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PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:47 pm 
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cueball wrote:
The Lone Ranger wrote:
The difference is the crime ring is making the exact duplicates to sell as iPhone and IPads, creating confusion in the market place. The average host or hostess is not making product and then trying to sell it as original SC product.

Not the average Host, but some of your the AVERAGE PIRATES are making copies of their HDs and selling them off to other (new) average pirates. And then there's just your HD sellers who are selling the HD with SC product on it, and unsuspecting newbies are buying them, all the while thinking they just got a great deal on a whole new complete Karaoke Library.

don;t forget though, that for every one they sell to some newbie host, they sell 30 to your singers.

Paradigm Karaoke, The New Standard.......Shift Happens

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:03 pm 
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HarringtonLaw wrote:
You can couch it in terms of selling a service, and yes, karaoke hosting is a service. But it is also about access to a catalog, and you cannot seriously argue that for most hosts, especially pirate hosts, the extensive nature of the available catalog isn't a selling point.

i can, and i am, and many others here if you just go back through the discussions do as well.

HarringtonLaw wrote:
And it has to be that way to some extent. Take away your entire catalog--no accompaniment tracks available at all--and you have nothing to sell. It doesn't matter how charismatic you are, or how good you are at working a mixer, or how powerful and responsive your speakers are. If you don't have music, you don't have karaoke. (The exception being live band karaoke, which is a choice, of course.)

entire catalog, sure. take away your law books and access to westlaw, no cases available to you at all and it wouldn't matter how good you were, if you cant look up and site specific cases you don't have a law firm.

HarringtonLaw wrote:
And you're kidding yourself if you say the brand doesn't matter to some extent. If the brand doesn't matter, why steal from SC? There are lots of defunct or foreign manus out there, whose product you can just as easily steal and get away with it much more easily because you know they aren't coming back from the dead or crossing an ocean to sue you. Why fight so hard--as you do--against SC's efforts to keep people from stealing from it, when you can just drop the brand and avoid the issue?

every drive i have ever seen, every 150,000 track download has much more than SC material. they contain every imaginable manu including the ones who are still running and growing. stop thinking that SC is the only company anybody steals or that more SC is stolen...it's not the case.

HarringtonLaw wrote:
It's because the brand matters. It definitely matters to people who know karaoke. It matters even to the casual karaoke singer, in ways they don't fully appreciate, because when it's an SC track, more often than not, it's going to sound pretty much exactly like what they hear on the radio. I don't know about you, but when I get up on the stage to perform, I'm there to perform. I want to impress and entertain the crowd with a song well sung and well accompanied. I can't get that with something that sounds like it was put together with a dime-store midi encoder in somebody's back office.

different people have different experiences here. i know the only singers i get who must sing from a specific manu are not the great singers. the ones who are good don't care about manu and can sing on anything to get the crowd reaction. but others do have different experiences.

HarringtonLaw wrote:
I know that nobody goes to a karaoke show to stare at logos. That's not what this is about. It's about the very thing that the trademark laws were enacted to protect: Brand image. Quality control. Reliability. The association of a mark with a company's goodwill, built over decades. When a patron sees the SC logo on the screen, it means something important.

that's where i am helping you, quality control and reliability is what creates that brand image. old degrading discs with pin holes and scratches creating artifacts and skips or ripped with error correction to replace the damaged material for a quality, reliablle product. which gives a better brand image of SC?

HarringtonLaw wrote:
Some people prefer the taste of Coke and won't accept a substitute. Some people don't care. If you go to a restaurant and order a Coke, maybe you care that what you're getting is genuine Coca-Cola, and maybe you don't. But if you order a Coke and they bring you something that tastes a lot like Coke, and they serve it in a Coke glass, and they call it a Coke, and they charge "Coke" rates for it, but it isn't actually something made by the Coca-Cola Company, isn't that a problem? Even if the restaurant once bought a bottle of Coke to analyze for its recipe?

on a cd+g is the same as
on a HDD

we are not talking about replacing Coca-Cola with R.C.

