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PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:43 am 
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I want to use some of their recordings to sing on and resell so among other things, I need to pay Master Track Fees to them. I know they are out of business.

Does anyone here have the contact info of their legal reps?

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:45 am 
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But why do you need to contact them if they're out of business? You don't need their permission if there out of business, but you do need to pay the rights to the creator of the songs... and that's not them :wink:

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:05 pm 
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Micky wrote:
But why do you need to contact them if they're out of business? You don't need their permission if there out of business, but you do need to pay the rights to the creator of the songs... and that's not them :wink:

Ian probably needs to contact the Karaoke Manufacturers because he is using the music that they reproduced (not the original music). But I believe you are also correct (that he would have to contact the artists for permissions to sing something that is theirs.

Ian, I believe Legends is part of Sunfly. Can't help you with Monster Hits.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:28 pm 
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cueball wrote:
Micky wrote:
But why do you need to contact them if they're out of business? You don't need their permission if there out of business, but you do need to pay the rights to the creator of the songs... and that's not them :wink:

Ian probably needs to contact the Karaoke Manufacturers because he is using the music that they reproduced (not the original music). But I believe you are also correct (that he would have to contact the artists for permissions to sing something that is theirs.

Ian, I believe Legends is part of Sunfly. Can't help you with Monster Hits.

I've been there before... I was told to first contact the Karaoke manufacture to get their permission and pay the fees if necessary, but I was clearly told that if you can't reach the company who produced the track because it's no longer in business, therefore, you need the permission from the creator of the song to record and sell your performance.

Note that if you buy your music from Paris Music which offers professional backing tracks, here's what they say:

Q5: Do I need an extra license to record myself singing to one of your backing tracks?

A5: We are happy for you to record yourself using our backing tracks for promotional and personal use. If you intend to release the recordings commercially (through a Record Company) then you will need to contact us to arrange an alternative license.

Have fun!

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:52 pm 
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You need licenses from both the copyright owner (original artist) and the owner of the recording you are using (karaoke manufacturer) regardless if they are in business or not.

I need help locating the manufacturers that are no longer in business. I'm sure they still have some entity representing them.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 1:22 pm 
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Ian wrote:
... I need help locating the manufacturers that are no longer in business. I'm sure they still have some entity representing them.

Ian, in case you missed it in my response before, I believe that Legends is now part of Sunfly. That's a start.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 1:27 pm 
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The DK company is still in business.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 4:12 pm 
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cueball wrote:
Ian wrote:
... I need help locating the manufacturers that are no longer in business. I'm sure they still have some entity representing them.

Ian, in case you missed it in my response before, I believe that Legends is now part of Sunfly. That's a start.

Thanks! I sent them an email about this.

timberlea wrote:
The DK company is still in business.

I can't find their contact info yet. Can you help out?

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 5:46 pm 
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DK (Daiichikosho Co.) is in Japan but I can't find their email address.

I did find an investor relations phone number though... That would be one longshot long distance call...

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:49 pm 
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Here is their website:


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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:53 pm 
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timberlea wrote:
Here is their website:


Yes, I saw this website too. I guess I need to get one of my japanese friends to translate this and maybe contact them for me.


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PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:04 am 
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there's an english button at the top right of page...... just click on the words english....lol



it will translate text on websites for you.....

It's all good!

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:20 am 
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mightywiz wrote:
there's an english button at the top right of page...... just click on the words english....lol

I did that and I see the phone number to their HQ
Tel: +81-3-3280-2151

no email addy.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:14 pm 
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So who took over Monster Hits?

I still can't find them. :(

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:37 am 
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Seriously doubt anyone took over Monster Hits. Seriously doubt they were legit to begin with. Just another reincarnated name change of other under the radar companies.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:41 pm 
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I could of swore I saw the DK logo on that digitracks website. So they must of worked with someone to get the license. Maybe ask them.


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 9:02 pm 
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Lonman wrote:
Seriously doubt anyone took over Monster Hits. Seriously doubt they were legit to begin with. Just another reincarnated name change of other under the radar companies.

What was the company that Monster Hits took over?

The Monster Hit song I like is Summer Of '69 and I can't seem to find as good a version as Monster's. :(

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 7:13 am 
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8) Since DK is one of the labels offered on the new Cloud Service, I wonder if DT is handling it's copyright protection in the United States? One of the problems of the discontinued labels is that they have fallen into the freeware status zone and can be used by anyone that wants to. For the longest time certified hosts have maintained that the so called orphan brands could be obtained by the still viable manus. SGB was supposedly taken over by Chartbuster since it was never a registered trademark in the first place. I have heard nothing about DT who now owns Chartbuster setting up a new auditing system for SGB or Chartbuster for that matter. Still too many questions about discontinued brands and not enough answers.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:19 pm 
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The Lone Ranger wrote:
8) Since DK is one of the labels offered on the new Cloud Service, I wonder if DT is handling it's copyright protection in the United States? One of the problems of the discontinued labels is that they have fallen into the freeware status zone and can be used by anyone that wants to. For the longest time certified hosts have maintained that the so called orphan brands could be obtained by the still viable manus. SGB was supposedly taken over by Chartbuster since it was never a registered trademark in the first place. I have heard nothing about DT who now owns Chartbuster setting up a new auditing system for SGB or Chartbuster for that matter. Still too many questions about discontinued brands and not enough answers.

Gretchen at DTE has already stated that they can ONLY enforce the trademarks of CB and anything new DTE puts out.


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 5:49 am 
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Smoothedge69 wrote:
The Lone Ranger wrote:
8) Since DK is one of the labels offered on the new Cloud Service, I wonder if DT is handling it's copyright protection in the United States? One of the problems of the discontinued labels is that they have fallen into the freeware status zone and can be used by anyone that wants to. For the longest time certified hosts have maintained that the so called orphan brands could be obtained by the still viable manus. SGB was supposedly taken over by Chartbuster since it was never a registered trademark in the first place. I have heard nothing about DT who now owns Chartbuster setting up a new auditing system for SGB or Chartbuster for that matter. Still too many questions about discontinued brands and not enough answers.

Gretchen at DTE has already stated that they can ONLY enforce the trademarks of CB and anything new DTE puts out.

I posted this before Grethchen came out and explained just what was going on Smooth, but thanks for clearing that up. You see what it takes to get a final statement as to the actual status of SGB. How many times have I tried to nail this one fact down just to be ridiculed by the cheerleaders. Told by them time and again the orphan brands will be scooped up by the still viable manus or will be protected by Cloud. It won't be DTE but it's so called sister company PRLLC. that will be protecting the CB trademark, right? Have a nice day.

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