Once upon a time, in a far away land way over the rainbow and beyond the Emerald City, in a place called Singer's Showcase, where all sorts of strange things can happen close to midnight, I was trying to sub a song that was hovering just shy of the 5 Meg upload limit I had on my paid subscription at the time. The sub crashed. And I looked like this;

But I figured the song was just too close to the 5M limit and decided to compress the file a little more and try resubbing it. It crashed again and I began grumbling to myself

because it was getting late and I was getting tired. But I decided to give it one more try after compressing the file a lot more just to see if I could get it to load at all and not really caring whether a single friggin' compressed lyric was going to be intelligible to me or any of my other fellow munchkins in showcase land - but after the 3rd try I ended up:

:giveup: but then my Fairy Song Mother must have bonked me on the head with her Magic Baton (tm pat. pending) because I suddenly looked like this
Rather then shortening the length of the file, I took a look at the FILE NAME and noticed that it was unusually long because the song title was long. The File Name was maybe 12 or more characters so I decided to go back to my original almost 5MEG MP3 file and RENAME it to something that was only 6 or 8 characters long. In other words, if the song file name was "whoscryingnowvbr128.mp3" I renamed it "whoscryn.mp3" and guess what - the file uploaded perfectly on the fourth try! And I looked like this:
A couple of songs and days later, I encountered the same problem when I had failed to note the length of the filename but, of course, instead of going through all the faces my Fairy Song Mother showed up holding this sign

and I just shortened the filename. Presto, the file uploaded perfectly on the second try and because I hadn't done it right the first time, I felt like

but eventually got over it and got happy :D
So if you've had similar upload problems in the past, it may be worth giving this shorter filename thing a try. Maybe it was just coincidence for those two songs - or maybe it was a the Wizard of Song playing a trick on me - but it's certainly worth trying so you can skip...

and go straight to :D !
And I guess that's everything so let's have a big

now and live happily ever after.
The End :wave: