ml_texas wrote:
I feel so bad because I feel that unless I tell you the truth of the matter, I would be deceiving you into believing that I intended it to be that way. Honestly, I intended for the music to be on there. If you want to go back and give me bad scores I understand.
Mike, you're so silly!! LOL
I'm absolutely positive there is not one person here who would fault you, think badly of you or go back and change a score on you for subbing a file without the backing even when it was not your intention. With as many problems as we were all having trying to sub the last few days, I'm sure everyone completely understands.
ml_texas wrote:
I certainly was not trying to pull anything over on anyone. I promise you I am not very good with computers so it does not take a lot for me to mess something up. If you feel irritated about this, please forgive me. I do not want to destroy my integrity by not telling you all the truth. Thank you so much for reading this and for your kindness to me that you always show to me.--Mike
This very thing actually happened to me on another site a while back (when I was first learning how to mix the backing with my vocals) and I accidently saved just my vocals and uploaded it. Fortunately, I caught it after only 3 downloads and was able to remove it and resub the correct file (you can delete your subs immediately on that particular site). But I was still a little embarrassed. Everyone understood. And as computers go... it doesn't take a whole lot to mess something up on one and I'm sure we've all done something to a file we didn't mean to do at one point or another. 'Tis the way these darn things work.
I'm sure no one's irritated with you... you're far too honest a person to ruin your integrity simply by uploading an 'accapella' sub. Besides, looks like everyone enjoyed it anyway