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PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 7:24 am 
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a10cgirl @ Tue Apr 05, 2005 3:27 pm wrote:
I'm with JKolman on this!  I was tickled  :D  when I was rated an 8 on some of my subs.
A 10 is perfect and if we all were deserving of 10's all the time, I really don't think we would be here.  We would be out on tour somewhere.  I have ranked some subs a 10 because I thought they were deserving and have told in my comment a couple of those times that they were getting a 10 from me.  But I guess like everyone else, when I feel the ranking is below a 7 I'm hesitant to comment or rank. So I do neither.  I think anyone should be proud to get anything above the 5 (average).  That is nothing to be upset about.  I know that none of mine are 10's.  I'm probably my worst critic at times.  And the tech stuff drives me crazy!   :madgo:

Rant Alert

It really made my day today that people have taken the time to recomment and discuss this. Although it has been talked about a lot, and update on people thoughts about it, has made me feel not quite so alone in my views on this.

I deeply agree anyone getting straight 10s on everything should probably be on tour or is a star quality vocalist. Realistically, I think once in awhile I can do a 10 song, which is close to CD quality. I think many of us, you too Kolman and Blue Stained Shoes and I won't go on, but there are MANY singers on here who do star quality subs at times.

And I at times, usually in a JFF mode, will put something up raw and kinda funky, which I do just to share it. I know it isn't mixed really clean or maybe some of the notes are a little weak, or etc. But there are times when I have put up things that are decent and people will rate very well.. then all of sudden - bang - there is that ONE person, and your rating drops like a stone.

At one time, there was glitch in the system where people could go back and change their ratings on your subs, if you rated them less. This is a classic thing that happens to my soulmate Syber when she goes on one of her reviewing campaigns really digging in and giving honest comments and numbers.

Yet, human nature being what it is, someone gets up there, sings their little heart out, and despite all the emotion and energy, rating it, is painful.

I am truly impressed that we have quite a number of truly mature and realistic people here. Unless a person is totallly tone deaf, in my life, I have always been the person to step forward, no matter how hot the woman was lookingwise, or handsome the guy, or how many fans they had, and say dude or dudette. You are FLAT. And if you could just sing on key, you would be a lot better. Or if a person has no dynamics, or breath control, or warbles, or is singing from their nasal septum, IF the person wants to be a better singer that is what C mode is for.

If you don't care, and it's just kind of a social club thing where the word wonderful and incredible mean - I just listen for fun and am not a critical person in terms of tech but rather judge by emotion, well. that's okay.

It is a reality that if you do not listen to other peoples subs, don't expect them to listen to yours that much. It takes time to sit down and write out comments and almost everyone here is also putting up music and I think, (within human ability - for there are hundreds of songs here) you should check out every person who comments on your songs and post on at least one of their subs.

I will often say, hey, I'm coming over to "check you out"  And you never know what it will be like.  I can go over and listen to Nathan (Chamjam's) stuff and I think or Dumbdrums on Queen (Mikey) - or maybe 16 females (even country which is NOT my genre and kinda think, this person should be on stage like yesterday. And sometimes they are.) and then others I can go to and think what a totally cool person, but not the best singer. Many times I can enjoy their sub even if it not mega good, but then there are a few painful ones.

Those are the real dilemma. And average rank would be 5. I look at their average and I see like 9.4 or 9.6 and lord help us, sometimes even 10 (that doesn't seem to happen much anymore) and I think; if I give this person a 7 - and they have 4 comments , that is going to ruin their day.

And of course, I have run into the "happy happy joy joy" philosophy. Kind of like Romper Room - We are all here to have fun and love each other and be friends  and
well... there's the JFF sub for that I think.

So, it is sharky waters when I go out and start rating sometimes. I have a lot of material up for rating, and invariably, (more so with Syber)

But here's a secret. There are some very good mixing people and singers and when I see them go through on one of my subs and give me a 10, it does make my day.  Call me superficial, competitive, shallow, needing approval - um maybe human.
Those mark the songs I have done very well and usually I know it.

Thanks for all the comments. I wasn't around when this issue was DECIDED  and hey, it is still NEW news for the new people, and relevant, and they have expressed their opinions quite succinctly.


There are no accidents in a perfect world   - Blondie

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:58 am 
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Yes this has been discussed alot already. But just to fill you in on things that makes this complicated. It is not as easy as some people try to make it. Hence why this subject has been so discussed in the past. What makes it complicated, you can make out just in this thread alone. It is all about HOW people rank. Not just what they think sounds great. We all have different scales. Some people here think that a 10=You can go on a tour and make money as a recording artist. While others have way different scales. Some people only sit and listen to flaws and deduct points per flaw and then what is a flaw and what is a feature? who knows. For me personally, I would probably rank someone higher that sings it his/her own way than the original artist, because the true singer isn't a copycat, because coping someone else doesn't take as much talent as originality does. And some people would find the same song full of flaws because it wasn't sung like the original and so on. Understand what I am getting at? I for one, would never take away points for a bad mix, this is a singing website, not a soundtech website, while others would disagree with that. Ofcourse a good mix/sound makes it sound better, but with some imagination from the voters brain, it shouldnt take much to figure out much how it would sound with crystal clear recording mode. If sound or mix as a flaw, then you could upload a mp3 coming straight from an Elvis record from the 50s and get a 7. Now that wouldnt be fair to Elvis, would it?!? LOL.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:17 pm 
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The tech thing is so true.........I've already said many times....."this tech stuff drives me crazy!"  I'm not much for all the effects........I just like a nice clear sub.

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