these karaoke disk makers? Maybe a 1-10 scale rating, 10 being the best...

- Sound Choice
- Monster Hits
- Karaoke Hits
- Top Hits Monthly
- DkKaraoke
- Sweet Georgia Brown
- Chart Busters
- Legends
- Northstar
- NuTech
- Stardisk
- Superstar
- Music Maestro
- Backstage
- Sunfly
- Pocket Songs

Any other ones you can recommend?

Not a wise thing to double post

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 12:52 pm 

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Thats why I use Pc rack mount..

Why don't you post a photo of your rack system? I'd be interested in seeing it.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 1:01 pm 

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 I'd also like to see a photo of your setup with that industrial rack system.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 1:37 pm 
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Here is link

In the bottom starting at the top you cant see it ..
  Plexiduct surge protector power strip
  Plextor  & Nanocompressor used to duck the fill or DJ music with the announce mic
  Another nano compressor used on the stage monitor
  Aphex 104

I made hinges for the dfx12 It can be tipped up for access or dropped into the case for transport Cut the rails in top to 1 unit lengths for dfx12, and the dbx266xl and microverb4 mounted at an angle... And put 2 1/2 inch rollers on the bottom....

I use a delta44 and run fill or dj from 3/4 out thru the nanocompressor and into 5/6 7/8  on the mixer 5/6 efx send pot is turned off 7/8 is set to unity so the right fader is used to adjust all efx mixer and microverb4 Karaoke is routed 1/2 out to 9/10 11/12  with the same efx setup....

I have 2 power supplies in the comp and use one for a 17"  lcd monitor the plextor and a fan in the case...

 I use a 50 foot snake and run everything up to the stage.....

 I use a jbl10 eon g2 for stage monitor and eons for the mains....

 All in all it is a fairly decent system It has taken long enuff to get it all together but I will never be satisfied and check for new software and audio stuff regularly....

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 6:01 am 

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Before you make your software selection you should go to http://www.karaokeware.com and check out their karaoke hosting software named Compuhost. They also have Fasttracks V2 which I believe to be the best songbook creating software available.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 8:17 am 
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KJPro, Chip's "Speedbook" all do the same thing that Fasttracks does, as does Music Book Deluxe. MBDeluxe and KJPro have the advantage of twice a month updates! Both are considered industry standards!

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 12:27 pm 
when did this industry get standards??? whats yer point??? laser discs were also considered the standard... hope ya didn't own stock... why are you so opposed to diffeent options to meet the many different types of KJ's out there and how they run THEIR business??? they were posting nothing but another option and information on a karaoke product... quit shooting people down just because they don't use exactly what you use... you get ticked off when other people do the same thing to you... knock it off...- tig

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 1:30 pm 
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first of all, I'm not ticked off. He pointed out one option, I pointed out three others.

and why are you so quick to point out my apparant failings, yet remain surprisingly quiet on other postings. You pick and choose your posts very selectively.

as for the standard, anybody that's been in business for more than a few years will know I spoke the truth about kjpro and mbd. Some use Airwer, but as it's been discussed, as a database, it sucks due to the errors. so I didn't mention that. I have no experience with powerkaraoke or other databases... I just mentioned what I KNOW... the same as OTHERS. You don't tear into those that constantly harp on other subjects near as much as you do me. As it's been observed by other members here.

talk about knockin' it off!


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 1:43 pm 

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I'm new here, but I'm sure nobody minds when you post your opinion,
but try to be accurate with your statements.

Your statement: "KJPro, Chip's "Speedbook" all do the same thing
that Fasttracks does, as does Music Book Deluxe" is totally inaccurate.

Fasttracks creates customizable CD Labels, the others do not.
Fasttracks creates fully indexed songbooks for the web, the others do not.
Fasttracks prints customizable song request slips, the others do not.
Fasttracks has far more print options related to formatting your
songbook than the others.
Fasttracks incorporates a very simple, one-click method of
performing monthly updates, all but MBD do not.
  And before you say anything about twice monthly updates, bare in
mind that Fasttracks already has a larger songlist than KJPRO,
Speedbook, or MBD. So obviously it is kept up better than the others.

These are just some of the things that made me decide on FastTracks.
I did purchase KJPRO also just to find out Fasttracks is better. I
might say I purchased KJPRO on someone else's inaccurate
recommendation and now I'm out over a hundred bucks!

