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PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 1:42 pm 
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i have a 64 bit hp pavilion laptop running vista
i have downloaded the latest version of karma with no success of the program opening
i am able to install program but it will not open
windows says program not responding closing program will search for solution to problem
when reading on karma site it says to stay away from 64 bit windows but here
i have read that some folks have had success using karma on 64 bit puters
would appreciate any help or suggestion given

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 2:52 pm 
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Latshaw has good customer service-might be best to check directly with them

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 4:25 am 
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I too am using Karma on a 64 bit Vista laptop, but fortunately had no installation or operating issues, it installed cleanly and fired right up the first time.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 5:29 am 
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Here is the first thing I would try, do a complete uninstall of the program, restart your computer and then go and delete any remaining folders/files (the entire folder named Karma)
Then do a complete fresh install.
If that does not solve it...Latshaw Support..they have been very responsive when I have needed a question answered on one of their other products.

You could possibly do a print screen of the error message(s), save to .jpg and attach to your email to them along with your explanation of the problem as best you can.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 5:37 am 
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Here are three responses to issues about Karma.

1) Karma says its loading but never finishes. What now?

This is almost always caused by a corruption to the "dataShow" file located in the Karma Data folder. Deleting the dataShow file located in the Karma Data folder (located in your documents folder) will usually fix the problem. If this problem persists, make sure your computer is up to date with Windows Updates and also verify that the computer meets the recommended requirements because it very well may be overheating.

2) Under Windows 7 or Windows Vista, some programs recommend turning off UAC (User Access Control). Do you recommend this?

Yes we highly recommend turning off UAC. In a nutshell, UAC is virtually useless, as 99% of users wouldn't know when to answer "no" to all those popups anyway. Having it on also puts your machine in a state that sometimes prevents a program from doing what it needs to do. A lot of problems will actually fix themselves by turning off UAC.
Software Specific

3) During installation, I get a message about a control that "failed to register". How do I resolve this?

Go to Window's control panel where you remove programs and remove the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Runtime", then reinstall Karma.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 2:10 pm 
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i have uninstalled removed all files and re installed karma
all windows updates are 100%
been through all of their trouble shooting ideas have no data show file since the program would never open for me
emailed karma and got a response within 24 hours "impressed"
they advised me to update windows and all of their programs should work
unfortunately still not working
i know i have proper system requirements to run this program
i am pondering wiping out whole system and starting over again

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 3:58 pm 
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did system recovery
updated windows again
it now runs karma with no problem
the only thing i could figure out is that all windows updates didn't update correctly
even though i updated regularly and it showed they were all up to date guess one didn't take.
thanks for all suggestions given

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:17 pm 

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I can't believe anyone would post on here that Bob Latshaw has good customer service. It's the worst I've ever run into with any company of any kind. Read my post regarding this at www.download.com and search for Karma Karaoke. I invested at least a dozen hours into loading and unloading this program, followed all instructions exactly, and still it will not load or work properly. My attempts included completely reloading Windows 7 three times from scratch. I received useless replies from Latshaw directing me back to the FAQs and Help files, and he finally advised me to contact 3ivx to question how to set up their Codec to operate with HIS program. Since they are an Australian company and can only be reached via email (the same as Latshaw) I finally gave up. I have a friend who was able to get the program running but he had to call in a software engineer to accomplish this.

Trust me... the concept of this program is good, but there are many other karaoke programs out there that work properly out of the box. Don't waste your time trying to get any help from the Latshaws. I don't believe they know how to get it to work, either. My newest hobby is to find every karaoke forum I'm able on the net and warn as many people as possible to stay away from this program.

DJ Smooth

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 7:01 am 
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Windows 7 has a "Compatibility Mode" that may work..

When installing, choose to install "CM" and select an earlier Windows system.

The instructions are here : http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/wind ... =windows-7

I needed to do that to get a sound card working in a Win 7 upgrade.

The Vista audio driver didn't work until I used "CM".


