Lonman @ Wed Jun 08, 2005 1:09 pm wrote:
The JRX powered sub would be ok or the M-Pro 418 would be perfect.
Thanks for the quick answer, will check in to those.
Lonman @ Wed Jun 08, 2005 1:09 pm wrote:
For a powered monitor, get another JBL EON.
One question on this. I thought about using another Eon but it only has single input in to this, i.e. not stereo. Does it matter which channel (left/right) I need to put in to the monitor or is there a way to input stereo signal in to a single input on the Eon? I thought I saw a monitor with two inputs, I assume for left/right channels and thought it may work better. Also, would I need the 15" Eon for this purpose? You think I can get away with 10" since it's mostly for vocal feedback? Thanks again.