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Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 1:10 pm |
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Joined: Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:50 am Posts: 514 Location: Scotland UK Been Liked: 1 time
why do people need to jibe at others???? why do people need to start threads having jabs at others because they do not agree with that person??? why do people take peoples written word and twist it to suit themselves?? why do people feel they are being attacked and always having to defend themselves when they offer input into threads?? why do people not understand that written word is not like talking with a person face to face you cannot see a persons body language or tone of voice??? why is it some people use sarcasm instead of offering straight honest opinions??? why do some people believe their ideas are the right ideas and then when others do not agree use sarcasm to try and offend or continue pushing their point of view??? why are people quick to point faults out when they have done the same themselves...hypocritical behaviour???
I DO NOT expect all those questions to be answered these are just a few of my observations, i believe the answer to be TOLERANCE, UNDERSTANDING and ACCEPTANCE of peoples views even though you may not agree with them.
On this site there are people from around the globe all with different cultures and beliefs, but i do feel that there are a few who frequent the forums who thrive on causing conflict and use peoples comments in an adverse way to get peoples reaction....perhaps this may be there kind of humour or pehaps they are just looking for conflict and ill feeling etc because that is the type of person they are...or perhaps its just part of their culture and way of life....i do not have the answer.
People have different personalities some are more sensitive than others and can get easily offended i do think when a person types a post or a thread that EVERYONE should try their hardest to answer the question or help without trying to upset or patronise.
I believe that if people wish to get personal or you want to thrash out arguments then use the private messege...do not belittle a person in sarcastic ways in such a public forum use the pm.
Respect and be respected has always been my motto in life!!! the world is a big place with so much conflict lets not bring the conflict to these forums which are meant to make a person feel part of a community where you can air your views freely and debate these points without the need for jabbing or sarcasm. Eventually conflict will just make people move away and then the only people left on the forums will be the small minority who enjoy the conflict, everyone else will just move on.
POINT IN FACT : If you observe as i have you will notice the same names come up every time there is any conflict or jabbing....does this not say something to you???
I would now after this like to once again take the time to say....i have arrived from one hell hole, this place is the tops compared and overall other than a few little jibes at me i have and will hopefully continue to be happy here....i began using the forum as a way to get to know people while i was listening to their talents as well as recieving help should i need it, and that is what i thought the forum was about, also a place where you can have fun and share your interests in music/singing.
In this thread my intentions are not to offend or upset anyone just to point out that everyone is different and that this is a forum for a singing site not for personal attacks.
These are MY observations i DO NOT expect people to agree with me on the points, but i DO NOT expect to be attacked for this thread either 
Genise XXXX
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Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 1:37 pm |
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Joined: Fri Mar 14, 2003 11:48 am Posts: 1596 Been Liked: 0 time
I think each person's experience on a site is gonna differ from another.. like you mentioned... there are people from all over the globe here and some people's way of saying things might be somewhat harsh... but they do have a right to say it! You said you came from one "hell hole" ... but I will tell you that, that "hell hole" was a pretty cool place! But that is just MY personal experience and I know other's that don't share it because of experiences they had! Those experiences could be easy had here as well.. as it is the people who make or break a site. I think having discussion forums is a good thing and everyone should be able to express an opinion.... just as tigrr did.... and Jazzy had every right to respond the way she did to his post! Feelings are feelings... right or wrong they exist... sometimes they are not logical.... but they are real to that person! I did notice that the board got real interesting and quite a few people were logged on.... so people do enjoy the "drama"... but I think it's to be expected anywhere you go.... people are gonna disagree differently... some use heavy sarcasm... it's just their way.... I am guilty of that myself! Sometimes I will post something and think OMG!!  I wish I could delete THAT! OR... I'll water down a statement so much I feel like a sap....  ehem.... now I'm gonna regret saying THAT ... oh shoot... I better go do the dishes!!! 
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Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 2:15 pm |
Joined: Sun Aug 01, 2004 6:56 am Posts: 1373 Location: Pensacola, Florida Been Liked: 0 time
There was a time when communications took weeks or months to get between people. President Lincoln would often sit and write scathing letters only to tear them up and write an entirely different letter once he considered his words and the point of view of the other person.
In this modern society where information and ideas travel around the world in a matter of milliseconds it's extremely easy to write what you feel at the moment without considering the content or the consequences. Yes, consequences. The impact to others' feelings. We often forget that we are dealing with many different cultures with many different viewpoints and beliefs. While we Americans are watching the job interviews, er, Presidential Debates, many others around the world could care less about the fanfare - and only mildly curious about the final result.