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PostPosted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 7:45 am 
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DJ Smooth wrote:
I can't believe anyone would post on here that Bob Latshaw has good customer service. It's the worst I've ever run into with any company of any kind. Read my post regarding this at http://www.download.com and search for Karma Karaoke. I invested at least a dozen hours into loading and unloading this program, followed all instructions exactly, and still it will not load or work properly. My attempts included completely reloading Windows 7 three times from scratch. I received useless replies from Latshaw directing me back to the FAQs and Help files, and he finally advised me to contact 3ivx to question how to set up their Codec to operate with HIS program. Since they are an Australian company and can only be reached via email (the same as Latshaw) I finally gave up. I have a friend who was able to get the program running but he had to call in a software engineer to accomplish this.

Trust me... the concept of this program is good, but there are many other karaoke programs out there that work properly out of the box. Don't waste your time trying to get any help from the Latshaws. I don't believe they know how to get it to work, either. My newest hobby is to find every karaoke forum I'm able on the net and warn as many people as possible to stay away from this program. DJ Smooth

I think you and Lone Ranger should team up on your worthless pursuit for justice. I will guarantee you will find way more extremely happy users of Karma than frustrated ones. I have been using Karma since the beta testing days, and I have experienced every problem Karma had. IN THE MOST EXTREME CASES it did require a clean install of Windows OS, and that ALWAYS fixed the problem.

Do us, and yourself, a favor and crusade for something that really matters.

PS Great first post :roll:

Last edited by mrmarog on Fri Dec 20, 2013 8:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 7:50 am 
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I would also try reaching out to communities like this one when you have any kind of issues. Often times the community sees issues and resolves them much faster than even the software producer can. Crowd-Source your support.



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PostPosted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 3:48 pm 
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DJ Smooth wrote:
Trust me... the concept of this program is good, but there are many other karaoke programs out there that work properly out of the box. DJ Smooth

Why would I trust you when you couldn't get it to work, yet it worked "right out of the box" for me?

Your rant is ridiculous.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 7:18 pm 
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DJ Smooth wrote:
I can't believe anyone would post on here that Bob Latshaw has good customer service. It's the worst I've ever run into with any company of any kind. Read my post regarding this at http://www.download.com and search for Karma Karaoke. I invested at least a dozen hours into loading and unloading this program, followed all instructions exactly, and still it will not load or work properly. My attempts included completely reloading Windows 7 three times from scratch. I received useless replies from Latshaw directing me back to the FAQs and Help files, and he finally advised me to contact 3ivx to question how to set up their Codec to operate with HIS program. Since they are an Australian company and can only be reached via email (the same as Latshaw) I finally gave up. I have a friend who was able to get the program running but he had to call in a software engineer to accomplish this.

Trust me... the concept of this program is good, but there are many other karaoke programs out there that work properly out of the box. Don't waste your time trying to get any help from the Latshaws. I don't believe they know how to get it to work, either. My newest hobby is to find every karaoke forum I'm able on the net and warn as many people as possible to stay away from this program.

DJ Smooth

Alan B., is this you? :mrgreen:

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 9:07 am 

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jdmeister, thanks sincerely for your help. I tried that, and while it didn't work completely, I do now have video with garbled mush audio. I should have stated earlier, I'm only talking about mp4's here. 99% of what I do have been converted and that's what I prefer to use. If you can load the program and have it immediately open and play mp4's properly, would you mind sharing with me which codecs you're using and how you have them set?

Vince Prince, I'm very busy today. I'll get to your helpful comment later.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 3:19 pm 
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DJ Smooth wrote:
Vince Prince, I'm very busy today. I'll get to your helpful comment later.

Speaking of helpful comments, how helpful do you think the following comment was:

DJ Smooth wrote:
My newest hobby is to find every karaoke forum I'm able on the net and warn as many people as possible to stay away from this program.

That's what rubbed me the wrong way. I don't like how you talked so badly about Bob Latshaw and then took it upon yourself to go on a crusade to try to bad-mouth him at every forum you can find because YOU couldn't get the program to work.

