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PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 10:42 pm 
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cueball wrote:
Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
chrisavis wrote:
.... It's irrelevant anyway because even one purchase demonstrates demand and we all know many more than one have purchased.

Demand has been proven.

to be fair, you did go off a bit on Cue because he wanted a disc from the PEP advance and talked about no demand.
Thank you for that honorable mention PK, but actually, I wasn't asking specifically for a disc, I was asking about multi-plex tracks. But, in either case, the same argument holds true, and it's so laughable how Chris holds others to his own DOUBLE-STANDARDS.

sorry, you and Jim are right. just like you said though, if 1 pirate = enough demand demand, then 1 Cueball should equal demand as well. you know i'm not a cheerleader or a hater. i will argue for both sides and against both sides calling BS on either side. i have called many cheerleaders on their double standards and the same with "haters".

Smoothedge69 wrote:
Hey harrington, Kind of assuming here a bit. Your avatar says SC, America's favorite karaoke brand. Nah. I think Zoom has surpassed SC by a mile!!

they are British, not American (but i love them too).

c. staley wrote:
JimHarrington wrote:
When we started suing, he dropped the brand entirely and posted signs at all his shows about how he wouldn't play our music anymore.

Correction: It didn't say that we "wouldn't play your music anymore" so get your facts straight or quit misleading everyone with this kind of untruth. You are far from the "wounded puppy" you would like to portray.

but you did though...and made posters that said exactly that....NO ECEPTIONS
noSCbrand.jpg [ 268.56 KiB | Viewed 27400 times ]

Paradigm Karaoke, The New Standard.......Shift Happens

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 1:34 am 
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That about covers it. That definitely is a sign saying that SC will not be played.

I know Zoom is British. BUT, I am finding more and more to like about them, between quality and song choice. I am finding less and less reason to use SC. MANY of the songs that I bought my SC discs for, I have replaced with other brands, and they are just as good, and sometimes better than the SC versions I used to use. You have to remember something, I didn't buy my SC discs for my shows. I bought them, years ago, for my own use at OTHER karaoke shows. Many of those old songs have been put out by Zoom and SBI, now. No need for the old SC discs.


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PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 2:58 am 
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Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
c. staley wrote:
JimHarrington wrote:
When we started suing, he dropped the brand entirely and posted signs at all his shows about how he wouldn't play our music anymore.

Correction: It didn't say that we "wouldn't play your music anymore" so get your facts straight or quit misleading everyone with this kind of untruth. You are far from the "wounded puppy" you would like to portray.

but you did though...and made posters that said exactly that....NO EXCEPTIONS

Nope. I'm using the "Harrington-Says-Words-Mean-Things-Philosophy" and it does not say that we "do not play SC music anymore." (kind of like saying; "we won't sue you for playing original discs, but you might get sued if you're playing original discs in shows.")

It simply says that "We do not, and will not play Sound Choice brand of products." And that it has been removed from our library.

Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
Smoothedge69 wrote:
Hey harrington, Kind of assuming here a bit. Your avatar says SC, America's favorite karaoke brand. Nah. I think Zoom has surpassed SC by a mile!!

they are British, not American (but i love them too).

But that doesn't matter if they're British Paradigm... the phrase is "America's favorite" not "favorite American." It's entirely possible to be "America's favorite" without being "American." And I can easily imagine that since there has been no music produced by the now-out-of-business-company for 6 or so years, that Zoom has surpassed it in quality and timeliness. Because you certainly can't call it "America's Favorite" when it comes to new music.... even in America.

It's the "words mean things" again. You and I can only guess how many times that little trick is used in his contracts.

How is it that the same attorney that sues customers and venues is now also the liaison, business representative, spokesperson and salesman for the company?

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 4:04 am 
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c. staley wrote:
Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
c. staley wrote:
JimHarrington wrote:
When we started suing, he dropped the brand entirely and posted signs at all his shows about how he wouldn't play our music anymore.