Paradigm Karaoke, The New Standard.......Shift Happens

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 1:04 am 
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HarringtonLaw wrote:
JoeChartreuse wrote:
HarringtonLaw wrote:
....But putting SC's trademarks on tracks he created, without permission, is trademark infringement.

I'm trying to remember any case ( or any KJ, for that matter) where someone added SC's logo to a track after the fact......

Don't be obtuse.

It's not "after the fact." It's "during the copying."

When the disc is inserted into the computer and read, the computer's ripping software interprets the code on the disc, converts it to another format, and writes it all--music, lyrics, logos, and everything else--to the hard drive. The host is putting SC's trademarks on the copy he made. (My emboldens-J.C.)

Thank you. You just stated that in YOUR OPINION, the media shifted product was a COPY ( in other words, a DUPLICATE of the original, and NOT a CREATION of the KJ. This means SC put the logo on, not the KJ.
Saved, printed , and filed. Now, go ahead and call ME obtuse again, if it makes you feel better...

JoeChartreuse wrote:
JoeChartreuse wrote:
However, I do NOT believe that a KJ who shifts ( since no court has brought this to conclusion) any product that they PAID for in good faith is guilty of any wrongdoing (at least at this time), and CERTAINLY is innocent of anything that a karaoke producer ( ex, or otherwise) has to complain about. They got their money on the sale of the product, it's not stolen, shut up and sit down.

However, in our current litigous and financially frustrated society, some folks will do whatever it takes to make some money, I guess.

Do you think we're just suing people who have all their discs and only media-shifted on a 1:1 basis?

Of course not- sometimes you get lucky....

Do you think we're targeting people whom we know to be 1:1, just to make some money? We do sue some of those, yes.

No, I don't think you target that tightly. I that when you THINK someone media-shifted, they would be a potential target for a law suit, without worrying about evidence of wrongdoing. LATER, you may drop them, but I'm still waiting to hear why a "1:1" host would be sued, since no evidence/proof of wrongdoing could have existed.

But I assure you that we make NO money on the people who pass audits. In fact, we lose money on those.

I'm not assured, I DO believe that you make money on them, and are also cheating an audited KJ out of the fee for his/her time, which is part of the product that we SELL. As stated earlier, a KJ should only be CHARGED for an audit as part of the lawsuit, assuming non-compliance ( that's with the stipulation that you WIN the suit, of course.) SC should also be PAYING the KJ for their time- and can sue for it back as well under the same conditions. Only fair. A KJ innocent of any wrongdoing should be compensated for the time wasted, and not be charged for the same waste of time.

I simply do not see how anyone could say, at this point, that they are acting in good faith when they duplicate their discs without getting the necessary permissions--permissions that even you have conceded we have the right to give or withhold. For more than 20 years, all of SC's original media have carried a warning against UNAUTHORIZED copying. It's pretty much beyond reasonable dispute at this point.

Once again you hope to mislead. "Unauthorized" copying is not the same as NO copying. This has fooled a lot of people. Example: Making a copy for single site backup IS authorized by law since the '90s. Making a copy for multi-site use or re-sale is NOT authorized.
If SC has decided to add NEW conditions for authorized copies- and they would have to be LEGAL conditions, I guess they will have to print full disclosure on any NEW disc labels- but it's too late for the old ones.

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Last edited by JoeChartreuse on Wed Oct 02, 2013 1:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 1:10 am 
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Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
different people have different experiences here. i know the only singers i get who must sing from a specific manu are not the great singers. the ones who are good don't care about manu and can sing on anything to get the crowd reaction. but others do have different experiences.
I've always had quite the opposite experience here. The better singers WANT better sounding tracks and don't want to sing to crap tracks while the ones that don't sing well could give a rip what the music sounds like as long as they can recognize it somewhat because chances are they won't sound very good either. I get a lot of local musicians/bands that come to my shows because I have tracks that sound like the original & not a cheesy midi or obvious computer generated version - this is what they primarily dislike about other karaoke shows, the crap tracks.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 2:47 am 
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HarringtonLaw wrote:
The Lone Ranger wrote:

8) The difference is the crime ring is making the exact duplicates to sell as iPhone and IPads, creating confusion in the market place. The average host or hostess is not making product and then trying to sell it as original SC product.

