cueball wrote:
OK... most of what I read in there is repetitious stuff, and some of it, I don't even understand what they're saying. What it looks like to me is, SC is still suing Expressway Music (Dave Zwirsky), but it sounds like Dave had counter-sued them. I remember that SC hit several KJs (as a business and as individuals) in NY almost 2 years ago, and I never heard anything more of it. I live in NY, and knew a good chunk of the names they had listed back then, and Expressway Music was one of them. As for others that were named in SC's lawsuits 2 years ago, as far as I know, they're still in business, and operating as if nothing ever happened.
I'm not going to make a substantive comment on that case, but just so you understand procedurally what has happened...
SC sued Expressway Music (among others). Because of some issues with the law firm handling it--specifically, with APS not paying the attorney as required by APS's contract with SC--Expressway was voluntarily dismissed along with other defendants, without prejudice.
Not content to wait to be sued again, Expressway filed a declaratory judgment lawsuit (as is its right) seeking a declaration from the court that they did not commit acts of trademark infringement and unfair competition.
SC answered the complaint and has filed counterclaims that amount to the same claims that it voluntarily dismissed before.