Correction: It didn't say that we "wouldn't play your music anymore" so get your facts straight or quit misleading everyone with this kind of untruth. You are far from the "wounded puppy" you would like to portray.

but you did though...and made posters that said exactly that....NO EXCEPTIONS

Nope. I'm using the "Harrington-Says-Words-Mean-Things-Philosophy" and it does not say that we "do not play SC music anymore." (kind of like saying; "we won't sue you for playing original discs, but you might get sued if you're playing original discs in shows.")

It simply says that "We do not, and will not play Sound Choice brand of products." And that it has been removed from our library.
i don't agree with this line of thinking, so i will stop here. i feel it is childish when either of you do it. it is not helping your case either.

c. staley wrote:
Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
Smoothedge69 wrote:
Hey harrington, Kind of assuming here a bit. Your avatar says SC, America's favorite karaoke brand. Nah. I think Zoom has surpassed SC by a mile!!

they are British, not American (but i love them too).

But that doesn't matter if they're British Paradigm... the phrase is "America's favorite" not "favorite American." It's entirely possible to be "America's favorite" without being "American." And I can easily imagine that since there has been no music produced by the now-out-of-business-company for 6 or so years, that Zoom has surpassed it in quality and timeliness. Because you certainly can't call it "America's Favorite" when it comes to new music.... even in America.

good point. Zoom has kept going, production quality is equal to what SC was at it's absolute best. when singers bring in thumb drives now, ZM, SBI & KV make up a majority of what they are buying.

c. staley wrote:
It's the "words mean things" again. You and I can only guess how many times that little trick is used in his contracts.

How is it that the same attorney that sues customers and venues is now also the liaison, business representative, spokesperson and salesman for the company?

i wonder the connection to Bass Cleff Holdings.

Paradigm Karaoke, The New Standard.......Shift Happens

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 6:29 am 
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c. staley wrote:
chrisavis wrote:
I don't need it, it isn't necessary, and there has been no demand for it. :)

Interestingly enough, that must be the same way that pirates feel about the gems. Why even spend the time to upload a song that is already there under a red label?

Except when it comes to my kiosk program, you are just blowing smoke again because you have no idea what the demand is. And demand is important to you right? As Mr. Harrington would explain to you; making such an assertion as though it is a statement of fact is really nothing more than a lie.

No surprise here.

You are right. I don't know what demand for your kiosk program is. I was being a little tongue in cheek and referring only to my own want, need, demand.

But now that you mention it......I have never seen your Kiosk program anywhere except your screenshots and videos. After 10 years I would think I would have run across it somewhere. You certainly don't market it it. There isn't anyway for anyone to even find out about it unless they stumble onto a karaoke forum by chance. It doesn't even have a name of its own that is obvious. You recently mentioned selling a version of it via a FB posting which received a lukewarm response at best.

So based on my observations.....

That said, it looks like a pretty decent kiosk application. I don't care for the 90's beige PC on a hand truck look, but I have never knocked the application itself. I am sure I could use it on a small, inexpensive tablet just like you demo'd.

I don't know what your user base is, but since I have 8 venues and some of them would need multiple kiosks, that might be 12 total installations.

Oh yeah....I am not eligible.


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PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 8:05 am 
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chrisavis wrote:
I have never seen your Kiosk program anywhere except your screenshots and videos. After 10 years I would think I would have run across it somewhere. You certainly don't market it it. There isn't anyway for anyone to even find out about it unless they stumble onto a karaoke forum by chance. It doesn't even have a name of its own that is obvious. You recently mentioned selling a version of it via a FB posting which received a lukewarm response at best.

