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Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:52 am |
Joined: Tue Jul 31, 2012 3:35 am Posts: 1945 Been Liked: 427 times
Some here seem to be applying a pretty broad brush to this topic. No two shows are alike and, essentially, the rules of engagement are different at every show. Sure there are some boundaries that shouldn't be crossed but applying a "the KJ should never sing" or "the KJ shouldn't sing past X singers" is a pretty narrow minded approach. Bruce looks at it from a singers perspective but what about the perspective of all the other people in the bar that may not be singers? Or they may come there because of other reasons and the KJ is one of only a few singers they can tolerate? Or the KJ is willing to sing something that someone wants to hear. Certainly, a KJ should not make the show about him\her. But a KJ can be of service to parts of the audience by singing without making the show about him\her. Being someone that KJ'd but who now just visits as a singing guest, I get all kinds of people coming up with all sorts of things from, "Thank God you are here, PLEASE get up there" to "hey, you gonna sing some rock for me tonight". They aren't much different than when I KJ'd. Should I have ignored them before? Am I more now within the boundaries since I am now strictly a paying customer? And I was a paying customer before when I Kj'd no freebies and I usually bought several drinks for others at full price. I think this topic is MUCH more gray than many perspectives here. But that's my perspective... 
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Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 7:10 am |
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 5:13 pm Posts: 3801 Images: 1 Location: Florida Been Liked: 1612 times
I went out to sing last night and the KJ had 32 singers. He got through 2 rotations in 3 1/2 hours and he sang twice himself. He is very good singer and always re-energizes the party. His singing is way more of a plus than a negative. Like MrBoo says it is on a per show basis and not a general rule as to whether or not the host should 1st only, every round, or never. My answer is "what ever works". I was there to have fun and I had a blast.... host singing included.
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Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:25 am |
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Joined: Wed May 18, 2005 10:03 pm Posts: 2674 Location: Jersey Been Liked: 160 times
I think that there are many karaoke hosts who started out as karaoke singers. They started out with a few of their own discs and their own karaoke machine at home and they wound up as very good singers because they had the ability to practice at home so when they went out to karaoke bars they stood out as very good performers. Fast forward some years and these people have now gotten a large collection of their own discs and they decide to be karaoke hosts. Now that they are in CONTROL of the show, they get to decide how often they will sing in the rotation to "show off" their skills. What they don't seem to realize is that they are no longer customers at a karaoke show. They are HOSTS of a karaoke show. Have you ever seen a Hostess at a restaurant ignore the long line of paying customers, waiting for tables, and sit down at a table and order some food during peak hours at the restaurant? Me either. A host is an Master of Ceremonies. he is not a singer. A host is Ed Sullivan. He is not the Beatles. Just do your job, Ed.
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Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:29 am |
Joined: Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:38 pm Posts: 6086 Images: 1 Location: Redmond, WA Been Liked: 1665 times
BruceFan4Life wrote: I think that karaoke is for pure amateurs. That's why the words are put on the screen. I think the professionals singers belong at open mic nights. It's funny how so many of the "pros" seem to only show up at karaoke when there is money to be won. They wouldn't be caught dead there otherwise. I think if a host wants to sing, he should go to someone else's karaoke show and support the industry that way...as a customer. Karaoke is for anyone that wants to sing, be that a pro, amateur or otherwise. -Chris
_________________ -Chris
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Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:43 am |
Joined: Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:38 pm Posts: 6086 Images: 1 Location: Redmond, WA Been Liked: 1665 times
It makes me smile watching these debates around what makes a good host or a bad host, a good rotation or a bad rotation.
There is no Karaoke Bible and there shouldn't even be one.
One of the reasons why karaoke is popular is because of the diversity in songs, singers, hosts, and hosting styles. We all have a preferences and we tend to vote with our feet. We go to the places that run things the way we like them.
There are some here who think I am the worst host ever because I am certified, have a tip jar, sing in my own rotations, and openly discourage people from singing certain songs in certain circumstances. Yet I have regulars who enjoy my shows, come back week after week, and my business is thriving. When someone tells me I am a crappy host, I ask them why. If it is something I can do something about that will positively impact my show, I try to address it. But if it is some prima donna host or singer who just prefers a show to be run a different way, then they are free to go elsewhere.
If what I am doing works for my singers, my venues and my business, do not expect me to change it just because some random host or singer on a forum says I am a horrible at what I do. I know better and that is all that matters.