Of all the bizarre things that have been said on this board, this has to be one of the most bizarre.

The average host--and let's face it, the average host is at least mostly a pirate--is most certainly making a product and trying to sell it as original, legitimate product.

You can couch it in terms of selling a service, and yes, karaoke hosting is a service. But it is also about access to a catalog, and you cannot seriously argue that for most hosts, especially pirate hosts, the extensive nature of the available catalog isn't a selling point.

And it has to be that way to some extent. Take away your entire catalog--no accompaniment tracks available at all--and you have nothing to sell. It doesn't matter how charismatic you are, or how good you are at working a mixer, or how powerful and responsive your speakers are. If you don't have music, you don't have karaoke. (The exception being live band karaoke, which is a choice, of course.)

And you're kidding yourself if you say the brand doesn't matter to some extent. If the brand doesn't matter, why steal from SC? There are lots of defunct or foreign manus out there, whose product you can just as easily steal and get away with it much more easily because you know they aren't coming back from the dead or crossing an ocean to sue you. Why fight so hard--as you do--against SC's efforts to keep people from stealing from it, when you can just drop the brand and avoid the issue?

It's because the brand matters. It definitely matters to people who know karaoke. It matters even to the casual karaoke singer, in ways they don't fully appreciate, because when it's an SC track, more often than not, it's going to sound pretty much exactly like what they hear on the radio. I don't know about you, but when I get up on the stage to perform, I'm there to perform. I want to impress and entertain the crowd with a song well sung and well accompanied. I can't get that with something that sounds like it was put together with a dime-store midi encoder in somebody's back office.

I know that nobody goes to a karaoke show to stare at logos. That's not what this is about. It's about the very thing that the trademark laws were enacted to protect: Brand image. Quality control. Reliability. The association of a mark with a company's goodwill, built over decades. When a patron sees the SC logo on the screen, it means something important.

Some people prefer the taste of Coke and won't accept a substitute. Some people don't care. If you go to a restaurant and order a Coke, maybe you care that what you're getting is genuine Coca-Cola, and maybe you don't. But if you order a Coke and they bring you something that tastes a lot like Coke, and they serve it in a Coke glass, and they call it a Coke, and they charge "Coke" rates for it, but it isn't actually something made by the Coca-Cola Company, isn't that a problem? Even if the restaurant once bought a bottle of Coke to analyze for its recipe?

8) If it is such a bizarre little statement Jimbo why go into such a long response to it? What you are saying is the average host is a crook and has the morale fiber of a whore that sells a service for a price. I find that not only bizarre, but offensive to me as a host and all hosts in general. I'm not making a product, I'm providing a service to the public, sometimes in public sometimes in private, depending on who is requesting that service. In the case of SC I have no access to their catalog since I don't use their product. The only contact I have is if one of my patrons brings in their disc and asks me to play it, and that disc happens to be SC. Actually I get more patrons wanting to sing country and CB is their preferred brand in that case. Actually the size of my library has never been a selling point, or an issue, my business comes from word of mouth and I haven't canvassed in years. I'm hired because I get results and that is what most venues are interested in. How can I help their bottom line? The SC brand doesn't matter to me Jim, I don't use it and never have had it requested, I have had DK requested and even CB a couple of times, and believe or not even SGB and MM. I know that your fantasy and Kurt's is to take away all tracks even the orphans, that is why you have been trying to get the publishers involved. It would be ironic if the publishers EMI put you out of business. Who knows if they do maybe you might have to pull a CB and assign your rights to another company if you want to continue your legal escapades. I really don't like Coke or any Cola's I have always been an A&W root beer fan myself, especially floats with real ice-cream. I have dropped your product Jimbo and I will be leaving the business in 29 more days, so really there is nothing to fight about. Except for one little item I find both SC's methods and their contempt for hosts objectionable and that is why I take issue with this legal process of yours. I oppose it because it is wrong, it is not working, and the only goal is to line yours and Kurt's pockets. I think that is enough reason to object to it, and I am within my rights to state my objections.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 4:44 am 
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The Lone Ranger wrote:
Bazza wrote:
BruceFan4Life wrote:
How long can it be before someone is selling hard drives loaded with what used to look like Sound Choice karaoke tracks but now they look completely different and all of the Sound Choice logos have been removed? What will they file law suits for then? No trade dress infraction. No logo infraction. No intention of trying to mislead the public into thinking that these are original Sound Choice tracks, whatsoever. Things that make you go Hmmmm.