It has a name that appears only on the splash screen, but because the purchaser can customize many of the screens, it advertises them.. .not me.

chrisavis wrote:
That said, it looks like a pretty decent kiosk application. I don't care for the 90's beige PC on a hand truck look, but I have never knocked the application itself. I am sure I could use it on a small, inexpensive tablet just like you demo'd.
Yeah, I thought that was kind of cool myself... It was the $56 "test investment"

chrisavis wrote:
I don't know what your user base is, but since I have 8 venues and some of them would need multiple kiosks, that might be 12 total installations.

Oh yeah....I am not eligible.

Let's just say that my client list is my business. But there are installations on both coasts, South, North, even Canada and England. I guess that makes it an "international product" as well.

But this thread isn't about my kiosk program so it's time to move on.... and get back on the topic at hand.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 8:06 am 
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c. staley wrote:

(Sigh) Ok. You win. Nobody want's high bit-rate karaoke audio. :roll:

I'm so glad this forum turned toxic again. (Said no one ever).

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 11:46 am 
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Well, well.... it looks like SC... ("Pep-Tone Entertainment") will be refunding some moolah to a few people as their latest missive is begging for money and putting a deadline of TOMORROW on it...
Pep-Tone Entertainment wrote:
Wednesday is the last day to pre-order the new Sound Choice Advance Digital Album, our first new music in nearly 6 years. And we'll be honest with you...there haven't been enough reservations for us to justify making that album just yet. We're hoping that a lot of you have been waiting till the last minute to order.

Let's see if the powers that be will open their own wallet to make your dreams come true.... because it doesn't look like they'll make the minimum of 320 "loyal licensees" to fund it in advance for them.

Interesting that they're not using any of their lawsuit money for this because if they sue someone for a 10k settlement and costs were half, they'd only need 3 lawsuits to fully fund it..... Must not be as profitable in the lawsuit biz these days.... They've even dropped the case against APS and Brophy....

Just remember what they said: "We're getting the band back together"

Yeah, right.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 12:26 pm 
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You know, I read this kind of stuff from Mr. Staley, and I think, "Man, it must really be tough to live his life." It must be genuinely sad when the only joy you can take in life comes from (what you perceive as) others' failure. You have my sympathy, Chip.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 2:31 pm 
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For the record, I did sign up, but I think the lack of interest is partly due to the fact that there is no indication of any possible songs that we might be able to get.

Very few people like to buy stuff sight unseen.


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 3:21 pm 
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jclaydon wrote:
For the record, I did sign up, but I think the lack of interest is partly due to the fact that there is no indication of any possible songs that we might be able to get.

Very few people like to buy stuff sight unseen.


We understand that, and we're trying to get it nailed down. I have a face to face tomorrow with a major publishing group to hammer out details on a new license we've been negotiating. I'm hoping to be able to generate a list of possible tracks that we can advertise.

The problem with advertising what we're planning to make before the licensing is finalized is that a certain individual is likely to go running to whichever publisher and whine about it to try to interfere with the contract.

The agreement allows us to extend the reservations period by up to 30 days, so we might do that. We're also developing a crowdfunding campaign that will supplement the funds from reservations.

Thanks for signing up.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 3:29 pm 
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JimHarrington wrote:
jclaydon wrote:
For the record, I did sign up, but I think the lack of interest is partly due to the fact that there is no indication of any possible songs that we might be able to get.

Very few people like to buy stuff sight unseen.


We understand that, and we're trying to get it nailed down. I have a face to face tomorrow with a major publishing group to hammer out details on a new license we've been negotiating. I'm hoping to be able to generate a list of possible tracks that we can advertise.

The problem with advertising what we're planning to make before the licensing is finalized is that a certain individual is likely to go running to whichever publisher and whine about it to try to interfere with the contract.

The agreement allows us to extend the reservations period by up to 30 days, so we might do that. We're also developing a crowdfunding campaign that will supplement the funds from reservations.

Thanks for signing up.

Jim I did contact brian about it, but you also might want to make sure that Canadians are able to sign up. When I went to the website to enroll, it wouldn't let me put in my credit card info because there was no way to add a Canadian address/province.

