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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 7:50 pm 
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tigger wrote:
Well, then you're more evolved than me, R-Roo (not trying to be sarcastic, girl you know I love ya). It all does matter to me. I don't feel good being around so much unfairness and dishonesty.

I think it is very easy to tell the difference between something that is good and something that just plain sucks....and if people want to keep saying that big ole ugly emperor's nekkid body is covered in beautiful angel clothes, I can't stop them.

And it is insanity for me to keep participating in something that causes me such distress. I need to go out and sing live so I can feel better. Cuz right now, if everyone at this site truly thinks my subs are worse than some I've heard, I can't deal.

Give the emporer my best. Tell him he needs to wax his a$$$$$!!!!!!

Hey! I totally respect you for speaking out! I am glad that it matters that you want to improve and make yourself better!

I hope that you truly find what you are looking for!

I wish you the best of luck girl! I will be there for you if you ever need me, and I truly mean that :) HUGS!

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 8:40 pm 
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Tigger.. I don't rate, OR offer advice on submissions, NOT ONCE (ok, once, but it backfired:). BUT, I WILL tell you, that you ARE better than a lot of people... BUT those other people don't care, and are subbing for fun.

Yes, it easy to tell the difference between something that is good, and something that "just plain sucks".... BUT, what is really good to YOU, may NOT (and probably not, I have odd tastes) be the same as what I think is excellent. And something that just plains sucks TO you, could be orginal, unique and GREAT for me. Not everyone agrees.

I must be missing something, I REALLY don't know what you are looking for here.. I don'r see anything unfair or dishonest, in supporting someone who really enjoys singing etc. I am sorry that you it causes you distress... I wish it didn't.. and wish the whole thing could be as fun for you, as it is for me, and for people like Ritisroo, etc.

(and Roo, Lol, i know what you mean, I KNOW where EVERY ONE one of pitchy spots are... i jsut dont fix them. before I moved, it was out of lazyness, now it it is lack of time/patient neighbors... I can honestly say, that I am NOT looking for vocal critique (my recordings are another story though:), I sound how I sound, and don' care enough to change it. I have good days and bad days, but have been singing all my life, and have always sounded the same, practice or not....I also have NO DESIRE whatsoever to ever "make it", as a singer. I guess thats what makes the site fun for me:) People understand that, and accept me, as I am (and as I sing:)

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:05 pm 
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To me, it comes down to a very simple philosphy.

A TEN is perfection. Something rarely attained, but you might have a song within you that is the best you've done yet.

A NINE is very, VERY good. (and we can go on down the line. I'll spare you that pain! LOL!) The WHOLE Point is, I TOO have heard people whose songs are ranked on the TOP (that means THE BEST) and I'm going, "WHAT are you people ON when you listen to them?" Being kind is one thing, but when you know for a fact that a song you've done blows that song away, and you only get a 8.5, it DOES tend to irk ya!!

Don't get me wrong... If I get a SEVEN, I'm tickled pink... IF I feel the comments made were genuine. If I get an EIGHT, even better, and my tickle value goes up.

But when I get a 9.8 out of ten on a song I KNOW I was just okay on, no matter how difficult a song it is (or how impressive it is that I can reach that high note), I still think a song should be taken at face value. When you hear off key notes, the perfection value drops...

TELL me about the great spots... but be honest!

"Matt, man you hit a couple of good notes... but you were off key on some others." In a situation like I've described, having an 8.5 on a sub is wonderous. "I'd have loved to have given you a ten! Ten for effort! Ten for energy... work on your accuracy a bit more, and you'll get that ten!"

I wonder if some of us are just wondering WHEN someone is going to be so blatantly honest. Brian (BHB) was, and you know, I may not have agreed completely with his analysis, but I LOVED the review. It's my favorite of all the ones I've ever gotten, because he took the time to truly analyze the song, and my performance. Do I feel he was a BIT harsh? Maybe, but it was VERY honest, and I love the guy for it!

Thanks BHB! You made my day with that review!

Not saying others haven't been sincere, it's just that when he gave me that seven, he told me EXACTLY why! And I can respect that.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:19 pm 
matt I tell you that you suck all the time and you never look happy when I say it... -tig

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:30 pm 
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I know you can take it.. some here couldn't take a truely honest review... I'm getting pm's with both barrel's blazing from Allstar because I call it like I see it.. Well children, I really don't give a rat's @**... The admin will let it slide til it disrupts the board or offends someone so bad til they HAVE to do something about it.

Matt... The review was my pleasure and I would do it again anytime... Now if anybody else would like thier sub to be disected like a stiff in a coroner's office and left to rot in the morgue of karaoke cover music...
(I appologise I couldn't resist...) :lol: :P :twisted:

Let me know... Except allatar I refuse to play your childish games. You need to earn a little respect first...