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:37 pm 
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my rating 10 being the best:
10- Sound Choice best adudio out there next to Zoom
5- Monster Hits  too many don't actually swipe
5- Karaoke Hits actually made by Nutech without the audio and multiplex issues
8- Top Hits Monthly good for the monthly updates
9- DkKaraoke   good for a base setup if you don't go Sound CHoice
4- Sweet Georgia Brown  hit or miss
3pop 10 country- Chart Busters  Best if looking for country songs
7- Legends  hit and miss but has several songs not available due to american copyrights
6- Northstar  looks too home done to me but has fuller versions than pophits or tophits
3- NuTech too many are mutliplex plus audio level issues
4- Stardisk  multiplex
4- Superstar multiplex
2- Music Maestro what can I say MM bites
8 - Backstage don't really have anything bad to say about the newer versions
7 - Sunfly  actually the manufacturer of legends
9 - Pocket Songs great for hard to find show tunes and standards
10 - zoom  great new company out of the uk has alot of stuff not available in the states. Quality rivals Sound Choice
10 - Radio Starz - quality rivals Sound Choice.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:42 pm 
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karyoker @ Wed Dec 14, 2005 1:37 pm wrote:
Here is link

In the bottom starting at the top you cant see it ..
  Plexiduct surge protector power strip
  Plextor  & Nanocompressor used to duck the fill or DJ music with the announce mic
  Another nano compressor used on the stage monitor
  Aphex 104

I made hinges for the dfx12 It can be tipped up for access or dropped into the case for transport Cut the rails in top to 1 unit lengths for dfx12, and the dbx266xl and microverb4 mounted at an angle... And put 2 1/2 inch rollers on the bottom....

Hey, your eq is smiling  :D

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:47 pm 
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Newbie question...Is there any reason ya'll don't use Excel for your song lists and books, etc?  Seems that it does everything I think I need...

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:48 pm 
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knightshow @ Thu Dec 15, 2005 4:30 pm wrote:
first of all, I'm not ticked off. He pointed out one option, I pointed out three others.

and why are you so quick to point out my apparant failings, yet remain surprisingly quiet on other postings. You pick and choose your posts very selectively.

as for the standard, anybody that's been in business for more than a few years will know I spoke the truth about kjpro and mbd. Some use Airwer, but as it's been discussed, as a database, it sucks due to the errors. so I didn't mention that. I have no experience with powerkaraoke or other databases... I just mentioned what I KNOW... the same as OTHERS. You don't tear into those that constantly harp on other subjects near as much as you do me. As it's been observed by other members here.

talk about knockin' it off!

you might also check out http://www.latshawsystems.com/products.aspx  as it works with your files to create your database.  The print out looks better than the so called standards. Used KJpro hated wondering what the artist was in a column that was continiued from either the page before or the column before - in my opinion not professional looking nough for me. same issues with music book deluxe and chip's software, although at least with chips it's easy enough to fix as you can edit it in the program you need to open up just to print.  Fast Tracks was the first to address the issue I had with the previous three without me having to edit anything. Latishaw's makes it so that since you are going digital you don't have to print the disc numbers anymore and can fit more on a page without losing font size which all the others seem to compromise to fit two columns.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:50 pm 
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djfrank @ Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:47 pm wrote:
Newbie question...Is there any reason ya'll don't use Excel for your song lists and books, etc?  Seems that it does everything I think I need...

Don't use Excel, but I do use Access.  Does exactly what I need it to do & it's completely customizeable to my needs - most of the canned book programs are pretty much the same formats with very limited output capability.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 3:12 pm 
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Flash760 @ Tue Dec 20, 2005 1:43 pm wrote:

I'm new here, but I'm sure nobody minds when you post your opinion,
but try to be accurate with your statements.

Your statement: "KJPro, Chip's "Speedbook" all do the same thing
that Fasttracks does, as does Music Book Deluxe" is totally inaccurate.

Fasttracks creates customizable CD Labels, the others do not.
Fasttracks creates fully indexed songbooks for the web, the others do not.
Fasttracks prints customizable song request slips, the others do not.
Fasttracks has far more print options related to formatting your
songbook than the others.
Fasttracks incorporates a very simple, one-click method of
performing monthly updates, all but MBD do not.
  And before you say anything about twice monthly updates, bare in
mind that Fasttracks already has a larger songlist than KJPRO,
Speedbook, or MBD. So obviously it is kept up better than the others.

These are just some of the things that made me decide on FastTracks.
I did purchase KJPRO also just to find out Fasttracks is better. I
might say I purchased KJPRO on someone else's inaccurate
recommendation and now I'm out over a hundred bucks!
I posted on the SONGBOOK capability of kjpro, not the special features of fasttracks.

Fasttracks also uses the .net framework... it crashed my pc. KJPro didn't.
Your statement on the one-click method of performing monthly updates is inaccurate. One click, and it updates kjpro.

I'm not going to do a point by point arguement with you on fasttracks... it was hawked over at karaoke.com's JOLTForum... and I tried the link then. With disasterous results. So I can't possibly compare the finished product. But anything that causes my pc to urp and die isn't going to be re-evaluated. At least not by me.

Which one is better? I can't say. But I do like KJPro's songbook capabilities... like Lonman, I prefer Access, and Chip's Speedbook uses a customizeable Access format.

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