:roll: This is like saying a crime ring that makes exact duplicates of iPhone and iPads won't be sued as long as they leave off the Apple logo.

8) The difference is the crime ring is making the exact duplicates to sell as iPhone and IPads, creating confusion in the market place. The average host or hostess is not making product and then trying to sell it as original SC product.

Crime rings usually make exact LOOKING duplicates. They actually use cheaper, lower quality parts that increases the likelihood of damage or decreases lifespan. They want their cost to be as close to zero as possible to maximize profits and they aren't playing by any rules so they cut corners any way they can.



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PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 4:55 am 
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Lone Wolf wrote:
Did anyone catch the first line in that long speech by Jim?
Does anyone here care that he just called almost everyone if not everyone here a pirate?

HarringtonLaw wrote:
The average host--and let's face it, the average host is at least mostly a pirate--is most certainly making a product and trying to sell it as original, legitimate product.

I generally consider most karaoke hosts pirates as well and have said so in this thread. I don't thing Mr. Harrington is out of line with that, and I believe most karaoke hosts believe this as well even if they want to pretend not to.

There are pirates on these forums.

Show me a geography where there are more legitimate hosts than pirates and I will show you 1995.



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PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 5:03 am 
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Smoothedge69 wrote:
HarringtonLaw wrote:
The average host--and let's face it, the average host is at least mostly a pirate--is most certainly making a product and trying to sell it as original, legitimate product.

And you're kidding yourself if you say the brand doesn't matter to some extent. If the brand doesn't matter, why steal from SC? There are lots of defunct or foreign manus out there, whose product you can just as easily steal and get away with it much more easily because you know they aren't coming back from the dead or crossing an ocean to sue you. Why fight so hard--as you do--against SC's efforts to keep people from stealing from it, when you can just drop the brand and avoid the issue?

You are SOOOOO full of it, I am surprised you aren't choking, and spitting out pieces of poop!!! I am tired of hearing t]about all this piracy nonsense. Yes, I have shifted every brand but yours. I have paid for every single song I own. I do not have an unending list of music, but I BUY new music EVERY week. I have PROOF of that!! I AM the average KJ, now-a-days, in the Post SC era!!! I refuse to be labelled as a pirate by YOU or anyone else!!

Sound Choice is DONE!! They can't compete in the market anymore. They gave that up in 2009. I will tell you this, Zoom Karaoke is putting out music that is better than Sound Choice ever was, with closer representations of the songs they record. As a matter of fact, I am buying Zoom on a regular basis to REPLACE many of my old favorite SC songs, so I won't need to use ANY discs, not to mention that the versions I am buying, are better.

Smooth - Harrington was not accusing you directly any more than he was accusing me. This forums represents a tiny fraction of the karaoke host population. It also probably has a higher concentration of legitimate hosts than you would ever find in a real world sampling in the city of your choice. In the last 12 years of traveling the US I have seen maybe a 1/2 dozen hosts running from original discs. The rest are running from PC's and I have seen many obvious pirates during that time. I can take you to a dozen pirate shows in my area alone and there are hundreds more I have never seen in the Seattle/Tacoma area.

You are taking it personally and closing your eyes to the fact that what he is saying is accurate.



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PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 5:10 am 
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Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
on a cd+g is the same as
on a HDD

we are not talking about replacing Coca-Cola with R.C.