I am guilty of using sarcasm to make a point, sometimes in the extreme. While I have my own viewpoints on what is right, wrong, or otherwise I am generally middle of the road and very easy going (I'm considered Libertarian - that should explain a lot!). I generally try to aim my sarcasm at those that are prepared for it but occasionally end up with it directed at those that may not be prepared for it, and/or understand it completely because of cultural differences.
If I was to turn in my singing 'Come Sail Away' by Styx as though I was singing like Eric Cartman (from the 'Chef Aid' episode) many outside the US (and many within) would have no idea I was trying to sound like a character from South Park.
I don't expect anyone's viewpoints to change, nor do I expect the sarcasm and other 'events' to stop. I do ask that we try to consider the possibility that it won't be taken the same way by those from other cultures.
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Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 2:40 pm |
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Joined: Mon Jul 14, 2003 12:52 am Posts: 305 Been Liked: 0 time
Hey Genise.. Heck NO.. you have no reason to be flamed for what you are saying. I'm sure most people would agree with you and wish that these things wouldn't happen. I'm one of them 
The problem is, just as you and others are saying, is that these things will always happen BECAUSE of the fact that we are so different and human, and not in SPITE of it.
Because we are different, I guess we are always going to get the difference of not only the obvious opinions, but styles of voicing them, our sense of what is right/wrong, our varying degrees of sensitivity, differing senses of humour.. and on and on. These things will make it impossible unfortunately for these things not to happen.
The cool thing.. We are all pretty resiliant, and after a little more communication, we are usually able to resolve whatever misunderstandings we have or at the very least agree to disagree and hopefully find a way to be cool with that. (that doesn't always happen of course, but for the most part I think it does)
I'll use what happened with me as an example.. I got offended that Tig chose to air his feelings about the bickering over ratings and comments in the thread I started to talk about my little idea. Why? honestly I was offput by the biting sarcasm I thought wasn't provoked (difference in style), and felt like it was attacking me I guess because it was put in that thread that in my opinion had nothing to do with it(difference in what we deem fair right/wrong and opinion). That coupled with me being a supersensitive person led us to clash and have a little "moment" That coupled with some comments afterwards about people being able to express their opinions and the like felt like jabs at me for reacting the way I did and that people were basically telling me I was wrong for feeling that way.
The truth is, that whether or not I agree with him posting what he did where he did, he was merely being true to himself and I being true to myself, and there was enough that clashed there to make for a misunderstanding and bad feelings..
As I said though.. we are resiliant, and I don't know if he harbours any resentment towards me, but I'll say that I'm over it and have none towards him. I have analyzed the situation and calmed down about it, and have just come to the conclusion that his comments just caught me off guard and I was being overly sensitive. Do I still wish he hadn't brought that stuff up in there.. Yes.. but do I think he was wrong.. No.. he just had a differing way of dealing with things than I do.
I've since apologized for my reactions.. tho some people may say I shouldn't have because I was just as justified in my opinions (as deep down I know I was.. we all are) but this is a part of our personal style of dealing again.. I'm just one of those people who likes to heal situations, and I truly did feel sorry for being so sensitive as it seeemd that the majority of people thought I was overreacting..
So as long as we have such diffences in all these variables, we will always have little misunderstandings or clashes from time to time, but we can always learn something from them and hopefully move past them quickly..
As much as I don't like the tension, I do realize that this process we go through is just a part of the human experience and growth, and I try to embrace it, even if I get pissed off sometimes ..
That's it for my anatomy of the Singers Showcase forum anlysis 
I still luv all you goobers even if you are fighting with me 
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Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 5:45 am |
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Joined: Mon Jun 21, 2004 5:56 am Posts: 163 Been Liked: 0 time
JazzyBaggz wrote
Quote: I've since apologized for my reactions.. tho some people may say I shouldn't have because I was just as justified in my opinions (as deep down I know I was.. we all are) but this is a part of our personal style of dealing again.. I'm just one of those people who likes to heal situations, and I truly did feel sorry for being so sensitive as it seeemd that the majority of people thought I was overreacting.. I don't think you have to apologize for voicing your opinion or being sensitive. You should always be true to who you are. No one can live ther entire life and avoid conflict or hurt feelings it happens to us all. Some are more sensitive than others to certain things. It isn't always easy to hear a conflicting point of view and not take it personally. We are who we are good or bad and acceptance goes both ways. You have to accept the good with the bad. MissyGG Wrote Quote: POINT IN FACT : If you observe as I have you will notice the same names come up every time there is any conflict or jabbing....does this not say something to you???
