kjflorida wrote:
Select-a-track uses PRS (UK) licencing that specifically excludes use in the USA and Canada, if you are elsewhere in the world the licences would be legal.
So is Select a track out & out lying with the first statement in red (see below) then throwing in a disclaimer to that lie with the second statement in red?
From the Select a track web site:
Can I use the tracks purchased from you professionally or are they home use only?
All the tracks we supply are fully-endorsed by the manufacturer and are sold with their permission to use at home or commercially in any public venue worldwide (assuming that venue has the appropriate public performance license). Selectatrack is an approved licensee of the Mechanical Copyright Protection Society (MCPS) to which a royalty is paid for every track sold to cover song writer and publisher royalties. Both Selectatrack and the MCPS are based in the United Kingdom,
anyone ordering from outside the UK does need to check with their local publishing organisations on local terms of use regarding public performance.