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PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 9:50 pm 
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This is my recent discussions with tech support via their only method for support; Facebook! I have removed my name and E-Mail address from this, everything else is the actual discussion:

I'm trying out Karma and considering purchasing this product, but I have discovered a flaw that I can't seem to work out. When changing from various bit rate's my volume drastically changes. Is there a Volumizer in Karma that I am simply overlooking to turn on or off? There's nothing worse than going from a 128 bit MP3 to a 320 bit MP3 and the volume tripling blowing ear drums!

4/26, 1:12pm
The bit rate doesn't affect volume. MP3s are just recorded at different levels. We don't make one, but they do make MP3 normalizers that will go through your entire collection and normalize the volume of every track.
• Sunday

7/27, 5:21pm
I just purchased Karma Today and attempted to install on my Windows 8.1 computer that was just freshly loaded. It says Net Framework 3.5 must be installed and asks if I want to download it, I select yes, and Microsoft stated Net Framework 4.0 is already installed and aborts. Therefore, I cannot install Karma. What did I need to do?

7/27, 6:54pm
The installer should download everything you need, but if for some reason it doesn't, you can always get any of those components from Microsoft's web site.

7/27, 7:00pm
As soon as I click on Karma to install, it pops up stating that "Net Framework 3.5 Is Required, would you like to download", if I select "Yes" it takes me to a Microsoft Download, but it says I cannot install because I already have version 4.0 - then Karma does nothing after that. If I select "No" to install, Karma Installation closes. Can't get anywhere with it.

7/27, 7:08pm
I am in the process of downloading .Net Framework 3.5 and going to attempt to install it. This is an obvious Programming Error, since the installer doesn't recognize .Net Framework 4 being a newer edition to version 3.5.

7/27, 7:33pm
Ok, now that I installed .Net Framework 3.5 Karma installed. MP3's play fine, MP3/CDG's Play Fine, but when playing MP4 the audio is nothing but static. Any idea on how to fix this issue?

7/27, 8:23pm
I do know, if we can't get the MP4's to play properly, then I have no use for Karma! Registered User Name: “My Name Was Here To Show Product Purchase”

7/27, 8:59pm
You will need to install one of the recommended video codecs listed on the Karma details page on our web site.

7/27, 9:40pm
I installed the Codecs for Windows 8.1 as recommended on the Karma Site - that didn't fix anything. Let's recap, it's a clean installation of Windows 8.1, installed Karma, installed Shark Codecs, tested Karma and audio for MP4's is just static. MP4's play fine in Windows Media Player & Winamp, just not in Karma!

7/27, 9:48pm
MP4 codecs are complex and require setting up. Each codec comes with a setup tool. Also, MP4s are themselves the most complex of all video formats so it may work with one video but not with the next until it's compression scheme is setup properly. What most people wisely do, like myself, is to covert all videos to a more simple format like MPEG 1 or 2 format. When you do this, then Karma doesn't require a complex codec setup. If you choose to go this route, there's a tool called Alive MP4 converter which we use ourselves. Many people have Karma setup to play any MP4 videos. It just takes some time and knowhow to get them setup properly. The choice is yours, but if you want to play MP4s natively, and you don't know how to configure them, you should contact the codec manufacturer.

7/27, 9:58pm
When I first setup Karma for testing under the evaluation version I was sent information to setup my Codec's to work with Karma directly from Karma, since then my E-Mail Crashed and I lost those settings. Now I have purchased Karma and you're telling me to convert my 100,000 videos?

7/27, 11:07pm
I got it working....just so you know here is what one must do to get MP4's to play in Karma!
Open Shark007 Codecs - Settings Application 32 Bit - Click On H264/5 Header - Select Use FFD Show's H264 - Exit
Go back and perform the same steps on Shark007 Codecs - Settings Application 64 Bit.
OK NEW PROBLEM: When playing videos in Karma; when a video is playing, if I select another video and select "Fade In Now" Karma stops responding. (I feel like I'm Beta Testing a product I paid for...rofl)
• Today

Not sure why that is happening. Maybe you should use a different product.
• Today

Since I just purchased this yesterday then, how do I go about getting a refund? Everything worked fine in unregistered mode; nothing went haywire until I paid for the product.

Just go to the license activation window where you activated the license and click the "remove license" button. Once removed, email me back and I'll process your refund.

I don't understand why we just can't fix the issues; it was working great before with the prior tech support I received. I guess it's easier now days to send a customer to another program rather than fixing the issues contained in your software. Easy enough though. The only issue I'm currently having is "Fade In Now" and by selecting a file to play that I've added to the play list causing Karma to "Stop Responding". This is on a Windows 8.1 System, with an MSI Motherboard utilizing 8 GB of Ram and an AMD 8-Core 3.5 GHZ Processor. Hardware requirements are way overboard. I can go back to using my Swift Elite 4.0 or my Virtual DJ Software, but I actually like what I saw in Karma with the exception of not having a built in normalizer and the current issues I'm having.

