Just a followup on that weekend It was on a sat which was many hours and true to form I got a call fri aft about 4 in the aft can u do karaoke tonight? Since it was a paying gig wouldnt make nothin tomorrow I said yes... Didnt get to bed till 3 am....
Pulled into Loveland about 1 in th aft it wasnt wat I expected . It was a hall (elks club) for maybe 3- 400. The stage was small with a bingo machine and stuff behind the curtain dont move that stufff.... It had lower stages on both sides of the stage maybe 100 to 150 feet . or 75... Knowing the main band would need room I set up with my Jbl eons at the extreme end of ther smaller stage areas., run a snake out to an area by the wall.. Started playing old country and adjusting ssytem A little gal walked in her eyes lit up and said i got good system. Turned out was the drummer for the main band..
Next thing I knew they were hauling in bins as big as my pickup... I asked hm wat he was usin for an amp maybe Lonman wud recognize it but I think he said Phonix 3000 (prob was a crown i dont know) As it turned out I played fill and karaoke between the bands setting up. There were three off the best bands around . At least one or two of the band members came up and said you have a good system...I played at a normal volume and didnt have distorted reverbs bouncing between then walls When will they ever learn? But it was the first time when I competed with a good band system...Not braggin but i done alright they couldnt hear me acrioss the tracks....