Brian D.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:44 pm 
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Tigrr27 wrote:
matt I tell you that you suck all the time and you never look happy when I say it... -tig

BeachHeadBum wrote:
I know you can take it.. some here couldn't take a truely honest review...

Matt... The review was my pleasure and I would do it again anytime...
thanks again buddy!! I appreciate it.

I guess the thing that gets to me the most is that when people go to the top ranked songs, they should be listenin' to THE BEST, not just our buddies! That's where this site makes it's money!

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 10:14 pm 
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I guess a lot of the problem boils down to people's perceptions of the site and what it's all about.....

Showcase - a setting, occasion, or medium for exhibiting something or someone especially in an attractive or favorable aspect.

There's nothing on the frontpage to say that you must give (and will receive) honest critiques of submissions, there's a note in the FAQs to remind people that they are liable to get comments that they don't like, but I'm betting the majority of peeps rarely (if ever) go and read the FAQs. My guess is that newbies listen to a few subs, read the (sometimes fluffy) comments and go sub without even THINKING of reading them.

Some will feel a 10 is warrented simply because the submitter had the guts to put their singing on the www.

Some will feel a 10 is only warrented by the absolute cream of the singers here.

Everyone will have their own opinions as to which of those statements is correct. But opinions are simply opinions, it doesn't make one person right or wrong.

There's no way to solve this "problem"... I guess if you want a full critique, the only way to get it is to ask for it.


Last edited by Atomic on Tue Oct 19, 2004 10:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 10:14 pm 
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Tig and Matt, so right on! Tigrr, your humor kills me.....getting major comic relief here from you guys (incl. Brian)!!!

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 10:16 pm 
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The big deal is these people get a few songs in the top 10 and lock out the songs from being ranked so they can stay there in fear they are going to be "Revenge Ranked" If they are really that good.. well let me rank them.. I'll rank them honestly..

I felt I gave you an honest review... And I would trust you would do the same.

It's really bad that not very many others would share that same trust here..

Brian D.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 10:18 pm 
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Unfortunately I'm very serious... :o :x
I just don't sing that way on this site... very often.. but I don't take prisoners when I mix... Unless you are surrendering??? :P

Brian D.

Last edited by BeachHeadBum on Tue Oct 19, 2004 10:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 10:19 pm 
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knightshow wrote:
I guess the thing that gets to me the most is that when people go to the top ranked songs, they should be listenin' to THE BEST, not just our buddies! That's where this site makes it's money!

Sorry Knightshow, I have to disagree with the last part of that statement....

If people just want to hear great singers, they'll buy records.

I'm betting that most of the people submitting here originally came because their buddies told them about the site, or came to listen to one of their buddies' singing, and stayed to sub themselves, then became paying members. Friends' recommendations go a long way in this day and age....

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 10:25 pm 
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I honestly believe that they came here because it's alot better run than the rest.. it's not as tainted as the others.. and the rules (atleast most of them) are upheld to keep the place safe enough to keep the people wanna stay around.. and the site is upgraded enough to keep pace with the other music sites on the internet .. also it's one of the few sites around that still allows Karaoke tracks on it. or covers at all for that matter. :wink:

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Brian D.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 10:29 pm 
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Brian, what do you mean when you say they're trying to avoid revenge rating? Because someone wants revenge from before, or someone wants to knock them down off their 10 pedestal?

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 10:38 pm 
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they would lock down thier songs in fear that they would be rated down to avoid someone knocking them out of the top 10 out of spite.. because they are there and someone thinks they are in a "Clique".

when in all reality the person probably was given 10's and the person singing the sub probably deserves maybe an 8 to a 7 and really can't handle a reality check after getting 6 to 9 - 10's in a row... and ego inflating comments...

That is really the contraversey... nobody is ready to admit that part yet.

That is another reason why alot don't want thier songs rated..

I just don't do the ratings tings becaust I know my subs are for fun.. occasionally I do when I want to get a pulse in how people are rating the songs.. and how "honest" they are... I know where my songs stand.

Brian D.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 10:43 pm 
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Gilly, thank you for the affirmation about my singing.

As for all the people on here who truly "don't care", and only sub here cuz it's "fun", sorry girl I don't buy that. Maybe a few far and between don't care cuz they don't have a fully functioning psyche and therefore don't feel anything, but most of us here are human (I think) and care an awful damn lot about how their subs sound and what every person thinks about it. Otherwise, they wouldn't try to do their best, they'd just record their bodily functions, or their cat when it's in heat, and submit those (which'd prolly get a 10 for the pitch, timing, emotion, and mix); and they wouldn't choose to be ranked, and they damn sure wouldn't read their sub comments.

