Well Allstar, you have tinkled me off a time or four but I am way over it, and I loved your sub tonight......I don't remember that accent being so strong the day I spoke with you on the telephone,
....but it sure was nice in that song. Kiss him Wannabe for singing that great Crystal song for us, ok?
Let me also say that I have all those old recordings of mine in a folder and when I listen to them now, I feel alittle sick and develop a mad desire to run em all thru cep to try to fix all that stuff you tried to tell me about,
...but they suck so bad cep can't even fix em....Now, let me thank you again publicly, "OH GREAT ONE" for giving me this
contageous disease I call "MIX SICKNESS"....
Near as I can figure the symptoms begin as a feverish desire to submit everything you ever sang, hummed, or whistled, no matter how bad it is....
Phase two seems to be 2 weeks of defending how you just do this for fun and who cares what it sounds like, just so you sub that limit you paid good money for...
Phase three is when you discover the actual knowledge in the forums, actually make some friends and begin to ask questions and actually learn (or try to) how this is done. (wow that's alot of actuallys)
Phase four is when everything you sing and mix sounds not quite right or good enough somehow and you gotta have other folks listen to it before you post it to make sure you don't get tooooooooooo embarrassed...Near as I can figure these phase four symptoms last indefinately and this remains an incurable disease...coupled with a strong additon to sub-listening which also grows stronger by the day causing lack of sleep and larger piles of laundry and dishes and other assorted "put off" chores.
Lucky for us we have this little singing hospital here called SS where we all can hang out and work on all our problems and solutions and get forum therapy and music therapy with many many new wonderful friends offering loving support....
Allstar, did Wannabe give you "extra nice" lessons or what's up with you?
...I love the new you....