_________________ -Chris
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Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:46 am |
Joined: Thu Jan 18, 2007 6:30 pm Posts: 1806 Images: 0 Been Liked: 631 times
Here! Here!
Well said Chris!
_________________ Music speaks to the heart in ways words cannot express.
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Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:59 am |
Joined: Tue Jul 31, 2012 3:35 am Posts: 1945 Been Liked: 427 times
BruceFan4Life wrote: I think that there are many karaoke hosts who started out as karaoke singers. They started out with a few of their own discs and their own karaoke machine at home and they wound up as very good singers because they had the ability to practice at home so when they went out to karaoke bars they stood out as very good performers. Fast forward some years and these people have now gotten a large collection of their own discs and they decide to be karaoke hosts. Now that they are in CONTROL of the show, they get to decide how often they will sing in the rotation to "show off" their skills. What they don't seem to realize is that they are no longer customers at a karaoke show. They are HOSTS of a karaoke show. Have you ever seen a Hostess at a restaurant ignore the long line of paying customers, waiting for tables, and sit down at a table and order some food during peak hours at the restaurant? Me either. A host is an Master of Ceremonies. he is not a singer. A host is Ed Sullivan. He is not the Beatles. Just do your job, Ed. You just pigeon holed almost every KJ that has sung at their own show as being bad hosts. Most, if not all, KJs started out as singers or members of a band. Most KJ's see themselves AND ARE SEEN as entertainers, not someone seating people at restaurants. That was a horrid example. Ed was quoted one time as saying he wished he had the talent to do what the performers on his shows did. That was an over all fail of a post from my perspective. Let me try this pigeon hole thing: There are some singers that no matter what the KJ does, they can't be pleased. the rotation is too long or too short. The KJ takes too long between songs or he's rushing people who aren't ready. The KJ starts the songs before the singer is ready, or the singer has to stand there too long. The KJ doesn't do enough to get the audience to applaud his\her performance or they seem over the top. The KJ never has a song the singer wants or the version isn't right. The show starts too early and late at the same time. The KJ sings in his show or he doesn't do enough to keep the energy up, even if I have sung three slow songs my last three times up. I feel like I just nailed you at a karaoke show!! What do you think? I thought so.
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Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:09 am |
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Joined: Wed May 18, 2005 10:03 pm Posts: 2674 Location: Jersey Been Liked: 160 times
You are entitled to your opinions, as am I. It's funny how the KJ's who like to sing at their shows, regardless of how many people are waiting, get so defensive about it. I don't go to a restaurant to watch the Hostess eat. If that analogy is too far over your head; that is yout problem.
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Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:24 am |
Joined: Tue Jul 31, 2012 3:35 am Posts: 1945 Been Liked: 427 times
I am a singer just like you these days so I am not a defensive KJ on the topic. The guy that hosts now rarely sings and there are many times I wish he would. He's very good and I like hearing him sing. I didn't sing at all my shows when I did KJ so there is more pigeon holing on your part. Many Many times it didn't make sense.
You see a KJ in the same light as a hostess in a restaurant? Really? Comparing a KJ to a restaurant hostess isn't over my head, it's stupid.
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Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:32 am |
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Joined: Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:09 pm Posts: 482 Been Liked: 158 times
BruceFan4Life wrote: You are entitled to your opinions, as am I. It's funny how the KJ's who like to sing at their shows, regardless of how many people are waiting, get so defensive about it. I don't go to a restaurant to watch the Hostess eat. If that analogy is too far over your head; that is yout problem. Your analogy makes no sense, though, as it's not an equivalent analogy, any more than if someone were to suggest that your position sounds like the guy who goes to a basketball game and gets upset he isn't allowed to get on the court and play with the team.
_________________ Co-host of The Greatest Song Ever Sung (Poorly), a karaoke-themed podcast
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Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 10:01 am |
Joined: Sat Nov 15, 2008 6:34 pm Posts: 3616 Location: Toronto Canada Been Liked: 146 times
TedJankowski wrote: Let's put it like this. How many host's would go to a restaurant where every time they went in. They had to wait until their waitress/waiter was done eating before they were served?
Or go into a tire store to get tires then find out that they won't get their tires on until after the sales man get his tires put on 1st.
