ok aint sure if this should be in the technical thingy bob forum but they blow my mind there with all the technical stuffy they talk

ol yes i know its meant for that anyways....
missy has problems...her ears have been blown off they prolly right now somewhere over the south of france or sommat....
when i mix down and save my file to mp3 and i listen back its wonderful right level and everything.....
yet when i sub on here all of a sudden its increased like about 150 db

ok i exagerate but its welllllll loud compared to the mp3 i have saved and i dont understand why...is my puter now turning irish and getting things backwards just like its owner??
i listened to my sub always on my mind and seriously its scrape me off the ceiling loud ....
is confused but whats new....and i need a new smiley for scratching my head hehehe
any ideas???