TroyVnd27 wrote:
Lonman wrote:
CAVS machines in themselves are not illegal (crappy maybe

) it's what is loaded onto them when they were sold is what would make them so or not.
A CAVS 203G USB player is awesome, when used in USB mode. It is very slow to use for any type of disk.
And when it comes to training a new host - there is nothing better for training than a CAVS 203G USB. All of my new hosts get the hang of karaoke for the first 2-4 weeks using one.
Is it better than a computer? No. But for a lot of people, including trainees and folks who might just rent a karaoke system from you - it is better.
Yes Troy, the 203 players are very reliable, and play dvds too. Their only drawback is compared to other players of the past, they are slow loading.
I think Lonnie was refeering to a cavs jb-99 (old) or jb-199 player that he has stated he's only seen a few times, and i'd be surprised IF HE EVER has witnessed a LEGALLY loaded player (by owner) ripped in at a hig bit rate and the lyrics correctly synced to the music.
Thing Is, a cavs 199 IS a computer. I've seen MANY computerized-kj with lots of problems and lots of crashes, bad files, off-sweeps, etc...and aren't 1/2 as reliable or stable as a 199 machine. Btw, i used to use one when i first started, but have been using an HP desktop for eons now.
It's just SAD when, like a BOSE system, someone perpetuates the wrong idea to others when THEIR EXPERIENCE is limited to a bad one or incorrectly set-up system that doesn't show the products true capabilities or potential.
I didn't like the sound of jBL speakers when i first heard them. I came back to the store after having bought the MACKIES instead, and was told that the jbls were set up incorrectly. They sounded almost as good as the mackies, and were $400 less for a pair. My 2nd set were jbls.
Point being...i've seen the cavs 199 computer-jukeboxes used in vegas as recently as last year, and YES, those ones at Imperial Palace DO have SYNC problems with their RAP selections, but the kj there says it's THE SAME UNIT they've used for the last 10 years, and only have replaced the harddrive ONCE. I know of a few kjs in Georgia that use 199's as well for 8-10 years and STILL load their discs personally and run the machines with ZERO problems. It IS a workhorse and a reliable machine when set up correctly.
You'd NEVER hear that kind of RELIABILITY from a LAPTOP-BASED KJ running a show 7 days a week for 10 years.
Sorry. rant over. -john