How about waiting at an ice cream shop for your ice cream but the server is making themselves a cone and the line of people in store is long. But they are making their first.
in most businesses I know the salesperson or host would get fired. Unless Your a Karaoke host. Many of them feel they are entitled to sing before their customers since it's their equipment and they are doing you a favor by being there.
There is nothing wrong with the host being part of the show to get things going and get them moving. But at some point (some hosts feel at 5 singers some feel 7 - 10) they need to let their customers BE the show. Making customers wait so they get to have their turn is arrogant and selfish. Plain and simple.
Either you are providing a service where the customer is king. or your doing them a favor. Because you are the most awesome'st host with the best set up the best song selection and the customer is only equal to the host and your doing them a favor by being there providing a service they are paying for while you the host is being paid to not allow them to sing as much as you do. After all the Bar is paying you to be there. obviously people want to hear you sing. Personally if you think that your customers really came to just hear you sing. Then why call it karaoke. Just call it your show and put on a performance.
One place I love to go as a customer has the hosts part of a group that puts on shows all around LA. But they also work as Karaoke hosts. When they are hosting they are not singing every turn. Occasionally they may sing one song in the night. Sometimes never. The pace gets packed almost everynight. Some nights are better than others depending on the host transition times, sound, etc. But the common thread is that they are there for the customer. If they want to put on a show they do it on the nights they have a show scheduled at another venue. I would go there more often. except it takes us an hour to get there and the bar prices are a bit prohibitive to constant patronage. Now there is a place a 2 minute walk from my house. A bit more affordable but, having waited through over an hour and a half for the rotation to get to me, and having the host being more important to himself than his customers I got up and left. I know many of my friends would have and have done the same thing. I also had that happen at another bar the opposite way also within walking distance. Thought it was going pretty well They had about 20 singers. Got new singers in pretty quick. But the Bar had 5 people working behind the bar. After sitting there 20 minutes I finally went to the bar and ordered me and my girlfriend a drink. I had actually sung my first song before i got a beer. My first impression was the Karaoke is great but were are is the wait staff. So I finished my beer thinking that maybe there would be someone coming around eventually. No one ever did. I had another song in so I don't mind waiting and applauding for everyone else. but finally went back to the bar to get another beer. This is when I noticed there were five people working behind the bar now and two of them had been in the back singing. After getting back to my seat and watching as everyone in the room got up to sing (as it should be) it appears we get to the top of the rotation again as the host sings. then they start bringing in the bartenders/staff to sing. Now I must be just crazy. because having 5 people working in a bar and customers going to the bar to get their own drinks then making the customers wait as the whole wait staff is paraded in to take turns at singing. Just seems really ODD to me. I left and have no desire to go back.
Some people say that I'm jut complaining. Is it really too much to ask that when you are paying for a service you expect that service. As a customer, I'm paying to be at a karaoke venue. I'm buying beer, food, sometimes at higher prices because of the entertainment provided. Many hosts feel they are the stars of their own shows. I don't go back to those.
And to those who think people that leave are just bar hopping. I would say they are looking for good service. As I've mentioned before in other posts. Captian Curt's in Sarasota was packed. But it was one the best Karaoke Experiences I've ever had. Can't wait to go there again one day. Host didn't sing, Bar was packed almost a 2 hour rotation. When the show is moving along it's exciting and entertaining. I talked to the host for a few minutes and one of his hosts for over an hour at the bar. (didn't know it at first until she told me) But he has a rule for all his hosts. Most important rule is they not sing. She had told me he has only sang once at one of his own shows. But he was there as a customer and it was his birthday. Now there is a Host that understands running a business and customer service. There are other hosts that feel the same way. Many posting on these forums. I only hope that more of the hosts that feel they are the stars of their shows keep running them that way. It will eventually open up more opportunists for those of us who do treat our customers as kings and not as if we are doing them a favor. I want happy customers, both singers and non singers alike. If my rotation is low, I will sing. Especially if I can bring the mood up and get things unwound. If I have one customer at the end that wants to sing, I've been known to stay a little longer to accomodate them,,,,, even if it means I am now on free overtime.
