With a slightly modified Dfx12
and a Microverb 4, I use 5/6 7/8 for the background and 9/10 11/12 for karaoke. Left into 9/10 with 2efx at 9 oclock and right into 11/12 and 2efx at unity. Efx 2 is routed to the Microverb 4 and returned stereo aux1 Left red fader is Microverb 4 right fader is internal efx. The 11/12 fader is a level cntrl for efx and the treble and bass 0n 11/12 can be tailored also (hip hop turn the eq low up or chourus turn the eq high up)
After trying about every setting on the Microverb I usually run 97, 98 or 99 with the decay and rate time set according to the acoustics of the room. Do this with a heavy bass solo for proper delay to middle to the back of the room.
The Dfx12 is mounted on loose hinges made out shelf brackets and can be lifted to a vertical position for access to the units inside. For transport it is dropped down into the case. .
The 4 jacks above the 9/10 11/12 channels are normalled out and returned thru a BBE 362 and an Aphex 104. The comp is a 2 unit in bottom of case. This system rocks!!!