Thank you for pointing that out!
I don't think people cruise the rest of the forums to see the posts that I make.
One thing I would like to note is the minor adjustment that has been made!
Daily Submissions: All paid members are now limited to 2 submissions per day.
This doesn't effect our Plus members who already had only 2 and can have up to 10 submissions @ 4 MB archived.
Changed however are:
Deluxe members can now archive up to 30 (previously 25) submissions @ 5 MB!
Premium members can now archive up to 60 (previously 40) submissions @ 7 MB!
About two weeks ago, I sent out an email polling our Paid members (at the time) requesting their feedback.
----- The results ------
Plus members 99% agreed (Doesn't suprise me, it didn't effect them!) ;)
Deluxe Members - 97% agreed
Premium Members - 98% agreed
Therefore based on the results - it was decided that to enhance the site we would implement the change.
I know some have sent me PMs and emails asking why?
Currently, on the main page
(which is going to be changed - along with some other items...) all submissions are displayed. Many times we will see several submissions by the same member in a row. Unfortunately what happens is only one or two of the submissions are actually listened to by the members or visitors. Also, it becomes overwhelming for people to see so many submissions.
After you listen and leave a comment/rank on a song you are sent to the submitters profile
(this is done in order to update their profile with the info just submiited.) There you can see all their submissions. You may then select to listen to another of their submissions.
Also, if you click on a members name or do a search for a member you are taken to their profile, where again you see all their submissions.
I have increased the quantity of songs archived thereby being of a greater benefit to the Deluxe & Premium Members!
I hope that helps.