Except that very few people are doing .WAV rips which means 1/2 or more of the 0's and 1's may not exist in the HDD copy.

MP3 at 320 vs 128 - the former will 2-3 times as many 0's and 1's. Not to mention the transition from disc to HDD adds wrapper/header information which prevents it from be an exact representation of the original.



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PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 5:26 am 
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chrisavis wrote:
The Lone Ranger wrote:
Bazza wrote:
BruceFan4Life wrote:
How long can it be before someone is selling hard drives loaded with what used to look like Sound Choice karaoke tracks but now they look completely different and all of the Sound Choice logos have been removed? What will they file law suits for then? No trade dress infraction. No logo infraction. No intention of trying to mislead the public into thinking that these are original Sound Choice tracks, whatsoever. Things that make you go Hmmmm.

:roll: This is like saying a crime ring that makes exact duplicates of iPhone and iPads won't be sued as long as they leave off the Apple logo.

8) The difference is the crime ring is making the exact duplicates to sell as iPhone and IPads, creating confusion in the market place. The average host or hostess is not making product and then trying to sell it as original SC product.

Crime rings usually make exact LOOKING duplicates. They actually use cheaper, lower quality parts that increases the likelihood of damage or decreases lifespan. They want their cost to be as close to zero as possible to maximize profits and they aren't playing by any rules so they cut corners any way they can.


8) I never heard that providing a karaoke service would decrease a singers lifespan Chris, or that not using SC was a hazard to someone's health. As far as getting your costs down to zero you and I know that will never happen, if you run a business, there will always be costs involved. If you have been hosting any length of time regularly you will recoup the cost of your library quickly. After the cost is recovered unless you buy more product it is all profit, as far as library material is concerned. That is why the manus want you to have to pay them every month to subscribe or license their product, so you never really own the product.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 5:29 am 
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Here's the problem I have with both sides and quite regularly.

Statements like, "The average host--and let's face it, the average host is at least mostly a pirate--is most certainly making a product and trying to sell it as original, legitimate product." come off as fact based but no facts are available that I know of to back up this claim. You, Jim and everyone else certainly has a right to their own point of view, that point of view may be based on a lot of intelligence in many cases, but in the end it is still an opinion. The problem with me comes when it's passed off as fact. Using Insane's word of the month, "Citations please". Coming from an average person is pretty much the norm on these boards but is also countered by the readers knowing the source is probably full of it. But James, being a lead attorney on this, should be held to a higher standard and I consider it irresponsible on his part to not hold himself to that higher standard.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 5:31 am 
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The Lone Ranger wrote:
8) If it is such a bizarre little statement Jimbo why go into such a long response to it? What you are saying is the average host is a crook and has the morale fiber of a whore that sells a service for a price. I find that not only bizarre, but offensive to me as a host and all hosts in general.

Like Smooth, you are taking it personally when you shouldn't be. You know there are more pirates out there than legitimate hosts.

The Lone Ranger wrote:
I'm not making a product, I'm providing a service to the public, sometimes in public sometimes in private, depending on who is requesting that service.

Prostitutes provide a public service....sometimes in public, sometimes in private. Just depends on the requests of the customer (or so I have heard anyway)

The Lone Ranger wrote:
In the case of SC I have no access to their catalog since I don't use their product. The only contact I have is if one of my patrons brings in their disc and asks me to play it, and that disc happens to be SC.

You do have access to it , you just have chosen to not make use of it.

The Lone Ranger wrote:
The SC brand doesn't matter to me Jim, I don't use it and never have had it requested,.....

Just because it doesn't happen to you, doesn't mean it isn't real. By your own admission, you cater to a particular demographic. Step out into the real world of karaoke sometime to see what really takes place.

The Lone Ranger wrote:
I know that your fantasy and Kurt's is to take away all tracks even the orphans, that is why you have been trying to get the publishers involved.

Orphans need love too. Don't they deserve the same legal protections as any other brand? Why would you be upset about anyone protecting the orphans unless you have something to lose?