What do you expect? This is software and with software there are bound to be some types of problems with some people's computers or configurations. You can not look at Bob as Jesus to come and solve every issue for every single person all over the world. By your own admission, you said he tried but his attempts failed.

And then you said you found someone else, apparently someone much smarter than you, to get the program working on your machine, yet you STILL want to bad-mouth the program and Bob.

So you can take your time getting back to me and my helpful comment... or you can go and bad-mouth me too. I really don't care.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 4:25 pm 
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DJ Smooth, if you have 64 bit Windows 7 watch this video. Here is my dropbox link.


Go to this thread and scroll all the way down for the four files you need to install on Windows 7 64-bit. Uninstall all other codecs and start fresh with these instructions. Please make sure you uninstall all other codec packs installed before. All you need are the ones i link to. Reboot Computer when done.


This will take care of the mp4 files and other video file types being able to play in Karma.


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 4:44 pm 
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snapperdog wrote:
i have a 64 bit hp pavilion laptop running vista

Your main two problems are in the first line in my opinion. HP computers suck, but the lackluster hardware isn't the only problem, they're known for installing all kinds of third party apps at the factory that cause issues. Secondly, you're running the worst version of windows since Windows ME. Trade that crap in and get yourself either a Toshiba or Dell with Windows 7 or 8. Problem solved.

Either that or tinker around until you get it working, but with all the different advice on here that will take you in a dozen directions, be prepared for it to take many days.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 6:00 pm 

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Thank you, sincerely, Summer. I'll try that tonight. I've met many awesome people here and, unfortunately, one jackass. You fall into the awesome column.

Vince, it's obvious you and I will never be friends because I can smell a pompous, know-it-all (@$%&#!) a mile away and you reek. I didn't come here to start trouble and I don't wish to continue any; but I don't run from it, either. Specifically, not from someone hiding behind a computer screen who chooses to misquote my words to use against me.

I never said I got my program working. I said a friend (and competitor) got his working by paying a software engineer to come in and set it up correctly. I used it for a night in his club and loved it. He has since moved from town and I can't get to his computer to copy the settings. My complaint with Latshaw is not that the concept of the program isn't good. It's that his customer service is awful. I was begging to pay him nearly $400 for two licenses and I couldn't even get him to discuss the problem with me on the phone. Secondly, Vince, once you learn to read you'll note I never said he did all he could to help me. I said his only method of helping is email and in those emails he never did anything more than refer me back to the website's FAQ's and Help page. Basically, he did nothing. Third, and last, for right now... if I buy ANY product for nearly $200, you can bet I expect it to work and do what it says it will do 'out of the box'. If it doesn't, I expect decent, professional, polite customer service to help me learn why it doesn't and to fix the problem. Since, by your own statement, your program DID work as expected '[out of the box', one may only assume you don't have a clue what you're talking about regarding the rude, flippant responses from Latshaw, which is what I suspected from the beginning.

Look, folks. I'm not a jerk and I'm not an arrogant know-it-all like some. I am looking for help here, just as I would help anyone who came and asked me for help. I do like the program and would like to use it. I am EXTREMELY aggravated to have wasted so many hours trying to learn why it won't decode mp4's and then not get decent assistance from Latshaw. In reading other forums I'm not alone in being unhappy with their customer service. I've read at least 100 different posts on different forums regarding the same concerns I have with this. If you're going to market a product and expect happy customers, it really shouldn't be this difficult to provide service to them.

Finally, Vince, as for your statement that I "apparently found someone much smarter than" I to get the program working? Let's bet that wasn't you.

Thank you again, Summer. I'm about to try your suggestion now.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 10:13 pm 
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DJ Smooth wrote:
Vince, it's obvious you and I will never be friends because I can smell a pompous, know-it-all <span style=font-size:10px><i>(@$%&#!)</i></span> a mile away and you reek.

I hope you don't think I will lose any sleep knowing your stupid @ss won't be my friend.

DJ Smooth wrote:
I didn't come here to start trouble

Oh really? Then how do you explain this?

DJ Smooth wrote:
My newest hobby is to find every karaoke forum I'm able on the net and warn as many people as possible to stay away from this program.

