I would love to suggest making it easy to add various naming conventions into the database when importing the songs into the database.
I think that what he may be referring to here is having the built in capability to take a directory containing multiple different file name conventions and having the program automatically decipher and/or rename the files to your chosen format before adding them to the media list.
It would be cool, and you could get close - real close. - but it would be slow and there would always be weird ones that you would still have to fix manually or write special handlers to fix.
Karaoke Version for instance would need special handling -
Here is the process you would have to go through just to see if it is possible to automate the KV brand renaming.
1) Can this filename be parsed automatically?
No - This file has 6 underscores _ but other KV song files will have different numbers of them depending on the artist and the number of words in each title. The computer has no way of knowing where to split the artist name and the title for each song.
We're dead in the water already.
But wait! . . .
The actual mp3 and the cdg file names that are in the zip file are different then the zip file name.
These files DO have consistent (space hyphen space) delimiters that would allow the computer to know where to break them apart
Conchita_Wurst_Rise_Like_A_Phoenix(MP3+CDG_Karaoke)_424470.zip - zip file contains -
Conchita Wurst - Rise Like A Phoenix - 424470.mp3
Conchita Wurst - Rise Like A Phoenix - 424470.cdg
We can successfully get artist/title/id by unzipping each zip file and working with the names of the actual mp3 & cdg files.
2) Can the computer determine the brand and a unique ID?
Brand is not shown anywhere in any of the KV filenames.
Nope - can't directly get the brand here
Can we figure it out indirectly? hmmm
text after last delimiter (space hyphen space) is a number followed by the .file extension
Is this consistent for all KV downloads?
browsing all my KV downloads it appears that yes the number is always last (at least for the KV I own).
Does any other brand put the disc number last with no brand identifier?
Not that I have found in my database.
Result - We cannot be sure that somewhere, sometime, some company will also ship files with the last field a number and no brand name, but for now we will go ahead and assume it is a KV.
We can semi-mostly confidently? tell the computer now that if all of the text between the last hyphen and the .file extension is a number it is a KV Brand
So now we have our DiscID - We will add a KV at the start so that we will be able to tell it is a KV when we look at it in the file list.
But Wait!
We have a song(disc) number but no track number. Some of the KJ programs require a track number.
Browsing through my KV catalog I believe that the numbers in each different song are unique so let's just call each of them a cd and say that the song is track 01 of that particular imaginary CD.
KV424470-01 Alright! - we have a branded - DiscId and TrackId
On to the Artist and Title!
Conchita Wurst - Rise Like A Phoenix - 424470.mp3
Conchita Wurst - Rise Like A Phoenix - 424470.cdg
3) Artist Name -
After checking all my KV download files it appears that the format is always Artist/Title/DisID so . . . WE KNOW THE ARTIST NAME!
But wait -
Do we want first name last name or last name, first name?
Do we want ,The at the end of group names ie
Beatles, The
The Beatles(Never choose this one as you will end up with 30 pages of The when sorting your media list)
Do we want ALL CAPS?
Jeez this is getting involved!
The ONLY way you can come close to automating this for both the artist AND the title is to create a compare table that contains every possible combination of artist and group name along with your desired output.
Find Replace with
Beatles Beatles, The
Roy Orbison Orbison, Roy
Conchita Wurst Wurst, Conchita
for now we'll just leave the artist and title as is.
So now we have our DiscID-Track, our Artist, and our Title
Let's put them together in the "standard" naming format
KV424470-01 - Conchita Wurst - Rise Like a Phoenix
Rename the file
Add the file to the media Database
Next file please
Easy Peasy! . . . . right
Even while typing I already see one scenario that would blow this routine.
We're assuming that if the last delimited field is a number that it is a KV brand file in Artist/Title/DiscID format.
What if the song was SF225-06 - Teardrops - 411 a DiscID/Title/Artist format and the artist was 411 . . . boom . . . oops
This is the kind of stuff that makes it so difficult to do a "simple" automation.