I have been lurking here for a couple of months and have decided to step up to the plate.
So far, I have spent most of my time in the Tech area. I am trying to figure out a decent home system for my living room (about 400 sq.). Right now my family of four is going with a Fleco system through the surround sound. I thought I was smart getting a little better than what you can find at WallyWorld. Little did I know how quick we would want a better system. I have lots of time since I have to save the $$, so right now I just want to get a decent idea of what to look for, so I can shop around. I have worked in the radio biz for about 20 years, so I am as my says, "picky" with the sound. I have a feeling money will be the biggest problem to satisfy me.
Thanks for letting me play in all of the reindeer games, I promise to play nice.