You came in here only because you were mad at Bob and wanted to slander him with your very first post and I didn't go for it.

DJ Smooth wrote:
Specifically, not from someone hiding behind a computer screen who chooses to misquote my words to use against me.

Nobody misquoted your words. I quoted EXACTLY what you said and I am using EXACTLY what you said against you.

DJ Smooth wrote:
I never said I got my program working. I said a friend (and competitor) got his working by paying a software engineer to come in and set it up correctly.

No you didn't. Here is your EXACT quote:

DJ Smooth wrote:
I have a friend who was able to get the program running but he had to call in a software engineer to accomplish this.

You never said it was his program. In one sentence you were talking about all your problems and then in the next sentence you just throw in "I have a friend who was able to get the program running but he had to call in a software engineer to accomplish this." So because you don't know how to communicate clearly and effectively, it is very reasonable to make the assumption that you were talking about your problem and not his.

DJ Smooth wrote:
Secondly, Vince, once you learn to read you'll note I never said he did all he could to help me. I said his only method of helping is email and in those emails he never did anything more than refer me back to the website's FAQ's and Help page. Basically, he did nothing.

I know how to read.
Anyway, maybe to you he did nothing, but maybe to him, he did all he could do. There are always 2 sides to every story and since I have communicated with Bob on several occasions with very good success, then I can only assume the problem must have been you.

DJ Smooth wrote:
if I buy ANY product for nearly $200, you can bet I expect it to work and do what it says it will do 'out of the box'.

You don't have to purchase Karma to see if it will work. That is what the demo is for. If you can't get the demo to work for whatever reason, then don't buy it.

DJ Smooth wrote:
Since, by your own statement, your program DID work as expected '[out of the box', one may only assume you don't have a clue what you're talking about regarding the rude, flippant responses from Latshaw, which is what I suspected from the beginning.

I know exactly what I am talking about. Karma is working great for me right now, right out of the box. However, there was a time when it wasn't working so I had to communicate with Bob via several emails. I was so frustrated with the program that I was going to abandon it. However, Bob turned out to be a ton of help to me and he eventually resolved the issue and I have been a happy camper ever since.

DJ Smooth wrote:
Look, folks. I'm not a jerk and I'm not an arrogant know-it-all like some

It's apparent you are not a know-it-all, imo. You seem quite dumb to me. Only a dumb person would come into a forum with their main goal to bash a person and their product.

DJ Smooth wrote:
I do like the program and would like to use it.

You know what? If you would have come in here and just said that... and then added what problems you were having with the program, we wouldn't even be here right now. I would have been one of the ones trying to assist you. And before you say you don't want or need my help, it's all good. I'm just saying...

DJ Smooth wrote:
Finally, Vince, as for your statement that I "apparently found someone much smarter than" I to get the program working? Let's bet that wasn't you.

Of course it wasn't me. I don't help assholes.

Until you apologize for the way you came in here to begin with, you will always be an @sshole to me. And lastly... just so you know.

DJ Smooth wrote:
I didn't come here to start trouble and I don't wish to continue any; but I don't run from it, either.

I don't run from it either. You came in here with your first post spewing bullshit and I called you on it. I can understand you being upset with Bob and thinking he didn't do enough to help you, but to have a mission "or new hobby" as you put it, "to find every karaoke forum I'm able on the net and warn as many people as possible to stay away from this program.' is not right and I will not be friends with anyone who has that type of attitude.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 6:15 pm 

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You are awesome! I followed your video and instructions precisely and Karma worked IMMEDIATELY after I made the changes! If I had those instructions when I started I could have saved HOURS AND HOURS of frustration and Bob could have sold 2 licenses immediately instead of aggravating me. Thank you so much!

I would ask you to either give (or sell) this video and these instructions to Latshaw. I believe he would sell MANY more licenses, his customers would be far happier and more well satisfied, and rants like mine from people who require quality in exchange for dollars could be virtually eliminated.

Again, I owe you one. I am very sincere in my thanks. Please let me know if I may help you in any way.


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