Once I hook up a video switch, I can put singers back to back with no interlude delay when it's busy at the end of the night.
Regarding the CDN25+G and video connection. It is my understanding from reading this that the unit has a seperate RCA composite video out for each of the decks right? If that is the case what would prevent you from using a simple RCA Y style splitter and go straight into the singers TV monitor, thus eliminating the need for a switch? When either deck is playing the video signal would be reaching it's destination wouldn't it?
Help! I'm confused!! Cause I'm really thinking of getting one of these babies for myself to replace my broken down old JVC. If fact when using my JVC 303 I have used a RCA Y style splitter right out of the back of the unit and feed the singers tv and also a tv for the audience to read along with the lyrics. One player two tv's. Couldn't you do something similar regarding the Numark?