_________________ KingBing Entertainment C'mon Up! I have a song for you!!! [font=MS Sans Serif][/font]
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Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 10:05 am |
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Joined: Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:46 pm Posts: 135 Been Liked: 5 times
NoShameKaraoke wrote: BruceFan4Life wrote: You are entitled to your opinions, as am I. It's funny how the KJ's who like to sing at their shows, regardless of how many people are waiting, get so defensive about it. I don't go to a restaurant to watch the Hostess eat. If that analogy is too far over your head; that is yout problem. Your analogy makes no sense, though, as it's not an equivalent analogy, any more than if someone were to suggest that your position sounds like the guy who goes to a basketball game and gets upset he isn't allowed to get on the court and play with the team. This is so hilarious. It's called Karaoke hosting. Its a service provided. Going to a basketball game is not a Service! No one paying to go to a basketball game expects to be allowed to play. Paying to be at a Restaurant or Bar or Club for Karaoke is going to there for a service. The restaurant analogy is right on. I don't go to a restaurant to watch the employees eat I don't go to a bar to watch the bartenders drink. I don't go to a karaoke show to watch the host sing. It's not rocket science. I believe wholeheartedly in making the customer the star. Part of my job is to help make every singer feel like they are a prima donna or their the rock star. If that means doing my best keep as many people singing as possible and keeping myself out of the rotation. I want to please my customer more than stroke my ego. Doesn't matter how good my equipment sounds, or how many songs I own or how many contests I've won. I will continue to patronize Hosts that fall into or are close to that same mind set. Those that want to sing more than their customers do or host karaoke so they have an audience. I stay away from. And unlike the Majority of singers that won't say anything and just leave and never go back. I'll at least let ya know. So you can call all the little names you've created for customers that just expect minimal consideration and service.
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Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 10:13 am |
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Joined: Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:46 pm Posts: 135 Been Liked: 5 times
ripman8 wrote: I want happy customers, both singers and non singers alike. If my rotation is low, I will sing. Especially if I can bring the mood up and get things unwound. If I have one customer at the end that wants to sing, I've been known to stay a little longer to accomodate them,,,,, even if it means I am now on free overtime. Right on the money! Amen. But there does come a point where the show is moving along well on it's own. Then you get out of the rotation, focus on the customers and let the customers take over and be the stars? I got a friend that almost every show she hosts she sings two and sometimes three songs in a rotation. Because the owner of the bar loves to hear them sing. Even her friends that come out to support her become reluctant to show up at her shows. Love her to death. But we want to see her succeed at hosting. Not have people show up one night then go somewhere else the rest of the weekend she is there.
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Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 10:18 am |
Joined: Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:38 pm Posts: 6086 Images: 1 Location: Redmond, WA Been Liked: 1665 times
To those that say "I don't go to karaoke to watch the host sing"..... Do you also not go to karaoke to hear anyone else but yourself sing? What are you doing while waiting to hear yourself? Listening to others? Is everything fine with listening to other patrons sing but the moment the host does, the show is crap? Seriously funny stuff here. 
_________________ -Chris
Last edited by chrisavis on Thu Feb 13, 2014 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 10:19 am |
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Joined: Wed May 18, 2005 10:03 pm Posts: 2674 Location: Jersey Been Liked: 160 times
NoShameKaraoke wrote: BruceFan4Life wrote: You are entitled to your opinions, as am I. It's funny how the KJ's who like to sing at their shows, regardless of how many people are waiting, get so defensive about it. I don't go to a restaurant to watch the Hostess eat. If that analogy is too far over your head; that is yout problem. Your analogy makes no sense, though, as it's not an equivalent analogy, any more than if someone were to suggest that your position sounds like the guy who goes to a basketball game and gets upset he isn't allowed to get on the court and play with the team. It's a hostess' job to make sure that the PAYING customers enjoy their experience at whatever business the host or hostess works at. They are there to facilitate the customer's good time, whether it be eating or singing. They are not there to help me eat my food. They provide a menu(songbook) and allow me to choose what I want from it. Basketball players are there to entertain me by playing basketball. I bought a ticket because I wanted to see them play basketball. Now, if they started playing Volley Ball instead, I'd probably want my money back. If one of those basketball players came over and grabbed my beer and drank it, That would probably piss me off too. they're not there to do anything but their job....just like a karaoke host. He should HOST and only host; especially when the place is jam packed.
