From the website FAQ:
3) What video cards can I use?
The computer/operating software generates an image and sends it to the video card which is responsible for sending the images to the monitor/LCD screen. In this case the operating software recognizes that there are more than one video card and send the portions of the video to the respective video cards. the monitor is a passive device which simply displays what is sent to it. It is the Video card and the operating system which is really running the show.
The video card is a very important component in any computer and plays an especially important role in multi-screen systems. The reason is that if the video card act as the bottle neck in the system and slow down what you see. None of us want that.
Below are multi-channel cards from top vendors which we believe are reliable, work well with all the computers and operating systems menioned above and which will not be the bottleneck in your system.
Appian JeronimoPro -
Colorgraphic Predator Pro 4 Series
3DLabs Oxygen GVX1
Matrox G200 MMS
Any of these cards will serve you well and are highly compatible with all configurations of current computers.
4) Do I have to use one card to drive all the screens.
No, you are able to team up on video card which might drive 2 monitors with a single card to drive a total of 3 screens or monitors. You could even use 3 video cards to drive 3 monitors, however the problem there is that you would be using up your bus slots on your computer and would have room for other devices requiring bus slots.
Can I add video cards and screens later when needed.
Absolutely. In fact that is one of 9Xmedia's most powerful sales tools. You can buy a model 118 today, which is one 18 inch screen and add 1, 2, or even 3 screens later when they are needed. Our system is totally modular and you lose nothing by getting in at the 1 screen level and adding later.