Why are so many people so insistent about "not caring" what people think, and everything being just for "fun"? There is nothing wrong with having feelings, real feelings that can be uplifted and that can be hurt. I'm just not buying that that many people don't care what others think here.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 10:47 pm 
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tigger why is it so important about these rankings...as ive been reading all through this ive been thinking what does this lassie expect???? tigger i never rate, i have listened to quite a few of your subs and ive been honest if ive enjoyed it...so does that make me wrong to even comment cause i am not picking what i feel are the low points of your sub....christ lassie if i did that not only would it not make me feel great because i am NOT QUALIFIED to make judgement it would go against my beliefs that it takes courage and bottle to sing and sub....tigger as i said to you which you didn't reply to...is if you are THAT desperate for improvement in your vocal abilities pay for a professional tutor.......no offence here girly but you are just the type of person that makes me not want to comment on your subs because if ive taken the time to listen pick the nice points i like about your sub which all in all you get 5 mins apprx of my time each sub, when in actual fact your still not happy because you have not been given a honest critique or believe you havent...then why should people bother commenting at all??? and i do think tigger on a final note you were rather rude to luly which wasnt necessary sweetheart ....we were all just making time to try and make you feel better and more comfortable around the site!

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 10:54 pm 
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I didn't know you could "lock out" your rankings after you received some! that's interesting, if not very unfair. once you make it rankable, for better or worse, that's the way it should stay.

and yes, I do think it's sad. I think some people are worried that we'll all become Simon and just rip each other apart. Something I know just isn't going to happen.

I PERSONALLY wish that the ranking would stick with each post, kinda like you did on my review, Brian. When you gave a SEVEN, you said, "here's why." I wish the site was set up for just that exact reason. Have a special link that opens when you give the song a ranking that says "Explain why you have ranked this song."

I guess it is already, IF we chose to do so.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 10:59 pm 
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I have music out in the industry.. I have the luxury of getting it reviewed on other sites where it really counts.. I can understand it Here for you folks where it should be more important for those numbers to be honest and sincere... but I just don't buy the numbers of "10's that grow on trees." In my honest opinion... There maybe should be only 3-4 singers with 10's as an average. Not 12 or so.

Brian D.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 11:01 pm 
LOL tigger you crack me up too hun... the cat in heat recording getting a perfect 10 made me spit pop out my nose... take a prozac and be happy like the rest of us I guess... the truth is that ratings and ranking mean about as much as you let them... some people HAVE to have them... Brian has made some very good points on this topic... matt has made excellent points on this... what it comes down to hun is that you have seen the light and, as much as it might hurt or suck, there isn't a single thing you can do to change the minds of some of the members here... when you read any comments on your subs you now know what is fluff and smoke and what is a critique meant to help you improve upon yourself... that is why I have only commented on 9 songs, I think because if I truely said my thoughts on it I would be firebombed as Brian has been... truth is truely in the ear of the listener... let it go tigger-san... - michael

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 11:05 pm 
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Atomic wrote:
Sorry Knightshow, I have to disagree with the last part of that statement....

If people just want to hear great singers, they'll buy records.

I'm betting that most of the people submitting here originally came because their buddies told them about the site, or came to listen to one of their buddies' singing, and stayed to sub themselves, then became paying members. Friends' recommendations go a long way in this day and age....
and in an UNRATED system, I'd have ZERO problems with this. You're right though, we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

IF you're going to have a rated system, make it fair! I mean, the longer this conversation goes on, the more it grates on my last ever lovin' nerve that some of the horrendous singing I've heard is a "top" song on here. And like Tigrr pointed out, when you see SIMILAR comments from those same reviewers that review your OWN song and say the same thing, it gets to the point where I tend to disregard what some of those people are saying.

* To me, the MIX IS important. not having the vocals drowned out, or worse yet, where the vocals are much more powerful than the background music.
* The singer's ability to sing IN KEY and consistantly so IS important. Like in contests, the original Star Search or any type of rated event, such as olympics or whatever, you get dinged a tenth of a point for every "mistake"... Eventually it takes a Ten into a Nine POINT Seven!

We're all here for each other. Of that I'm absolutely certain. I won't disagree with you on that. But this site shouldn't be for the "buddies" to just forgive serious errors in performance and shrug it off and say "awww, but they really MEANT it! I loved their energy!"...

If that's truly the case, then I would SINCERELY ask that those type of reviewers NOT rate the singers.

If we're going to have a rating system, I would ask that it be a fair and (try to be) impartial one.

Otherwise, I can get all kinds of friends to come and give me tens! But that's not what I'm interested in.

I TRULY want the "Top Songs" to be REALLY the Best songs we have to offer here!!

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