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Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 10:21 am |
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Joined: Wed May 18, 2005 10:03 pm Posts: 2674 Location: Jersey Been Liked: 160 times
chrisavis wrote: To those that say "I don't go to karaoke to watch the host sing"..... Do you also not go to karaoke to hear anyone else but yourself sing? What are you doing while waiting to hear yourself? Listening to others? Is everything fine with listening to other patrons sing but the moment the host does, the show it crap? Seriously funny stuff here.  The host is getting PAID to WORK. The customers are there to play and they are paying for the play time.
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Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 10:32 am |
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Joined: Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:46 pm Posts: 135 Been Liked: 5 times
chrisavis wrote: To those that say "I don't go to karaoke to watch the host sing"..... Do you also not go to karaoke to hear anyone else but yourself sing? What are you doing while waiting to hear yourself? Listening to others? Is everything fine with listening to other patrons sing but the moment the host does, the show it crap? Seriously funny stuff here.  I just love the convoluted reasoning used to stroke ones own ego. You are correct. What you wrote is very funny. Of course your there to listen to and cheer on the other CUSTOMERS! And yes, if the host sings more than their customers it is a crappy show. We don't go to a Karaoke SHOW to watch the Host put on the show. We came out to be part of the show. As the restaurant analogy. It's a principle. Seems to be something many hosts cannot comprehend. Same principles Jon Taffer, Willie Degel and Robert Irvine try to teach restaurants and bars in their shows. Especially Willie. His main rant is "Customer is King" A small customer complaint handled badly becomes a greater loss. What complaint is going to cost your business more? Providing a venue where more people get to sing and host doesn't where the majority of people leave happy. Kind of Funny I've never heard of ANYONE complaining that the HOST DIDN'T SING ENOUGH. Then complain they were never coming back because of it.  Sounds like a good lead off for another thread. 
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Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 11:21 am |
Joined: Mon Dec 10, 2001 3:57 pm Posts: 22978 Songs: 35 Images: 3 Location: Tacoma, WA Been Liked: 2126 times
chrisavis wrote: BruceFan4Life wrote: I think that karaoke is for pure amateurs. That's why the words are put on the screen. I think the professionals singers belong at open mic nights. It's funny how so many of the "pros" seem to only show up at karaoke when there is money to be won. They wouldn't be caught dead there otherwise. I think if a host wants to sing, he should go to someone else's karaoke show and support the industry that way...as a customer. Karaoke is for anyone that wants to sing, be that a pro, amateur or otherwise. -Chris WORD! 
_________________ LIKE Lonman on Facebook - Lonman Productions Karaoke & my main site via my profile!
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Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 11:22 am |
Joined: Mon Dec 10, 2001 3:57 pm Posts: 22978 Songs: 35 Images: 3 Location: Tacoma, WA Been Liked: 2126 times
BruceFan4Life wrote: chrisavis wrote: To those that say "I don't go to karaoke to watch the host sing"..... Do you also not go to karaoke to hear anyone else but yourself sing? What are you doing while waiting to hear yourself? Listening to others? Is everything fine with listening to other patrons sing but the moment the host does, the show it crap? Seriously funny stuff here.  The host is getting PAID to WORK. The customers are there to play and they are paying for the play time. So the host gets a request to sing a special song for someones anniversary, they shouldn't do it to make them happy just to make you happy?
_________________ LIKE Lonman on Facebook - Lonman Productions Karaoke & my main site via my profile!
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Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 11:42 am |
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Joined: Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:46 pm Posts: 135 Been Liked: 5 times
Lonman wrote: BruceFan4Life wrote: chrisavis wrote: To those that say "I don't go to karaoke to watch the host sing"..... Do you also not go to karaoke to hear anyone else but yourself sing? What are you doing while waiting to hear yourself? Listening to others? Is everything fine with listening to other patrons sing but the moment the host does, the show it crap? Seriously funny stuff here.  The host is getting PAID to WORK. The customers are there to play and they are paying for the play time. So the host gets a request to sing a special song for someones anniversary, they shouldn't do it to make them happy just to make you happy? I seriously doubt any singer would complain about that. There has got to be some common sense used in the determination of whether to sing or not to sing. While I find it hard to believe you would get customers so ticked off because you did that they would hop on the blogs and become derogatory about you singing a special song for a birthday or anniversary . I suppose that may be possible. But I would guess that you'd get about as many complaints about that as you would not singing enough in a rotation. Which I've yet to find any reviews from any singers that complain that the host sings too little. Now if you where doing that 5 and six times a night. I think customers may become a little suspicious. 
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