karyoker @ Mon Oct 17, 2005 5:53 pm wrote:
Ok Lonman if you were to do it again what would you do different to improve it ???
Honestly, I don't know. What more could one do? Bigger money? More frequent clues - leading to smaller but more frequent cash payouts. I wouldn't charge the customers. M
Maybe would throw in bonus prizes if it were guessed on a particular night. We used to have a clue board that everyone could view & had the clues on my site as well - which I should be available to anyone - but only a singer will win also it was on a "FIRST one" to sing it in rotation so we would get people there earlier to turn their slips in the minute I (or the host) came through the door. One night, we had 5 people submit the correct song, but the first one obviously won it.
Like I said it went well for almost 2 years. For a club that has never had it, it may go as equally as well. We have done so many games over the years, some have hit while others have bombed, but we rarely do any of them again looking for something new - at least something we haven't done, not necessarily a new concept.