I agree with Genise here. I happen to be one of the names that always comes up in the conflicts. I'm very proud of that. I love conflict and debate and find it to be very healthy and liberating. I am not as sensitive as most and it's a fun outlet for my frustrations to debate with other intelligent people. That's what I get from this site and I know others get other things. That's what's so great about this place we all can get someting different. I try not to insult or harm people by voicing my opinions but sometimes I do. Does that mean I should keep my feelings to myself??? I hope not.
_________________ Too soon old......too late smart.
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Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 9:08 am |
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Joined: Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:50 am Posts: 514 Location: Scotland UK Been Liked: 1 time
if your comments are meant to hurt, belittle or patronise another member then yes wannabe you should keep your feelings to yourself or take it to pm...i have not however been aware of that and you do not strike me as a person that would want to attack someone in such a way...debate is good jabbing and back biting is not good. I believe its more adult to debate and yes disagree if you want to but the bitings and levels of sarcasm aimed at certain people by certain individuals is quite offensive...but then that takes me back to the original post....i.e the difference in people.
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Phill Cross
Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 9:48 am |
Joined: Sun Jul 01, 2001 4:00 am Posts: 2807 Images: 36 Location: Anaheim, Orange County, CA Been Liked: 122 times
Wow - I have read this topic and re-read it to be certain that I was getting it (IMHO) correct.
Now first let me say, that I too am guilty, if you will, of using sarcasim, many times over. This is just my way. I do not mean to directly insult a person, although I know that I have at times. Do forgive me, just accept me!
karaokemeister - FYI - I also consider myself a Libertarian , but I digress, this isn't a political debate. On the issue at hand, I can agree with you.
JazzyBaggs - I also understand and agree with what you are saying.
Sheraokee - I think that you brought up some very valid points and agree with you too.
MissyGG - I will not even attempt to remark to all your different statements, but I have read and agree with you as well.
wannabe - Well put, I believe that we all would agree with you that you are free to make your feelings known. I haven't witnessed you directly attack anyone. {With the exception of AllStar - but he's yours to abuse as you see fit!}
How can I agree with everyone here? It is simple I believe! We are all in agreement that we are human beings with feelings. These felings cause each of us to react in our own ways. There is absolutely nothing wrong about that. However, if I do see where someone has stepped over the boundaries - I will remove or edit the post.
I like the fact that you folks enjoy the forums and the rest of the site. It is an honor for me to be associated with you people. I will do my best to provide you with as much "freedom" to express yourselves as possible.
Also, I generally am impressed by the information that is shared and the friendships that are established & maintained via this site.
Now if you "Crybabies" will stop whinning, may we get back to the real issues! <-- sarcasim!
I had to do it!
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Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 9:34 pm |
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Joined: Sat Jan 31, 2004 1:37 pm Posts: 881 Location: Taos, NM Been Liked: 0 time
_________________ Brian D.
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Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 5:06 am |
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Joined: Sun Sep 26, 2004 11:17 am Posts: 6 Been Liked: 0 time
I agree with GG, but will add
Once think may have upset someone because I was not careful with my words the comment was given in a light hearted way and was not in anyway meant to criticize the person, I was referring to another situation.
I sent a PM explaining after I though offence had been taken and I got no reply, the person has since started posting again so I hope alls well with that person. I can assure everyone I have not got a malicious bone in my body I’m Cheeky at time but that’s part of my humour please accept it I like all of you that I have got to know so far including the said person
I think its the language I have probs with  .
100% agree, that the written word can be dangerous its not like talking and getting responses then able to back peddle a bit and re-phrase etc.
you can read posts back later and go S**t I didn’t mean to say how that came out,
There are people who are a bit defensive, so if I have a joke with you IT IS A JOKE and I’m being friendly not critical, and PM me if you think I’ve gone too far I don’t want to fall out with any of you.
We cannot become ROBOTS on this site is the mix of people that make it interesting ITS GOOD TO TALK, to coin a phrase from the UK so don’t let any misunderstandings fester we don’t want to "Divorce" each over here do we?
This my first post after my Hi message I hope not to have to join this debate again in a hurry Geeeeeeeeeeees lets get on folks, and REAL nastie’s go somewhere else please.
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Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 11:15 am |
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Joined: Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:50 am Posts: 514 Location: Scotland UK Been Liked: 1 time
beachbum head....hmmm i reakon i got more of the high pitched sound for that song than you have sweetie...i might just record that now ya given me the idea and will be my first dedication to ya...how special is that  thanks for the idea 
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Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 5:48 pm |
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Joined: Sat Jan 31, 2004 1:37 pm Posts: 881 Location: Taos, NM Been Liked: 0 time
missy.. I'm saving the squealy ones for when I need to use the rubber bands to sing... and you have never heard me sing Paula or Britney yet.. 
_________________ Brian D.
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