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 Post subject: Re: Taking breaks
PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 2:45 pm 
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LMAO  LMAO Mroctober and his depends!!

I wish sometimes I had help running things especially when the crowd gets demanding and drunk.

I think husband and wife teams are awesome. One show I've gone to the wife did nothing,but hang in the crowd and get everyone pumped up. She was a hoot.

There is nothing worse than a mean drunk KJ though. I also know a husband and wife team like that. She would get so drunk and nasty - would hump customers - bad for business, but he couldn't fire her

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 Post subject: Re: Taking breaks
PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 3:30 pm 
mroctober @ Sat Dec 17, 2005 7:18 am wrote:
Az for Breaks .....I just Wear Depend's...It's great I just stand there and smile while someone is complaining about the rotation. I can Usually get about three or four Break times per Depend's It just "Depends" On How Many Beers I consume.

It's alot easier than the old trick of filling up a 12 oz Bud Light Bottle behind the Console while someone is singing.

Kinda Gives you a warm feeling and no one knows why your smiling.

P.S. this was just a joke

I like your idea, but it would only work for me if I wore loose fitting pants......I prefer tight Wranglers. LMAO

 Post subject: Re: Taking breaks
PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 5:09 pm 
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And usually someone sings "Me and Bobby McGee" "Aenima" "Stairway to Heaven" or other 5 min+ songs, so I usually see the KJ take their break then.

:no: "Me and Bobby McGee"--that's another song that just about EVERYBODY sings.  I might sing it if there weren't so darn many people singing it already!  (This is not to criticize anyone's song choices--just that some songs keep popping up over and over and over.)  

Now what is "Aenima"?  That's not ringing a bell.  Who recorded it?

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 Post subject: Re: Taking breaks
PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 12:43 am 
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I tell people I'm going to the bar to do a shot. They understand. I couldn't handle karaoke anymore without having a few drinks. I usually take two 3 song music breaks a night to play request for the non-singers.

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 Post subject: Re: Taking breaks
PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 9:22 am 
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Babs..thats how croakie and i do it. Ask foxey..she came this summer.

As for my tequila shots, I've lived here for 26  years...and most of the younger ones coming and working as the bartenders and cooks and waitresses,  i've baby sat most of their lives....And NOW...pay OFF time....Whoo hooo!
:drunk:  :drunk:  :drunk:


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 Post subject: Re: Taking breaks
PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:44 am 
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Breaks?  Breaks?  We're allowed breaks?  Why didn't someone tell me.  You mean I suffered in agony for no reason.  Damn.

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 Post subject: Re: Taking breaks
PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 12:31 pm 
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it's news to me too Tim... I especially enjoyed the three song break as dictated by liquideye... man, must be nice to just get snockered at your own gig, and let the paying customers wait...

course that's how he gets thru the night!

Personally, if I had to rely on a crutch like that, I'd get out of the business altogether!

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 Post subject: Re: Taking breaks
PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 8:19 pm 
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[font=Comic Sans MS]Fortunately for us we do MOST of the shows together so "breaks" are no problem.  We are lucky to be able to host as a team, I get to mix with the group and Richard is fantastic behind the mic!  If it's especially crowded Richard will let me know he's taking a "break" and off he goes.  When he's by himself, or on the VERY RARE occasion when I'm by myself, we make sure the volumes are ok and then we're off.. and back by the end of the song.  

As far as drinks we go to the bar ourselves.  Typically Richard uses that time to mix.. I get to mix anyway and if it's really crowded I'll get him his drink..

Last Saturday was the Christmas party and Richard wanted to sit down with several people so I pulled the last 1 1/2 hours...  It was a great time for both of us!

Susie :)

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 Post subject: Re: Taking breaks
PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 9:43 pm 
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Ok I can tell by most of the responses here that most are still doing a rigid formal boring show...Relax!!!!!I got a few golden rules Rotation is established and never shows favorites Nobody abuses the mics or system...( I rent my system out and let teens play it all night) Other than that lets party....I have several people who at any time can que or start a song although 90 % of the time I am.... Some people are still afraid off losing control... I am not at any time I can stop the music and in a military voice take total control of any crowd...I have done shows with Sons Of Satan outside inside and any venue imaginable...None of my shows are ever the same anymore you never know what to expect... If I really needed a brake I would prob say on the mic Maggie comere i gotta pee....I dont have trouble getting cocktails either if I am imbibing...  If the host cant relax and have fun... How can anybody else?

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 Post subject: Re: Taking breaks
PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 8:49 am 
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karyoker @ Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:43 pm wrote:
Ok I can tell by most of the responses here that most are still doing a rigid formal boring show...
Funny, I didn't get that idea..  It sounds to me as if the KJ's here keep the singing and the party flowing!
karyoker @ Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:43 pm wrote:
Some people are still afraid off losing control... I am not at any time I can stop the music and in a military voice take total control of any crowd...I have done shows with Sons Of Satan outside inside and any venue imaginable...None of my shows are ever the same anymore you never know what to expect... If I really needed a brake I would prob say on the mic Maggie comere i gotta pee....I dont have trouble getting cocktails either if I am imbibing...  If the host cant relax and have fun... How can anybody else?
Another interesting take on what's been said.  To me it sounds as if the KJ's know how their crowd likes it and gives it to them.  I also don't hear that the KJ's aren't having fun... I know we do!  I've got to come to one of your shows!  It sounds as if you have a great time too!

