BeachHeadBum wrote:
Although I loved the song.. and Allstar did sing through his nose so it did sound... and the effort with the appropriate ranking has now been placed on the song.. Allstar "Officially" now should know what is like to be "Paid back" for instigating something that He should have never started on Friday.
So, it appears this wasn't motivated by a fair and unbiased review but by revenge for showing word for word what you posted. After which you made accusations that are likely unfounded.
BTW, read the latest court results in the P2P wars? Providers are NOT responsible for the actions of their members. Yes, that even applies to outright PIRACY! Can't sue KS for a members action - but there's no proof that anyone did anything wrong other than your 'comments'. I won't go into it any more because you asked that it be taken offline and since the thread was deleted I'll not discuss yesterday's thread any longer.
BeachHeadBum wrote:
I have buried the hatchet on my end.. and ranked the song appropriately on my end and hopefully there WILL BE NO MORE BS any between us.
No more BS between you? You call ranking his song extremely poorly out of revenge burying the hatchet? You must be from another world to think this way since 'burynig the hatchet' is more of a dropping it so the BS won't continue and less a 'I got you last! Now let's stop so you don't get me back!' sort of thing.
BeachHeadBum wrote:
I can and will Forgive.. and if there is more of this I will take "appropriate" action from here on out.. I will not change what is written on the board to serve as a reminder that if you play a part in childish Flaming games or recording games. you will be burned.
How are you forgiving anyone? You've already admitted you were acting with malice as a forethought out of revenge. How is that forgiving anyone? (And yes I read the deleted topic from yesterday, I was replying when it was deleted). He posted a song, you rated it poorly to 'get back at him'. Now THAT seems childish!
BeachHeadBum wrote:
Should anyone try to retalliate to this. Phill/KS ADMIN will be contacted. I'm sure I will have thier cooperation in stopping retalliation action.
Cooperation of the admins to stop people retalliating against you. I assure you that the first time that anyone that points out that you are acting with revenge and they are disciplined (booted from the board, etc) I will be gone. I'm sure you'd like that but having a war of wits with an unarmed person isn't my thing. OOoooohhhh... you gonna rank my submission poorly as well? I've already put in a request for an ignore feature so I don't have to see your mindless unprofessional drivel anymore. I wonder how many other people will click the 'ignore BHB FOREVER' button?
BeachHeadBum wrote:
That is all I have to say.
Really? I have even money that says you'll respond to this....
BeachHeadBum wrote:
Now grow up kids.
Grow up indeed. For someone trying to break into the music business you're already acting like a spoiled brat.
BTW, I am grown up. I don't needlessly attack people because I don't like what they have to say. I also don't use revenge as a motivator - it's unprofessional, childish, lacks true intelligence, and is often unfruitful.
And in case you're wondering, I don't always agree with Allstar, as a matter of fact, I often think that he's a little 'over the top'. I've seen his push the limits pretty hard but not outright cross the line (yet). You on the other hand...