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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 6:56 am 
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Although we have "regulars" that range from our 7-year-old "Princess" to "Lady Joan" who turned 90 in the spring, I'd guess that the bulk of our singers are in the 45 - 65 y.o. range. And, if I really think about it, that's exactly the crowd I want to attract to both our weekly shows.

For a start, they're faithful... I can generally count on them showing up every week.

They're almost always well-behaved... Very rarely do we see drunks or equipment abusers.

Most want to have fun, and tend to turn karaoke nights into social activities... which fits my personality to a "T".

Very few get upset when our numbers prevent them from singing more than one or perhaps two songs.

They don't like ear-splitting loud...

They save me money. I don't have to purchase ALL the latest music... just the most popular. Our regular patrons seldom sing the latest releases.

For those of you who cater to the "learning-how-to-drink 20-somethings"... more power to you.... I'd be happy to send some your way if I could.

(BS, PHD & Certified CurmuDJeon)

[font=Times New Roman]"Growing Old may be mandatory... but growing UP is still optional."[/font]

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 7:11 am 
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Earl, you have just described my crowd in every way. Not having to purchase new music all the time is a huge "biggie". Another plus is... they go home early. :D

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 7:31 am 
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The average age in my bar is about 25-26. 90% of the crowd is 21-35, only a handful of patrons over 40. And yes, it's a zoo on most nights.

C Mc

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 8:08 am 
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We have 11 bars...

Only one bar fits the Earl/mrmarog description. Love the people there, but I need more energy and diversity.
One of our locations allow children (grrrrr) until 10pm. I never show up until after 10.
Most of our bars are in the 25-35 range. Two sit firmly in the 21-30 range.
I thrive on the energy and tolerate the drunken debauchery more than most, but we do have one location that I will only host at as a last resort.


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 8:40 am 
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Mine can depend on the night or even the time of night. The range in age is 21 to 80 something but the majority is probably 30s to 40s. It can get younger later in the evening.

It is true that the regulars tend to be older while the younger ones will come one night and then it is been there done that lets go somewhere different the next. But I do have a few in their 20s who don't miss a show. They know a range of music and will even join in on 60s songs.

I have two styles of shows depending on the age group and when both are there at the same time it does cause me a bit of stress trying to keep both happy. Mostly it is because the older ones are traditional karaoke where they want their 4 minutes for them self but the younger ones tend to sing as a mob and think they can join in on whoever they want.

My "transisiton" music tends to be organized to be country and mild pop/rock early in the evening and then it gets more modern as the night goes on. I keep up on the current country/pop/rock and even electronic but what the younguns really seem to want is rap/hip hop which is mostly out of my range. I had to get a list from some cooperative ones. While the only song I normally play clear through is the Cupid Shuffle, if it is the young crowd only, they will hear a song and want it to keep going. I had one offer to pay me $20 to play one song in it's entirety as she wanted to" hear it on your system, real loud" as opposed to the juke box.

I feel a bit old for this. There is no closing time for bars in this state so sometimes I get home at dawn due to an influx of younguns late in the night and the owner paying me to stay. There used to be two bars in the town and the young people were at one and the older at the other but one went under. So now it is combined and I have to be flexible and prepared for either, or and both.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 8:53 am 
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Ave age group 21-45. Lots of pop, rock, metal, new country. No Send In The Clowns at my show lol

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 9:10 am 
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Lonman wrote:
Ave age group 21-45. Lots of pop, rock, metal, new country. No Send In The Clowns at my show lol
:clapper: :worship: But I'm home before 11 PM after every show and only 3 hour shows with great pay :ppfftt:

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 9:22 am 
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Mostly older teens and early 20s. They like to sing in large groups which means they have to share mics and some of them smoke on stage while singing.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 9:46 am 
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There are two of mine in their 20s that like Broadway--but more like "Wicked," "Rent," etc.

I have a question: How old do your patrons have to be before you don't have to buy current music? I'm in my 60s and I like songs by Pink, Rhianna, Katy Perry, etc. Many of my older ladies like Pink, especially. The older crowd may not request hip hop or rap but they do request current country and pop hits.

It's great if you live somewhere with enough bars and patrons to pick and choose. I'm out in the middle of nowhere with just a few bars. Adapt or die.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 9:59 am 
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mrmarog wrote:
Lonman wrote:
Ave age group 21-45. Lots of pop, rock, metal, new country. No Send In The Clowns at my show lol
:clapper: :worship: But I'm home before 11 PM after every show and only 3 hour shows with great pay :ppfftt:

LOL, I don't mind the late hours at all, I usually don't even get to bed until 3 or 4AM.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 10:40 am 
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Lonman wrote:
Ave age group 21-45. Lots of pop, rock, metal, new country. No Send In The Clowns at my show lol

Practicing. See you next week. :)


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 10:55 am 
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mrmarog wrote:
Lonman wrote:
Ave age group 21-45. Lots of pop, rock, metal, new country. No Send In The Clowns at my show lol
:clapper: :worship: But I'm home before 11 PM after every show and only 3 hour shows with great pay :ppfftt:

Now that is something I would dig about having only more venerable crowds. For the 8 months between leaving MS then coming back to consult, I was actually getting a pretty regular 6 hours of sleep every night. haven't done that since high school. Now I back down to 4 on average.

