Hey guys... I ran into a bit of a snag with a project I took on for some extra cash (daddy wants new gear). I'm renovating a karaoke company for a bar that's way in over their heads

. It was a hosts worst nightmare. Half of the music on CAV, half on CD, handled by an A/B switch to alternate and spread out over 4 different song books with no discernible organization whatsoever

It gets worse, but that's not the point.
I ran into a snag with the song transfer process, due to bad CD's and won't be ripping any more of the discs, but puts them behind about 4 - 5 years worth of music.
I recommended picking up some of the Zoom Pop Packs (which is a steal of a deal, if you ask me) but leaves a big gaping hole in country, and was wondering if anyone knows of a *good* all country solution to at least fill in a little of the gap.
I was looking at the SBI All Stars series, and while it is an option, may try to go cheaper if I can.
Thanks for all the help you guys have given me over the last couple years. This place is wealth of information!