The Lone Ranger wrote:
I really don't like Coke or any Cola's I have always been an A&W root beer fan myself, especially floats with real ice-cream.

But you do like DK. You have mentioned before that is your go to brand. How would your show be if you pulled DK and substituted something else in for it?

The Lone Ranger wrote:
I have dropped your product Jimbo and I will be leaving the business in 29 more days, so really there is nothing to fight about.

And yet here you are....fighting about it. My guess is you will continue to fight about it. My guess is you will have more free time on your hands in 30 days and you will clog these forums with even more of your mumbo jumbo.

You may very well become the first person I have ever used an IGNORE feature on in my life online.

The Lone Ranger wrote:
I oppose it because it is wrong, it is not working, and the only goal is to line yours and Kurt's pockets.

I am seriously interested in hearing how much money you think Kurt and Jim make from the lawsuits. Seriously.

10's of thousands a year?
100's of thousands?
a Million or more?

You have prattled on and on about how little SC is making off settlements, then turn around and claim Kurt and Jim are lining their pockets. You can't have it both ways.

Please, give us a rough estimate of how much money you think that Kurt and Jim split a year so they can live a lavish lifestyle.



Last edited by chrisavis on Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 5:49 am 
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chrisavis wrote:
Smoothedge69 wrote:
HarringtonLaw wrote:
The average host--and let's face it, the average host is at least mostly a pirate

Smooth - Harrington was not accusing you directly any more than he was accusing me. This forums represents a tiny fraction of the karaoke host population. It also probably has a higher concentration of legitimate hosts than you would ever find in a real world sampling in the city of your choice. In the last 12 years of traveling the US I have seen maybe a 1/2 dozen hosts running from original discs. The rest are running from PC's and I have seen many obvious pirates during that time. I can take you to a dozen pirate shows in my area alone and there are hundreds more I have never seen in the Seattle/Tacoma area.

You are taking it personally and closing your eyes to the fact that what he is saying is accurate.


8) So Chris the average host is a pirate and it is quite apparent to you at least and Jimbo that they are out here operating as usual. In your 12 years of traveling then it should also be apparent the problem is not getting better it is getting worse. Despite the efforts of SC and now PR there are more pirates out here than when this legal process of theirs started. It is a net loser. If it is so obvious that the pirates are operating their show from PC's, it should be equally obvious that they are running their shows without original SC product, since the original product was on a disc not a computer. There is no way the presented product could be confused as original SC product, no confusion in the market place. Like Mr. Boo said where are the facts proving the accuracy of Jimbo's statement?

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 6:01 am 
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The Lone Ranger wrote:
chrisavis wrote:
Smoothedge69 wrote:
HarringtonLaw wrote:
The average host--and let's face it, the average host is at least mostly a pirate

Smooth - Harrington was not accusing you directly any more than he was accusing me. This forums represents a tiny fraction of the karaoke host population. It also probably has a higher concentration of legitimate hosts than you would ever find in a real world sampling in the city of your choice. In the last 12 years of traveling the US I have seen maybe a 1/2 dozen hosts running from original discs. The rest are running from PC's and I have seen many obvious pirates during that time. I can take you to a dozen pirate shows in my area alone and there are hundreds more I have never seen in the Seattle/Tacoma area.

You are taking it personally and closing your eyes to the fact that what he is saying is accurate.


8) So Chris the average host is a pirate and it is quite apparent to you at least and Jimbo that they are out here operating as usual. In your 12 years of traveling then it should also be apparent the problem is not getting better it is getting worse. Despite the efforts of SC and now PR there are more pirates out here than when this legal process of theirs started. It is a net loser. If it is so obvious that the pirates are operating their show from PC's, it should be equally obvious that they are running their shows without original SC product, since the original product was on a disc not a computer. There is no way the presented product could be confused as original SC product, no confusion in the market place. Like Mr. Boo said where are the facts proving the accuracy of Jimbo's statement?

My comments have nothing to do with confusion. This isn't a conversation about confusion. This is about most KJ's being pirates.