Susie :)

You do it in the shower,
you do it in the car,
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and be a star!!!!

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 Post subject: Re: Taking breaks
PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 10:27 am 
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it does take all types in this business. What you describe, karyoker, sounds like organized chaos. I'm glad it works for you.

But don't assume we don't have fun. We just have it differently for us, and it works for us.

Congrats on your success!

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 Post subject: Re: Taking breaks
PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 10:49 am 
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[b]And that's why it's great to own your own business..you get to do it how works best for you. I have drinks during the night...not always..but when i feel like it ..i do. Larry the owner always brings me my first shot. And croakie and i will go to the bar and get our own if we want one. It's a great place to work...and i've NEVER let myself get tipsy that i can't do my job..which always comes first. [/b]:drunk:  :dancin:


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 Post subject: Re: Taking breaks
PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 11:11 am 
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LMAO  LMAO [/quote]t does take all types in this business. What you describe, karyoker, sounds like organized chaos. I'm glad it works for you.

 Not all the time Matt but it does get wild at times LOL

 I rarely drink when I am working but if I am its one beer/hour....   I have sang and done belly dance shows (MCeed)with crowds 5000+, sang satin sheets in a womans nighty sober  And dont need liquid courage...

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 Post subject: Re: Taking breaks
PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:11 pm 
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karyoker @ Tue Dec 20, 2005 1:11 pm wrote:

I have sang and done belly dance shows......sang satin sheets in a womans nighty sober...

got any pictures?! LMAO

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 Post subject: Re: Taking breaks
PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:42 pm 
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got any pictures?

 Used to have a bunch of the belly dances. Dont know where they are I think the ex got them..  We put on shows from Casper wy to denver and wound up at the Brighton county fair All I did was play the music and intro the gals and try to explain the dances. Imagine the music starting and 500 farm kids and cowboys running out of the stock facilties to watch .... The fair board  estimated more than 5000 for that show...

None of satin sheets  wish I did Thats probably the first and last time I'll do that.. LMAO

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 Post subject: Re: Taking breaks
PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 5:03 pm 
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I had a regular at one of my gigs who always liked to sing Stairway To Heaven.  I used to think that that was a song that did not belong on karaoke (that and Freebird)., but when I bacame a host, I realized that that's a great song to take a bathroom break with.  Especially when the guy singing it is slaughtering it.

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 Post subject: Re: Taking breaks
PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 11:39 pm 
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oh I think we all try to have fun and for the most part we do.
Add to much alcohol and it is organized chaos in any bar.
You do have to read your enviroment and play out the night the best you can.
I work in a very rowdy enviroment most of the time. (bar fights etc...) I've had equipment knocked over, been shoved into my mixer, and been groped on stage.
I've learned the hard way how to keep control, but I'm sorry it isn't all peaches and cream. You can't always control drunks no matter how you try.

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 Post subject: Re: Taking breaks
PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 7:24 am 
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Babs @ Fri Dec 23, 2005 1:39 am wrote:
I work in a very rowdy enviroment most of the time. (bar fights etc...) I've had equipment knocked over, been shoved into my mixer, and been groped on stage.
I've learned the hard way how to keep control, but I'm sorry it isn't all peaches and cream. You can't always control drunks no matter how you try.

hell i'm a guy and i don't think i'd put up with that crap at any price......except maybe the groping part!  nothing is worth damage to me or my equipment.....i know there's a joke or two there, but i'll leave them for karyoker, kieth01 and steven kaplan

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 Post subject: Re: Taking breaks
PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 9:16 am 
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You can if you have a great owner...who makes it CLEAR...it will not be tolerated NO MATTER who you are...and takes care of it. Since they've owned it...we've had only 2 skirmishes...and i call them that...cuz the minute it started...he had them out the door...and he didn't let them back in.

We worked at a place where our bar was the ONLY bar that had an ambulance parked in front of it...we had 4 cops..not one...like the other bars come in more than twice a night. They broke my TV...2 of my mics...I walked out of the ladies bathroom right into a punch from a guy...All i heard was.."the karaoke lady's down!"...oy...we made dang good money there...300.0o...and worked every weekend...BUT...NO amount of money is worth that. We quit. And now...i stick to home...we have fun...and i feel WAY safer...WAY SAFER!..LOL


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 Post subject: Re: Taking breaks
PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 10:35 am 
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No work is that important where equipment or host gets abused and be tolerated on any level.  I'd be walking real quick and sending the venue a bill for any damaged equipment or music.

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