You can get every single video ever produced to play in Karma, but since I've been a programmer since 1977, I'm smart enough to see clearly from your previous messages that this is all simply over your head, and yes, it's a LOT easier to simply give you a refund. You're clearly the type that just wants it to work without any effort on your part, so let's just cut to the chase and refund your money before we both waste any more of each others time. Karma was designed from day one to run a karaoke show (MP3s and MP3+G files). A video engine was added later, and yes it's requires codecs for MP4s and some knowhow to get them setup. I gave you a great piece of advice in converting your videos to MPEGs to make it all easier, but that wasn't good enough for you. Well, if you're going to have the balls to tell a veteran software engineer of 37 years that you know better, don't expect that software engineer to NOT want to get rid of you. I've got 7,000 KJs across 65 countries who are NOT whining like you are. Are you starting to get a clearer picture Mike? Either take my advice or take the refund, but for God's sake, stop wasting my time. I mean doesn't it just simply make sense to go back to a product that fits your needs of easy use?

I'll take your advice and take the refund then! First and foremost, your product is flawed from installation as to the fact that your Framework Version Check doesn't even recognize version 4.0 and you must downgrade to 3.5 just to install Karma! Your support is complete crap as I can tell from here.....back to Virtual DJ I go and I will ensure that I share this support with the DJ Community!

On another note: On your product page, you should remove where you say that Karma supports MP4 Playback, since your company obviously doesn't support such a function!
• •
Like I said, they will play just fine and thousands of people play MP4s in Karma everyday. It just takes some setup and knowhow. Of course using a computer takes some setting up and knowhow as well. Should we mention that too? I mean we clearly should cater to the least common denominator.

Anyhow, let me know once you have the license removed and I'll process your refund.

I worked in Technology for the United States Government for 21 years; I also owned a very successful Technology Business in Jacksonville Florida for 10 years before I sold out. I know a lot about technology....perhaps as a programmer you should make sure you know your customer before you attempt to stab them in the back! LICENSE HAS BEEN REMOVED!

• Karaosoft
“My Name”, what is your email address? you're not the only “Middle & First Name” in the database.

It's under “First & Last Name” - E-Mail: “My E-Mail”
Your customer base may dwindle when people realize this is the quality support that Karaosoft offers.

I've been this way since day one. Trust me, it won't affect it as much as you think. Only the idiots have a problem with me and they're the ones I want to go to my competition and waste their tech support time. True professionals are different than you :angry: . They do what needs to be done to get the job done. People who spend their days on forums obviously have too much time on their hands. The real KJs are out there working and NOT whining, but you do whatever helps you sleep at night.

Your refund is complete.

Wow - unbelievable response....you need to take a course in Customer Service, that's definitely lacking here. I would be out making money, if the product I paid for worked as advertised!

It does work. You're just too lazy to make it work, and that's NOT my fault.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 3:08 am 
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Now THAT is what I have seen for years from him all over forums.
you need to set up codecs? not on pro software. I know Siglos plays them all our of the box, pretty sure hoster and compuhost do as well.
even if karma did more for me than Siglos does (which I haven't found anything yet that it does) his attitude of "i know it all and you are just an idiot" would stop me from ever giving him any money at all. I think there is only one or two here who have gotten help from him without getting insulted.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 5:39 am 
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You have 100,000 videos? Really?

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 6:51 am 
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rickgood wrote:
You have 100,000 videos? Really?

Easy if they are short pr0n clips.. :mrgreen:

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 7:29 am 
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jdmeister wrote:
rickgood wrote:
You have 100,000 videos? Really?

Easy if they are short pr0n clips.. :mrgreen:

Said the expert on the subject :)

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 8:53 am 
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if I was the owner of karaosoft I would get just as pissy with you also!

think about it, you are 1 user out of thousands of users that have an issue. that points
more to a computer issue then a program issue.

he worked with you and you got pissy because his answers were not good enough for you.

so instead of trying to resolve the issue, YOU ALONE CHOSE THE REFUND ROUTE!

and instead of being the adult and dropping the issue at that point, you decided to run
off at the mouth and escalate the problem on your end!

to me the whole email conversation you posted just makes you look like an (@$%&#!)!

and then you jump into the forums and instead of asking for help you have to bad mouth

if you came here most of use would have suggested you download the k-lite codec pack,
it's more complete and fixes most codec issues without a lot of codec tweaking.

and that's just my opinion.

It's all good!

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 8:57 am 
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rickgood wrote:
You have 100,000 videos? Really?

That is what I am asking too!????????

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 10:34 am 
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rumbolt wrote:
rickgood wrote:
You have 100,000 videos? Really?

That is what I am asking too!????????

Hmmmm, I wanted to give him (op) the benefit of the doubt, not undermine his credibility but when I read the part “convert my 100,000 videos” & his rants, that credibility has gone out the window.