The facts that prove Jim's assertions (as well as mine) are out in the real world. You won't find government collected statistics or some centralized authority to show you a chart on karaoke piracy. The piracy estimations come from the karaoke manufacturers because they are the only ones that seem to care about their own businesses.

I have seen the widespread piracy with my own eyes. I am sure Jim has seen it as well in his investigations. And I believe most KJ's know it to be true as well.

You don't have to believe me, but until you can prove the opposite by going to see for yourself, then you can't justify your argument.



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PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 6:11 am 
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You may very well become the first person I have ever used an IGNORE feature on in my life online.

Holey moley, we have an IGNORE feature? Please advise on how to work it.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 6:12 am 
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8) See for myself Chris? I have been in the business for over 19 years how much more do I need to see? I know all of the local hosts in my area and hosts outside my area. You are right the majority don't know the first thing about what is discussed on these forums and could care less. They are too busy running their business's and don't understand why, in their opinion I'm wasting my time here? With just 29 more days in the business I can say that I have worked steady with no problems either from the manus or the pirates. I hope that doesn't shake your little world that much. Aren't the pirates dealing in confusion? Isn't that what Jimbo and Kurt are saying in their suits, the pirates are confusing the poor consumer into believing they are actually using real SC product. Isn't that the thin line they are basing their suits on Infringement which requires confusion as one of it's elements?

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:00 am 
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chrisavis wrote:
...Prostitutes provide a public service....sometimes in public, sometimes in private. Just depends on the requests of the customer (or so I have head anyway)... -Chris

I am pretty sure that would be legal in Nevada. :wink:

Never the same show twice!

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:16 am 
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The Lone Ranger wrote:
8) See for myself Chris? I have been in the business for over 19 years how much more do I need to see? I know all of the local hosts in my area and hosts outside my area. You are right the majority don't know the first thing about what is discussed on these forums and could care less. They are too busy running their business's and don't understand why, in their opinion I'm wasting my time here? With just 29 more days in the business I can say that I have worked steady with no problems either from the manus or the pirates. I hope that doesn't shake your little world that much. Aren't the pirates dealing in confusion? Isn't that what Jimbo and Kurt are saying in their suits, the pirates are confusing the poor consumer into believing they are actually using real SC product. Isn't that the thin line they are basing their suits on Infringement which requires confusion as one of it's elements?

As has been evidenced on these very forums, you can work in an industry for decades and still not have a clue.

If you think you have not been impacted by pirates, then see the line above.

Yes, the pirates are leading people to believe they have bought and paid for their music when in fact they have not. That is the confusion.



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PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:17 am 
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MtnKaraoke wrote:
chrisavis wrote:
...Prostitutes provide a public service....sometimes in public, sometimes in private. Just depends on the requests of the customer (or so I have head anyway)... -Chris

I am pretty sure that would be legal in Nevada. :wink:

Calling Dr. Freud :)

corrected :)



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PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 8:32 am 
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chrisavis wrote:
The Lone Ranger wrote:
8) See for myself Chris? I have been in the business for over 19 years how much more do I need to see? I know all of the local hosts in my area and hosts outside my area. You are right the majority don't know the first thing about what is discussed on these forums and could care less. They are too busy running their business's and don't understand why, in their opinion I'm wasting my time here? With just 29 more days in the business I can say that I have worked steady with no problems either from the manus or the pirates. I hope that doesn't shake your little world that much. Aren't the pirates dealing in confusion? Isn't that what Jimbo and Kurt are saying in their suits, the pirates are confusing the poor consumer into believing they are actually using real SC product. Isn't that the thin line they are basing their suits on Infringement which requires confusion as one of it's elements?

As has been evidenced on these very forums, you can work in an industry for decades and still not have a clue.

If you think you have not been impacted by pirates, then see the line above.

Yes, the pirates are leading people to believe they have bought and paid for their music when in fact they have not. That is the confusion.


8) It is only confusion in the market place if they are making copies and selling them as the real McCoy Chris. There is no way a PC host is going to convince a customer that he is using original SC product, since the original product came on a disc and SC does not permit downloads, no confusion.

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