Brian pretty much had to get the web guy to fudge an address and set my status manually to paid after I had paid over the phone with my card


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 3:41 pm 
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Yeah, we're aware of the issue. There is supposed to be the option for an international address, but when we started this we weren't going to sell into Canada, and it didn't get set up right. They're supposed to be fixing it.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 4:22 pm 
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JimHarrington wrote:
You know, I read this kind of stuff from Mr. Staley, and I think, "Man, it must really be tough to live his life." It must be genuinely sad when the only joy you can take in life comes from (what you perceive as) others' failure. You have my sympathy, Chip.

Your sympathy isn't needed here nor is it asked for. But looking at the email your firm has shipped out as a last-minute tin-cup plea for money from your army of minions... it simply appears as though there really isn't an army of minions....

Even they are not willing to hand over their hard-earned money for overpriced "mystery songs" as though you are bestowing upon them some musical gems.

Don't think it's not been noticed that even a few of your most staunch, loyal, bu++kissing "licensees of love" haven't tossed their contribution into your tin cup.

The only one that really needs sympathy here... is you. It's your flailing about, last-minute plea we're talking about here remember? Not me. I don't have the problems you do. Besides, if you actually look at the score, I've put out 2 karaoke discs in the last 5 years... you've produced exactly ZERO so I'm more of a valid "manufacturer" than you are or have been in the last few years. Bet you didn't see that coming....

You're still begging for funding at the 11th hour and that is truly deserving of sympathy in the worst way.

Good luck to you.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:01 pm 
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Well, I just signed up. Heck it's only $30 and the first of its' kind.

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I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity ----E.A. Poe
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:53 pm 
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dvdgdry, what exactly are you getting for that money? i know what i get for mine.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 3:15 am 
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I can't understand why anyone would play this game. Let's make a deal was fun, but you played with house money. There are too many viable options out there to let the house play with your money. The message even sucks. A producer that isn't strong enough to produce with their own funds? Yeah, I'm jumping on that ship... :roll:

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 3:28 am 
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that's my issue.
if SC put out new tracks and sold them digitally downloadable ala carte for a reasonable price (TOPS $3.00 if no one else made it, same as i do with KV) i can not say i would buy them, but i would not discount them any more than i do KV (just because of the price i go to ZM, SBI, SF first). If the others did not make it, i would buy them (certified, so i can) just like i DO buy KV.
if Party Tyme did this croudfunding crap i would not support it either, so it is not an anti-SC issue, it is a business issue.

Paradigm Karaoke, The New Standard.......Shift Happens

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:33 pm 
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It has been posted that Kurt would rather extend the deadline on the "Magical Mystery Disc" than ever admit defeat and be in a position to refund anyone's money.....

I'd have to agree....

Anyone else bet that they'll extend their deadline?

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 1:42 pm 
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Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
dvdgdry, what exactly are you getting for that money? i know what i get for mine.

I get to find out first hand. You guys would (@$%&#!) about getting hung with an old rope. Who is to know, Somehow, Someday, Someway it may be worth some money to have the first. Just in case I think I will get mine on a disk. If it never is worth a dime I still only spent $30. You guys show must really suck if you don't make enough for it. HA

I'm just saying.

Yeah, I buy ZM, SBI, Abraxis, and Sunfly, Mr Entertainer, Priddis, also. I like these versions for sure. So What? They will not stop me from purchasing any PEP in the future.

You can never argue with a crazy mi-mi-mi-mi-mi-mind ----B. Joel
I have great faith in fools; My friends call it self-confidence ---- E.A. Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity ----E.A. Poe
I don't know, I don't care, and it doesn't make any difference! ----A. Einstein
Double bubble, toil and trouble ----W. Shakespeare & Walt Disney
I hate it when I get on FaceBook ----Me
Karaoke might be Groundhog Day ----?
Of All the Martial Arts, Karaoke Inflicts the Most Pain ----?

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