The Mon/Tues/Wed grind is the worst right now. Monday I get up at 5:30a, at work by 7. Leave work around 6, drive straight to venue. Run show until 2am, home by 3am. Back up at 5:30, at work by 7. Work till 6, drive gear to Tues night venue, setup for my host, home by 8:30. Up until midnightish. Up at 5:30, at work by 7. Out the door by 6. Drive to Wed Venue where I am training a newbie. This one ends at 12mid so I get home by 1am. Up at 5:30. Work by 7. Out at 6. Home by 7. Then I usually crash completely.

It will get somewhat easier once I get my new gear this week and my two new trainees lined out. But I do pick up a Saturday night show this weekend.

Only 7 more years of this......


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 11:24 am 
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leopard lizard wrote:
It's great if you live somewhere with enough bars and patrons to pick and choose. I'm out in the middle of nowhere with just a few bars. Adapt or die.

Actually, I am one of only two KJs operating on Thursday evenings in the area... and the only one on Saturday nights...

My town (Thursdays) has a population of about 10,000 souls, and my Saturday show is in a neighbouring town of about 40,000...

Compared to many, if not most here, I'm "out in the boonies" too.

(BS, PHD & Certified CurmuDJeon)

[font=Times New Roman]"Growing Old may be mandatory... but growing UP is still optional."[/font]

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 11:58 am 
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leopard lizard wrote:
I have a question: How old do your patrons have to be before you don't have to buy current music? I'm in my 60s and I like songs by Pink, Rhianna, Katy Perry, etc. Many of my older ladies like Pink, especially. The older crowd may not request hip hop or rap but they do request current country and pop hits.
I know a host that hasn't bought anything really new in like 5 years now (maybe longer, can't remember when we actually talked about it). Occasionally I hear he'll get a request or two. He once told me he has over 50K songs (yeah he is but not going there) and that if someone cannot find something to sing, f em!
I also know older people that like trying some of the newer music. So that is a great question, how old does the crowd have to be for a kj to simply quit buying anything new?

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 12:23 pm 
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I'm in a sort of Mr. Scott situation--one town is population, 3,000 and one is 5,000 and they are a half hour apart with nothing but horned toads and jack rabbits in between.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 1:05 pm 
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Lonman wrote:
leopard lizard wrote:
I have a question: How old do your patrons have to be before you don't have to buy current music? I'm in my 60s and I like songs by Pink, Rhianna, Katy Perry, etc. Many of my older ladies like Pink, especially. The older crowd may not request hip hop or rap but they do request current country and pop hits.
I know a host that hasn't bought anything really new in like 5 years now (maybe longer, can't remember when we actually talked about it). Occasionally I hear he'll get a request or two. He once told me he has over 50K songs (yeah he is but not going there) and that if someone cannot find something to sing, f em!
I also know older people that like trying some of the newer music. So that is a great question, how old does the crowd have to be for a kj to simply quit buying anything new?
My average age is about 60 and my newest music is about 2010 with a smattering of 2011 (CB stuff thanks John). A guy asked me if I had "Happy" a couple of weeks ago and that has been my only request for newer music in over a year. LL I would say that because you have some real young singers you end up liking some of their stuff. I have no young singers, don't want them, and don't need them, but they are welcome if they don't mind singing "oldies" (pre 1990's).

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 2:37 pm 
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I'll bring in my own discs, I have a lot of rare Megadeth to sing :mrgreen:

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 2:51 pm 
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leopard lizard wrote:
I have a question: How old do your patrons have to be before you don't have to buy current music? I'm in my 60s and I like songs by Pink, Rhianna, Katy Perry, etc. Many of my older ladies like Pink, especially. The older crowd may not request hip hop or rap but they do request current country and pop hits.
Lonman wrote:
I know a host that hasn't bought anything really new in like 5 years now (maybe longer, can't remember when we actually talked about it). Occasionally I hear he'll get a request or two. He once told me he has over 50K songs (yeah he is but not going there) and that if someone cannot find something to sing, f em!
I also know older people that like trying some of the newer music. So that is a great question, how old does the crowd have to be for a kj to simply quit buying anything new?
mrmarog wrote:
My average age is about 60 and my newest music is about 2010 with a smattering of 2011 (CB stuff thanks John). A guy asked me if I had "Happy" a couple of weeks ago and that has been my only request for newer music in over a year. LL I would say that because you have some real young singers you end up liking some of their stuff. I have no young singers, don't want them, and don't need them, but they are welcome if they don't mind singing "oldies" (pre 1990's).
Lonman wrote:
I'll bring in my own discs, I have a lot of rare Megadeth to sing :mrgreen:

I just remembered that my player is broken :pray:

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 3:11 pm 
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I still purchase new music... but only that which is saturating the airwaves... (such as "Happy" and "All Of Me"). I don't bother with the obscure stuff, simply because nobody ever requests it, and I'm a cheap sonofagun...

(BS, PHD & Certified CurmuDJeon)

[font=Times New Roman]"Growing Old may be mandatory... but growing UP is still optional."[/font]

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 4:03 pm 
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mrmarog wrote:
Lonman wrote:
I'll bring in my own discs, I have a lot of rare Megadeth to sing :mrgreen:

I just remembered that my player is broken :pray:
There's always a Flash Drive. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

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