You can download
MP3+G Toolz for a quality CDG tool. MP3+G Toolz is the definitive application for conversion of karaoke CD+G, Audio+G, Bin, or Zip files.
CD+G Ripping
Encoding of audio files to MP3 or OGG
FAST conversion to Bin for burning on CD-R
Converts .bin files to .mp3, .ogg and .cdg
Converts .mp3, .ogg and .cdg to .bin
Zips and unzips karaoke Audio+G files
Renames filenames dynamically using an internet database.
Creates .cue files for burning with CDRWin
Fixes filenames with proper case and removal of underscores.
Plays Audio+G files from a .zip file with 10 band graphic equalizer and -6 to +6 step key changer
Auto-updating so you'll always have the newest version! ... =downloads