To be fortunate enough to derive an income from a source as fulfilling as karaoke music has got to be as close to heaven as we can get here on earth!

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 10:39 am 
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Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
Now THAT is what I have seen for years from him all over forums.
you need to set up codecs? not on pro software. I know Siglos plays them all our of the box, pretty sure hoster and compuhost do as well.
even if karma did more for me than Siglos does (which I haven't found anything yet that it does) his attitude of "i know it all and you are just an idiot" would stop me from ever giving him any money at all. I think there is only one or two here who have gotten help from him without getting insulted.
Me too.

Hoster & Compuhost need the codecs setup as well for certain videos - it will play most videos out of the box, but certain file extensions do need to be tweaked.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 12:34 pm 
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Oh, I thought they would be ready to go by the developers.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 6:36 pm 
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Lonman wrote:
Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
Now THAT is what I have seen for years from him all over forums.
you need to set up codecs? not on pro software. I know Siglos plays them all our of the box, pretty sure hoster and compuhost do as well.
even if karma did more for me than Siglos does (which I haven't found anything yet that it does) his attitude of "i know it all and you are just an idiot" would stop me from ever giving him any money at all. I think there is only one or two here who have gotten help from him without getting insulted.
Me too.

Hoster & Compuhost need the codecs setup as well for certain videos - it will play most videos out of the box, but certain file extensions do need to be tweaked.

Windows 7 needs a boost in the codec dept. to properly play MP4 files via CompuHost. Windows 8 will play them via CompuHost just fine. No additional codecs needed.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 6:39 pm 
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Brian A wrote:
rumbolt wrote:
rickgood wrote:
You have 100,000 videos? Really?

That is what I am asking too!????????

Hmmmm, I wanted to give him (op) the benefit of the doubt, not undermine his credibility but when I read the part “convert my 100,000 videos” & his rants, that credibility has gone out the window.

Why Brian, what are you trying to say my friend? :lol:

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 7:29 pm 
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100,000 Videos? Bob Probably Figured you were a pirate after a statement like that.

I've never had those kinds of problems with Karma. When I did have a static audio codec problem, I found out it depends what codecs are being used inside the MP4 Container. There a several combinations that can be used (MP3 Audio/Xvid Video, ACC Audio/Dvix Video, Etc). Sounds like you are using a non standard combination.

with the 100,000 Videos statement, I think you probably are a pirate though, in which case if I was Bob I would have sent you to the competition as well.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 1:14 am 
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Alan B wrote:
Windows 7 needs a boost in the codec dept. to properly play MP4 files via CompuHost. Windows 8 will play them via CompuHost just fine. No additional codecs needed.
Hoster might as well, I don't use Win 8, only Win 7 at this point.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 1:34 am 
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wow. pain in the a$$ or not still think its a bit strong. Dont think the guy was being unreasonable

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 1:45 am 
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billwilliams1989 wrote:
wow. pain in the a$$ or not still think its a bit strong. Dont think the guy was being unreasonable

Do you know what a pirate is? If not, shut up.

You'll find there won't be any sympathy for RavynJax from any of us. You'll also find, he'll probably never be heard from again.

By the way, a pirate, is someone using stolen or "pirated" media to run their shows. This is illegal and the media has been obtained illegally. Got it??!!

Electro-Voice Evolve 50... Taking Sound To The Next Level.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 2:09 am 
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Do you know what a pirate is? If not, shut up.

You'll find there won't be any sympathy for RavynJax from any of us. You'll also find, he'll probably never be heard from again.

By the way, a pirate, is someone using stolen or "pirated" media to run their shows. This is illegal and the media has been obtained illegally. Got it??!!

Yikes, calm down petal. Course i know what a pirate is, I've seen peter pan. All i'm saying is pain in the a$$ or not, pirate or not, IMHO opinion the customer support guy was a bit strong. I'm sure karasoft are used to dealing with people with lots of videos, if they refused to sell to or help to anyone who has lots of videos which are clearly pirated they would probably be out of business pretty quick, sad but true. arrrgh me-matey

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 5:43 am 
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Kind of odd that a pirate would spend $100 on Karma when he could have just pirated it. My guess is he is over stating the videos he has. It's kind of the American way this day an age :)

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 8:05 am 
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in my opinion, it doesn't who a person is, or even if they deserve to be called out on something. There is just ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE for being an arsehole to your customer base.

I love it when people imply that I'm retarded because then I can say "As a matter of fact, yes I am legally retarded, what's your excuse for being a rude butthole?"


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PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 9:21 am 
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Alan B wrote:
Brian A wrote:
Hmmmm, I wanted to give him (op) the benefit of the doubt, not undermine his credibility but when I read the part “convert my 100,000 videos” & his rants, that credibility has gone out the window.

Why Brian, what are you trying to say my friend? :lol:

With the exception of the videos, I’m saying pretty much the same as when I read a few of your posts the very first time (no offense/kidding) my friend! LMAO

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